Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 793: I am not hungry 1

Just at this moment, the voices of several girls on the other road came over.

"Don't you think... Master Qilu treats girls a bit too much? Anyway, Xu Niannian is a girl, so she should be more gentle..."

"They..." As soon as Xiao Mingluo opened his mouth, the cute little man covered his mouth tightly and was dragged to hide behind a tree.

Meng Xiaonan made a silent motion, lowered his voice and said, "Hush—listen to what they are saying."

"I don't think so?" another female voice came: "For my girlfriend, how can I manage so much? If you are An Chuxia, you have been bullied, if Master Qilu politely talked to Xu Niannian Talk, this kind of boyfriend should be despised!"

"What you said seems to make sense... but Xu Niannian is really embarrassed this time. I want to go home and tell my parents to go!"

Meng Xiaonan trembled suddenly, turned his head to look at Xiao Mingluo and asked nervously, "What should I do? She is going to go out and say that this will be a big deal. Or should we stop her now?"

This time Xiao Mingluo shook his head: "No, I can stop this... How about so many eyes, can you stop them all? I hope Qilu's estimate is correct."

"But..." Meng Xiaonan asked hesitantly, "Does the Han family really have that much face?"

As soon as she finished asking, her head was poked. Xiao Mingluo smiled and said, "Not only you, but I even sweated for Qilu. But now think about it...I underestimated the Han family. . As Qilu said, just wait and see."

In the night sky of the city, there are always only a few scattered stars, not to mention that it is raining today and it is difficult to find a single star in the sky.

As soon as he walked into the hall, Jiang Yuanyuan threw the wool in his hand and ran towards the door. He picked up An Chuxia and said, "Little Chuxia! You are back! Let Mommy see what is beautiful...Huh? Yours. Where's the evening dress? Why didn't you wear it?"

An Chuxia scratched her head awkwardly and said, "In the car, I forgot to take it down."

"Oh!" Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly realized: "In such a cold day, you must change back to your own clothes after you leave your gym. What about the photos? They must be taken, right? Mommy wants to put them in the circle of friends. I really show off that I have such a beautiful baby girl..."

Han Qilu rolled his eyes and threw his coat to the waiting maid, and said, "Who is your daughter? Pay attention to the wording, she is not your daughter."

The gap between daughter and daughter-in-law is huge!

"I want you to take care?!" Jiang Yuanyuan gave Han Qilu an angry look, then turned to continue smiling and asked her for photos.

"Photo..." An Chuxia pursed her lips, feeling a little at a loss.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yuanyuan's doubts arose in her heart: "You didn't even take photos, did you?"

Han Qilu, who was stared fiercely by Jiang Yuanyuan, walked over again, took An Chuxia's hand, and pulled her to his side, and said impatiently, "Old lady, can't you be quiet? Evening dress. She didn't change it, I won't let her change it!"

"What did you just call me? Old woman... Xiaochuxia, is Mommy very old... Wait, this is not the point!" Jiang Yuanyuan took a deep breath before continuing to ask: "Who were you just now? ?Or did you not let her change?"

As soon as Han Qilu nodded, Jiang Yuanyuan stood on tiptoe and knocked **** his head.

"Ah—" This knock was quite heavy, and Han Qilu shouted in pain, "Hey! What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing? Brat! What are you doing? Why don't you let my little early summer wear an evening dress? See if I won't kill you!" Jiang Yuanyuan was full of anger, and she was still expecting Show off in your circle of friends!

Unexpectedly, it was all disturbed by the **** Han Qilu!

"Okay, okay! Don't be familiar with children, go back to the room and give me a squeeze. Today, I ran around to see the venue. After a busy day, my back is very sore." Han Liuhai walked over and rounded the field at the right time.

When Jiang Yuanyuan heard Han Liuhai's back sour, she had to leave Han Qilu temporarily, and accompanied Han Liuhai upstairs.

"It's boring." Han Qilu turned his head and glanced at her, a little embarrassed: "You should also rest early."

It was night when the whistling wind sounded from the balcony, squeezing in from outside the glass door, like a female ghost crying sternly, sounding quite scary.

An Chuxia washed and wrote a chapter of the novel, and after publishing, she lay in bed and went to sleep. At the end of the day, really, it's really tiring.

However, after lying on the bed for a while, instead of falling asleep, he sang a symphony in his stomach, and combined with the sound of the wind, there was a hint of funnyness.

"So hungry..." She touched her stomach, only then did she remember that she hadn't eaten dinner yet.

At first, I patronized Han Qilu with food, thinking that she could make a bowl of instant noodles after it was delivered. But then she went to the basketball club to change clothes, and later, she went straight back to the class.

