Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 691: She is not a junior?

This kind of thing, she can't let it happen.

"Mr. Han." The waiter who received them walked forward at this time, with a more cautious expression than before. He walked up to them and continued: "Ms. Jin doesn't have time to come down to pick up two, please come with me ."

"No time to get down?" An Chuxia's eyelids twitched and turned to look at Han Qilu.

She thought Han Qilu would be angry or surprised, but the expression on Han Qilu's face was very calm, as if she expected that woman would do it.

An Chuxia knew something in her heart. It seemed that this woman would definitely not be an ordinary person. Her previous imagination of that woman should be someone similar to a little woman, but now it seems that she was wrong.

Han Qilu took her hand and followed the waiter upstairs. The first floor is the lobby, and the second floor is where the banquet is held. Looking at the magnificent second floor that was decorated, An Chuxia was stunned again.

Obviously, this place was reserved. I don't know if it was the woman's own money or Han Liuhai's money. If it was the latter, then An Chuxia would look down on her even more.

"Two, please feel free." At this point, the waiter's work was over. He stepped back and quickly disappeared in the crowd.

It seemed that the banquet had been held for almost a while, and there were a lot of people who came, but to An Chuxia, they were all fresh faces, but no one greeted Han Qilu. It seems that Han Qilu doesn't know the person here either.

"Which is her?" An Chuxia's eyes rolled around, looking for someone who might be that woman.

Han Qilu didn't answer, but cast his gaze straight in a certain direction. An Chuxia followed his eyes and saw a woman in a wine-red dress holding a goblet and chatting with a few middle-aged men.

"Is that her?" An Chuxia pointed to the woman, turned to look at Han Qilu and asked.

Thinking that he would get an affirmative answer, who thought Han Qilu shook his head: "Behind that woman, the one sitting there."

An Chuxia immediately moved his steps and looked behind the woman who was wearing the burgundy dress just now. Although somewhat blocked, An Chuxia still clearly saw a woman in a small suit and trousers sitting aside, holding a pen and paper with a man in his twenties.

"Let's go over and say hello." Han Qilu said, took a glass of wine, and took An Chuxia and walked over.

As she approached, An Chuxia became more and more aware that this woman had an extraordinary temperament, giving her a capable and delicate feeling. The short hair on one end and this handsome dress complement each other, and An Chuxia felt that this was definitely not a good woman at a glance. At least, if Jiang Yuanyuan is changed to deal with her, Jiang Yuanyuan will definitely lose, and it will be a mess.

Now An Chuxia hopes that the woman in the wine-red dress just now is Han Liuhai's first love.

Xu realized that someone was paying attention to himself, and when they were still ten steps away from the woman, the woman suddenly turned her face and looked at them sharply.

This look, An Chuxia actually felt a bit similar to Han Liuhai when he was serious.

She even had to admit that this woman was indeed more suitable for Han Liuhai than Jiang Yuanyuan.

The woman had light makeup on her face, and seeing them, her emotions didn't fluctuate much, she just put down the pen in her hand, explained a few words to the man, and got up and walked towards them step by step.

"Meeting for the first time." The woman's face was expressionless: "I didn't expect it would be here."

Han Qilu said with a cold face: "It is the first time for you to meet, but it is not the first time for me."

Han Qilu's cold words, the woman's expression didn't care at all. Instead, she turned her head to look at An Chuxia and said, "I'm Jin Ke, are you the future hostess of the Han family? You look very beautiful."

The words were sincere, but An Chuxia couldn't respond with a smile, she just nodded, didn't speak, and didn't know what to say. In theory, she should be disgusted with this woman, but when she did see it, for some reason, she couldn't.

Could this be the charm of personality?

No, she can't admit it.

"Come with me." Jin Ke's expression was calm, and he took the lead in the front.

Han Qilu didn't hesitate, and dragged An Chuxia to follow. The three finally settled in a small room on the third floor. There was a white Dior bag and a jacket with a style similar to that of Jin Ke’s clothes. An Chuxia suddenly decided that this should be Jin Ke’s room. .

"What to drink?" Jin Ke asked, but the next second he said, "Forget it, trouble."

An Chuxia was embarrassed on the face, Han Qilu directly said, "Why did you show up in the hotel with my dad. It was on my dad's birthday."

The question is so direct.

Jin Ke was silent for two seconds, and then said, "Nothing happened to us."

"But we are indeed together, right?"

Han Qilu's words were full of coldness, but Jin Ke still didn't react, and just repeated: "We didn't happen to anything."

Jin Ke's look is to reject people from thousands of miles away, and her overall temperament also shows that she is different from the average junior. And even...

She is not a junior?

This strange idea rose to An Chuxia's mind. She always felt that people like Jin Ke disdain to be someone else's junior. And Jin Ke repeated "Nothing happened to us" on both sides, An Chuxia already believed in her heart that nothing really happened to her and Han Liuhai.

An Chuxia stepped forward and stretched out a hand at Han Qilu, who looked a little aggressive, and turned to Jin Ke and said, "We just don't ruin our family. Mommy, she really loves this family."

Jin Ke obviously guessed who "Mummy" was referring to, her eyes darkened, and then she turned her head away. Then... she walked slowly to the bedside table, stretched out her hand to open the drawer, took out a cigarette, and moved it skillfully.

A choking smell of smoke spread throughout the room, and An Chuxia frowned and said nothing.

It is not surprising that a woman like Jin Ke smokes. What makes An Chuxia really strange is that she has an inexplicable affection for Jin Ke. Or maybe there are not a few people who have a natural affection for Jin Ke.

She is not a woman who makes people hate at first glance.

In a trance, Jin Ke suddenly said: "Do you know why I have a dinner today?"

Han Qilu has been asking people to stare at Jin Ke, of course he knows what day is for Jin Ke. He pursed his lower lip slightly, Jin Ke, this is really his first contact. He has always been watching from a distance or getting information from the paparazzi.

Now that he really talked to Jin Ke face to face, he realized that this woman did not seem to be as boring as he thought.

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