Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 530: Medieval Villa 2

Xiang Mankui was interrupted and looked at the thick dark red door with a little dissatisfaction.

I saw a teenage boy holding two small plates in his hands, blinking his eyes and said: "Two guests, I will bring you sauce."

The little boy also has blond hair and blue eyes, but the hair on his head is very small, and the sparse hair makes people want to touch it with his hands.

Faced with a child, Xiang Mankui couldn't get angry either, but just nodded and got up from Han Qilu's lap.

"Two guests take your time, I'm leaving now!" Although the little boy tried his best to maintain a polite appearance, his naughty energy couldn't be changed. After putting down the sauce, his two big eyes first looked at Han Qilu and Xiang Man. Aoi glanced, and then ran out.

"Qilu..." As soon as the child left, Xiang Mankui wanted to make Han Qilu smile again.

This time, Han Qilu stood up all at once and said blankly: "I'm not hungry, you can eat first, I'll go upstairs and take a rest."

Is it possible that she did something wrong? Xiang Mankui thought, she obviously didn't make Han Qilu upset. What happened to Han Qilu?

Could it be that the kidnapper knocked his head out?

While thinking about it, Han Qilu had already reached the top of the stairs. The stairs are made of wood, and you can see the lines of trees on it. The touch of this villa is really retro, a style he would like, but he has no mood to appreciate these things now.

"Eh! Qilu, I'll take you upstairs." Xiang Mankui came back to his senses and hurried to catch up, holding Han Qilu's arm again and said: "The first time you come, I will take you up."

Han Qilu did not refuse, nor did he push away to Mankui.

Although he wanted to push her away, Han Qilu knew that if he didn't force it, Xiang Mankui was afraid he would see a flaw. A wise man should be courageous and strategic, but also able to endure. Yes, bear with me!

"Do you come here often?" Han Qilu said, trying to make his voice softer.

Xiang Mankui quickly replied with a smile: "It's not that often, I have been here three or four times. But every time I come, I will stay here for three or two days. The original ecological place will be better for the skin."

Han Qilu's warm tone made Xiang Mankui a little relieved. Maybe he was really in a bad mood because he was tired?

"This is the master bedroom. There is a bedroom on each side, but it's not as big as this one." Xiang Mankui opened the door as he said. The interior is still designed in a medieval style, but it is also equipped with air conditioning. The air conditioning is painted. It is painted in wooden color and there are patterns. If you don't distinguish it carefully, you won't be able to recognize that it is an air conditioner.

The lamps are ancient chandeliers from the Middle Ages, but those candles were replaced with candle-like bulbs.

After pulling up the curtain of the room and turning on the lights, the room immediately became warm.

"You go down for lunch." Han Qilu sat down by the bed and said while taking off his jacket.

Her biggest backer now is Han Qilu, and she will never miss an opportunity to get along with Han Qilu. She walked a few steps forward, stretched out her hand to wrap around Han Qilu’s waist from behind, put one cheek on Han Qilu’s back, exhaled and said, “I suddenly don’t want to eat, and I can’t eat it alone. How much, shall we take a break together?"

She was afraid that Han Qilu would refuse, and quickly added: "I am really tired after driving so long by myself."

Han Qilu did not speak, with a tense face, resisting the urge to pull her away, and nodding hard.

He agreed!

Xiang Mankui couldn't help but smile again.

"Qilu, I love you..." She said sincerely, although there were only three words, she used the most sincere feelings.

She really wanted to grow old with this young and mature boy.

It's just reality, it's destined to add some other impure things to this wish.

"En." Han Qilu made a low note from his throat in a low voice, which was regarded as a response to Xiang Mankui.

After getting a response, Xiang Mankui let go of his hand, and thoughtfully took Han Qilu's coat that he had just taken off, and turned around and hung the coat on the hanger beside the bed.

Han Qilu wore a white T, which was properly affixed to him. After a while, both of them lay on the big bed, but they were separated by three or four centimeters. The room is very warm, blocking the coolness outside, so it just happens to be able to sleep without a quilt.

"Qilu..." Xiang Mankui moved a little, and turned to cover Han Qilu's chest with one hand: "I think I can see you when I wake up."

"..." Han Qilu was silent for a while, and said, "I can send you a picture of me."

Xiang Mankui was stunned for a while, then his eyes curled, and he laughed "chuckled", and stretched out his hand to pat Han Qilu's chest: "I hate it! People are serious!"