Later, I thought there would be something to eat during the evening event, but I didn't expect to drink in addition to the drink!

The hunger came like a wave, and she was almost breathless. The feeling of hunger when you suddenly calm down is like a stomach piercing.

"No!" An Chuxia sat up abruptly, touched the phone next to his pillow to turn on the screen of the phone, wore slippers, and said to himself: "Go find something to eat!"

If she didn't eat something to cushion her belly, she was really afraid that she would be so hungry that her stomach would be perforated! This is no joke!

She walked to the door and opened it. She glanced left and right. The corridor was empty. She then left the door and walked down the stairs feeling the darkness.

Don't wake Mommy and them, it will be a sin if it affects their rest.

Thinking about this, she was more light-handed, finally stepped down the stairs and recognized the location of the kitchen in the dark, but kicked the wooden stool used as a decoration.

"Hiss—" She took a breath, knelt down and kneaded for a long time before the pain disappeared.

When she came to the kitchen, she didn't dare to turn on the light. If she was found by the maid, she would be embarrassed.

"There must be rice in the rice cooker..." She happily walked to the table of the electric rice cooker, reached out and opened the rice cooker: "Ah? It's empty... how could it be empty..."

Isn't Jiang Yuanyuan not eating at home tonight?

Forget it, it's not in the rice cooker, there must be food in the refrigerator!

With the faint light of the phone screen, she came to the huge refrigerator and opened the fresh-keeping floor.

"Ah...Why is it still empty?!" She couldn't help but sighed. Except for a lonely egg, it was all Jiaduobao!

In her eyes, the gorgeous Jiaduobao was a butcher knife to kill her!

Immediately afterwards, she searched for other places, and there was really nothing to eat!

Heavenly reason! Where is the law of heaven? ! A big kitchen, a kitchen about the same size as her previous home, there was nothing to eat!

"Is want to fry that egg?" She lowered her head and touched her groaning belly. Even if the fried egg won't wake others to sleep, one egg might not be enough to cushion her belly.

"What are you doing?" A dull voice sounded. She was taken aback. Just as she was about to shout, her mouth was covered by someone. The familiar smell on Han Qilu's body turned to the tip of her nose, and she immediately settled. Mind.

"It's me." Han Qilu let go of the hand covering her mouth and put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's you... why don't you have a sound when you walk?" She muttered, and removed Han Qilu's hand on her shoulder. "What are you doing here? Did I wake you up?"

"No." Han Qilu raised his wrist. The night vision meter showed that it was past 11 o'clock. He looked up and looked at her and asked again: "I'm not going to bed at this late hour, what are you doing here?"

Isn't it because you didn't buy food for yourself, so you have to come down to buy food in the middle of the night? An Chuxia said so in her heart.

He said, "It's just coming down to drink water. Why are you coming down so late if you haven't gone to bed?"

"Drink water." Han Qilu said, raising the empty glass in his left hand, then looking at her, and asking suspiciously: "You drink water, why don't you want a glass? Do you drink tap water?"

Before she could answer, Han Qilu immediately said, "Tap water is also available in the bathroom in your room."

This series of words, like a machine gun, is quite uncomfortable!

An Chuxia glared at him, and as soon as he was about to step on his foot, Han Qilu moved away alertly, and she stepped on the air. It's okay if you just stepped on the air, but embarrassingly, at this moment, the stomach suddenly "gurgled" and rang.

The voice seemed particularly clear in the darkness.

Even if she couldn't see her face, An Chuxia knew that her face must be as red as a monkey's ass!

"Just now... it seems that something rang strangely." Han Qilu approached her, breathing on her face, a strange itch.

An Chuxia gave a dry cough, turned away, and the dead duck said stiffly: "What sound? Why didn't I hear it?"


There was another sound, as if to deliberately rectify her, now, how to explain it has been in vain.

What a shame! It's so ashamed that it can't be ashamed!

Just when she thought she was going to be laughed at by Han Qilu, Han Qilu took her hand and said, "I haven't eaten enough? Why don't you ask the servant to make supper for you? An early summer, sometimes I am really worried about your IQ. ."

He took her out of the kitchen as he spoke.

She quickly subconsciously asked: "Where are you taking me?"

"Call a servant." Han Qilu took it for granted.

"What kind of servant..." An Chuxia broke away from his hand, and said angrily, "Do you think everyone is like us and haven't slept yet? At this point, they must all lie down and sleep."

Han Qilu curled his lips and said, "That's it, just wake them up."

An Chuxia immediately bent her hand and reached out and knocked on Han Qilu's head: "Can the young master be tempered? How embarrassed to trouble them anymore? Forget it, I'm not very hungry."

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