Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1085: : Arriving in Hanoi

At first, the two flight attendants thought Huang Xiaowei was airsick. When they heard that it was a heart attack, they hurriedly stepped away and let Huang Xiaowei sit on the small bed.

However, even now, Huang Xiaowei still wears sunglasses and a mask, naturally because she does not want to be known by others.

Ye Chen took out the silver-white box and took out the silver needle, naturally giving Huang Xiaowei acupuncture.

Xiao Yuqing and the other two flight attendants didn't know that Ye Chen wanted acupuncture for Huang Xiaowei.

Seeing Liao Bingxue help Huang Xiaowei push away the coat, and then unbuttoned the underwear, the upper body was bare. At this time, they realized that Ye Chen was giving Huang Xiaowei acupuncture.

Before, Ye Chen had given Huang Xiaowei acupuncture and moxibustion several times. Now he is naturally familiar with it. After taking out the silver needles, one acupuncture point at a time. After six minutes, all the silver needles are pulled out. In Vietnam, buy another bottle of sterilized alcohol for sterilization.

Now Ye Chen pulled out the silver needle, put it back in the box, and said, "It's okay."

With the help of Liao Bingxue, Huang Xiaowei, who was no longer as shy as before, put on her underwear and coat. Of course, Huang Xiaowei's upper body has been seen by Ye Chen several times, and now Xiao Yuqing's flight attendants have also seen it. They all think Huang Xiaowei's skin is very good.

"Miss, your skin is so good, what kind of makeup do you usually use?" a flight attendant asked hurriedly.

"I don't use any cosmetics, it's natural." Huang Xiaowei said triumphantly.

Just after Ye Chen gave her acupuncture and moxibustion, she no longer felt the sharp tingling sensation in the precordial area, indicating that Ye Chen's acupuncture and moxibustion were really better than those western pills.

"It turns out to be natural beauty." Xiao Yuqing said.

Now that Ye Chen had read it to Huang Xiaowei, he naturally didn't stay here anymore, and it was not good for him to stay in the flight attendant lounge for a long time as a boy.

When he and Liao Bingxue were about to leave, the three stewardess asked Liao Bingxue and two daughters to stay.

Of course, when Ye Chen was about to leave, the three flight attendants Xiao Yuqing had already met Ye Chen and knew that Ye Chen was a disciple of Dean Liao, and they were flying to Vietnam to participate in the first Eastern Medical Contest.

"Ye Chen is really too young, and Chinese medicine is so good." When Ye Chen went outside, he heard Xiao Yuqing inside and four other people say.

Ye Chen went back to the economy class of the plane. When he got back there, Yang Yixian asked, "Ye Chen, there is nothing wrong with your female patient, right?"

"No, after I gave her acupuncture and moxibustion, she won't have any pain." Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen spoke briefly, Yang Yixian and Ye Jing knew that Huang Xiaowei was suffering from rheumatic heart disease.

This disease is difficult to treat not only in Western medicine, but also in Chinese medicine. These two people are very clear.

Now the plane is still flying, so Ye Chen returned to his seat and sat down, and could only continue to sit down and read the analysis book of the Book of Changes.

About an hour later, Ye Chen saw Xiao Yuqing approaching and said, "Hello passengers, you have now entered the sky above Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, and will start to descend to the airport in five minutes. Please wait patiently. "

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, Ye Chen heard the harsh sound of the plane again, and then heard waves of vibrations, and soon calmed down again.

At this time, making sure that the plane had stabilized safely, Ye Chen stood up and took his, Liao Bingxue, and Huang Xiaowei's travel bags. When he got off the plane, he had already seen Liao Bingxue and Huang Xiaowei coming.

When I was in Shanghai, in November, the temperature was already very cold, even below 10 degrees Celsius at night, so I already felt the arrival of winter in Shanghai.

However, in Vietnam, Ye Chen has just got off the plane, he found a hot and humid wind blowing, completely different from that in Shanghai, but the temperature here is more like summer night temperature.

"It's really hot enough here," Liao Bingxue said.

Ye Chen checked Vietnam's information and found that the tropical climate here has long been like this.

Liao Bingxue and Huang Xiaowei didn't know yet, they even brought a thick coat over here.

However, it doesn't matter if you bring it, just put it in your travel bag. Now Ye Chen carried a travel bag, and then helped Liao Bingxue and the two girls hold it.

When they came to the customs for inspection, Ye Chen, Liao Bingxue and the others also took out their passports and went to the customs officers in Vietnam for inspection. They learned that they were the Chinese participants who came to participate in the first Eastern Medical Contest, so naturally they did not dare to neglect. , Was taken aside very enthusiastically.

Even if Vietnam holds such a Chinese medicine competition for the first time, it still seems unfamiliar, but they still have to do what they should do.

For example, there is a large number of Vietnamese university student volunteers there, in the airport specifically to explain and lead these participating Chinese medicine personnel to stay in a fixed hotel, so that these participating members can be notified to participate in the competition in time when they stay in the hotel.

Of course, in terms of the participants' own expenses, the participants should pay for themselves.

Now Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue are following a Vietnamese woman. The other party still speaks Chinese, which makes it easy to communicate with each other.

However, when Ye Chen first saw the Vietnamese woman, he realized that there was no such thing as black, thin, short and ugly as Zhou Zidong said.

Of course, Ye Chen is also understandable. After all, this time Vietnam is holding the first Chinese Medicine Competition to represent the country’s face. These volunteer college students, no matter what, those who are black and thin, can’t do anything. Appropriate female college students with good temperament and good looks came as volunteers.

Now the other party has a regular taxi to pick them up, and Ye Chen has heard that the Vietnamese female college student surnamed Wu wants to take them to the Golden Lotus luxury hotel.

Judging from the name of this hotel, it is similar to those hotels in China, but the quality of service does not know how?

Sitting in the back seat, Ye Chen looked out of the car window and saw that the capital of Vietnam was completely different from what he had imagined. On the contrary, it was more like the information searched on the Internet, just like a relatively large town in China. .

Moreover, under the night lights, he still sees a lot of tricycles and motorcycles turning around on the street, naturally those that carry passengers.

A Vietnamese female college student surnamed Wu sitting in the passenger seat, chatting with the driver in Vietnamese, I don’t know what they are communicating with. When I learned that Ye Chen was here to participate in the Eastern Medicine Competition, the driver was still surprised. .

"Are you really here to participate in the Eastern Medical Competition?" the driver asked in very awkward Chinese.

"Not bad." Ye Chen said.

"Then when did you start studying medicine?" The taxi driver couldn't believe it. Looking at Ye Chen, he felt that Ye Chen was just a high school student.

If Liao Bingxue comes to the competition, he thinks it is still very possible.

"I have been studying since I was a child, and formally started learning Chinese medicine at the age of six. It has been 12 years since then." Ye Chen said

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