She thought Han Qilu was joking, but Han Qilu was also serious. Because he couldn't let Xiang Mankui see him as soon as he opened his eyes, it would never be possible!

Because the position by the pillow is reserved for a certain girl!

"Go to sleep, call you in an hour." Han Qilu closed his eyes and stopped continuing the topic just now.

"En..." Xiang Mankui nodded, his eyes flashed.

Although she responded obediently, the flexible and well-maintained hand without any calluses moved slowly from Han Qilu's chest.

She used her **** slightly and moved down the invisible central axis with the force of her wrist, leaving a touch of sultry heat wherever she touched. Few people are indifferent to this slightly itchy feeling.

Han Qilu opened his eyes slightly, just in time to blow Man Kui into his ear, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Stop making trouble." Han Qilu's tone couldn't hear the joy or anger.

But at least he didn't stop it immediately. Could she understand this as a desire to refuse or welcome? Xiang Mankui thought so, instead of stopping immediately, he continued to move his left hand towards Han Qilu's lower body.

"Hiss——" Han Qilu took a breath, and almost immediately removed Xiang Mankui's hand from a certain part.

"Man Kui!" He glared in anger, and extremely dissatisfied eyes shot out from the bottom of his eyes, making Xiang Man Kui tremble with fear and dared not move at will.

"I know... let you rest, then let you rest." Xiang Mankui retracted her hand. After a while, the room was calm again, and she dared to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard Han Qilu's steady breathing.

Why didn't this guy get the bait twice in a row?

As long as he is willing, he is his possession, but why...why did he refuse it twice in a row? This is not something a healthy young man would do.

Could it be...Is not enough charm? If this is spread out, people will laugh out loud!

Xiang Mankui bit her lower lip unwillingly, got up from the bed, and walked out of the room lightly. Han Qilu is not hungry, she is very hungry!

When Han Qilu woke up, Xiang Mankui had already finished lunch and teased a snowball-like kitten in front of the villa.

"Meow--" The cat spotted a chicken leg in Xiang Mankui's hand, and after a low cry, while Xiang Mankui was unprepared, one jumped up and took away the chicken leg she was using to coax him. Quickly disappeared from sight.

"What..." Xiang Mankui narrowed his mouth unhappily.

That gaze seemed to have a hint of inquiry, instead of looking at a beloved person. Xiang Mankui was a little flustered, the look in Han Qilu's eyes was as terrifying as he could see through himself.

"Qilu..." After a while, she calmed down and walked to Han Qilu with small steps, and asked with a smile: "When did you get up? Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to help you heat up the dishes. , Or do you still like to redo one?"

"It's enough to heat it up, don't waste it so much." It is rare that Han Qilu did not take up the air of the Han family eldest, and seemed approachable.

After all, if such a large table of dishes were redone, it would only waste more.

After eating, Xiang Mankui wanted to take Han Qilu around the villa, but he didn't want Han Qilu to refuse.

"No, we should be able to arrive at Xiang's house before dark. Let's not let the elderly wait for a long time." Han Qilu said that he was going back to get his coat.

Xiang Mankui couldn't help but stomped her foot severely as she watched Han Qi's back into the villa. I wanted to take this opportunity to make another effort, but it seemed that there was no progress at all. She always felt that the distance between herself and Han Qilu suddenly became bigger and bigger, she didn't like this feeling.

Saying goodbye to the middle-aged foreign men who came to greet them before, the two got into the car one after another. This time I still drove towards Mankui. Although there is GPS, some road conditions GPS has not been updated in time. It is better to drive from the relatively familiar Xiang Mankui.

Han Qilu never fell asleep after taking a nap until he arrived at Han's house. The whole person didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, he became dizzy, and suddenly there would be some missing memories that he hadn't remembered in time.

The more things rang, the heavier his guilt for An Chuxia, which made him almost breathless.

"Here." Xiang Mankui stopped the car. The Xiang family mansion was not allowed to park, so he could only park in the parking lot opposite.

As soon as the car door opened, there was no one to greet Han Qilu, and there was no joy or anger on Han Qilu's face.

"At this time, we should be able to catch up with dinner. Let's go Qilu." Xiang Mankui wanted to hold Han Qilu, but he suddenly dodged to the right, making Xiang Manku very embarrassed.

"There are still pedestrians nearby. We can't have a bigger scandal. It's better to keep a distance outside." Han Qilu explained.

"En." Although Xiang Mankui was unhappy, he couldn't refute Han Qilu's explanation.

The two of them walked to the old Xiangjia mansion opposite each other...

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