Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1141: : Secret Patient

Obviously, the patient to be visited is not in the auditorium, but in a nursing home near the outskirts of Hanoi.

Therefore, this matter, I am afraid that only the big man or some related people know. As for foreign countries, it may be that some spies have received this information.

Ye Chen, Heqi Mingna, the five people followed the official out of the back door of the auditorium and went outside. They had already seen two Mercedes-Benz cars waiting there.

It can be seen that this should be the official car of a senior official of the Vietnamese government.

Ye Chen, Heqi Mingna, Takeda Jiro, the three of them got into a Mercedes-Benz car, and Li Yinzheng and Pu Jifan got into another Mercedes-Benz car.

In the car that Ye Chen made, except for the special driver's eyes, the eyes looked sharp, and the whole person gave a military posture. Ye Chen guessed that this should be the senior guard or bodyguard of the Vietnamese government.

There was no one else in the passenger seat, but Ye Chen didn’t know that the special car driver could not understand Chinese. Therefore, when he was in the car, he didn’t communicate with He Qiming, he just looked at the car. Outside the window.

This Mercedes-Benz car followed the previous Mercedes-Benz car. About half an hour later, it had arrived not far from the outskirts of Hanoi. There were mountains and rivers here. Obviously, it was a very good place.

At the door, Ye Chen saw a sign that said Vietnamese. He couldn't understand what it meant. Outside the door, there were soldiers in Vietnamese uniforms standing guard.

The driver on the Mercedes-Benz took out his identity certificate, and after checking his identity, he put two cars in. When he entered inside, Ye Chen found that it was very quiet. Except for the sounds of birds and the rustling of leaves, he hardly heard other sounds.

Of course, when he entered inside, he felt a different climate from the outside, which gave people a very cool feeling.

When two Mercedes Benz cars stopped in a three-story blue-and-white French building, Ye Chen opened the car door and came out from the inside to see more clearly.

He has never been to those domestic nursing homes for cadres. However, when he treated Mr. Wang and the others at the General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region, he heard them say that the environment there is similar to the environment here.

It can be said that the nursing homes for senior cadres here in Vietnam are also imitating China.

However, Ye Chen stood there and did not dare to walk around, because besides seeing doctors and female nurses in white lab coats or nurse uniforms passing by, he also felt that many people around him were staring. Against them.

Those who stare at them all have weapons in their hands.

Although Vietnam and China fought, they all lost in the end. However, he has beaten France and the United States, so the Vietnamese soldiers cannot be underestimated.

The fierceness of the Vietnamese soldiers, especially in the mountains and forests, they are still ahead of the world.

The official of the Mercedes-Benz in front said, "Hello, I can speak Chinese and English, but I don't understand Japanese and Korean. So, if you have any questions, you can communicate with me in Chinese and English."

It can be seen that the other party is still a multilingual official.

As for Ye Chen and He Qiming, both can speak Chinese. Ye Chen is not very familiar with English. Jiro Takeda was originally a high-achieving student, and he is also an heir to a Japanese medical family. As for Li Yinzheng and Park Kibeom, apart from their classmates being good at Chinese medicine, they also know English well.

Since this is the case, this official does not need to be equipped with other translators, and can communicate with people like Ye Chen at any time.

"To tell you the truth, the patient you want to see is not an ordinary person, but the highest chief of Vietnam." The other party said.

"Excuse me, what is your name?" Ye Chen asked.

After leaving the auditorium, Ye Chen still doesn't know his name.

"My name is Ruan and I am a secretary. You can call me Secretary Ruan." The other party looked at Ye Chen and smiled.

Secretary Ruan looked very mysterious. He didn't even say his name. He was also dressed in a suit and gold glasses. He was about forty years old and looked gentle. However, the other party's eyes at that moment looked very sharp.

What does this show?

It shows that the opponent has been trained for a long time, or staying in a high position for a long time, will have such sharp eyes, and may even kill a lot of people.

Seeing him, Ye Chen was just like seeing Sun Yaowen, who was gentle on the outside in Shanghai.

The two seem to be very gentle, but they are not as simple as they seem to be.

Five people followed Secretary Ruan, from the stairs on the first floor to a room in the north of the second floor. Came to the door of that room and knocked gently on the door.

Soon, a woman in a nurse's uniform and a mask opened the door. When I saw Secretary Ruan, he said in Vietnamese: "Secretary Ruan, you are here."

"Head Nguyen, how are you now?" the other party also asked in Vietnamese.

"It's getting worse." The female nurse said in Vietnamese.

At this time, hearing this was the case, he hurriedly let the five Ye Chen in, and they smelled an unpleasant odor as soon as they entered.

After closing the door of the outside room, Ye Chen found that the air conditioner had already been installed inside, so there was a very suitable temperature inside.

As for the inside of the room, it looks similar in all respects to the senior ward of a major domestic hospital.

Ye Chen followed Secretary Ruan to a separate ward inside, and saw a person lying on the bed, who should be more than 70 years old.

It's just that, just entering inside, in addition to smelling the unpleasant potion smell, mixed with other unpleasant smells. No wonder, when they saw this female nurse, they saw that the other party was wearing a mask all the time and did not remove the mask.

Secretary Ruan’s expression was still normal, as if he didn’t smell the smell. When he came to the chief, he saw that the chief did not cover the quilt exposed, including the head, neck, and feet, all of which appeared serious. rot.

As for the smell just now, it is these rotten parts that are emitting.

If you are outside, and there is no one to take care of this situation, you will definitely have attracted those disgusting flies. Those flies will lay eggs on these decaying wounds, and then there will be a lot of disgusting maggots. .

However, this chief obviously had someone to take care of him 24 hours a day, and he did not let in flies from outside.

Ye Chen didn't surround it first. Li Yinzheng's four people had already gathered around to look. When they saw the patient in the hospital bed, they all frowned.

After they saw it, they found that the patient's condition was definitely much more serious than the patient they encountered in Leprosy Village.

No wonder, many well-known Western doctors were not treated well, and they could only be selected through this kind of Chinese medicine.

After the four of them had finished watching, Ye Chen approached, and he also saw clearly the other's face, neck, and exposed legs.

As for the other parts of the body, Ye Chen couldn't see clearly for the time being because it was covered with a quilt.


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