Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 119: 【119】Wash yourself clean

Seeing An Chuxia's eager gaze, Han Qilu smiled: "Don't you admit it yourself? What's more... I think, I mean, I think you."

"Puff!" Let a thunder strike her to death! ! ! The devil said he liked her? Is the end of the world really coming? Is black and white reversed, day and night?

——The young master didn't mean to like you. This young master just... pity you. The agency calculates to become my fiancee, then I will let you do it once. We may be able to... try to socialize.

This is what Han Qilu said last time, and she still remembers clearly now. It has not been more than four days since the meeting. Han Qilu actually said that he wanted to date her once, and this time he said that he liked her directly. Who will believe? Love at first sight or something, for her and Han Qilu, it was completely impossible!

Looking carefully at An Chuxia's gaze, Han Qilu's face turned into an unnatural blush: "You..."

"Don't play me!" He said in front of Han Qilu: "Who said that I don't like women who are deep in the city? I am very deep in the city. I came to Han's house just to get close to you and become your fiancee. Now you Do you still think you like me?"

Sure enough, Han Qilu's complexion immediately became very bad. After a while, he said, "An Chuxia, what the young master said, never take it back! Moreover, the young master's words are still compatible. If you like you, you like you and don't like you. A woman in a deep city does not like a woman in a deep city. The two do not conflict."

Why does she sound like a tongue twister? But it means that I understand, Han Qilu is really confessing to her. day……

"Oh ha ha ha, I think it's time for me to eat." She got up to jump out of bed, but Han Qilu hugged her and walked into the bathroom. bathroom? What are you doing in the bathroom? She wanted to cry without tears: "Let go of me, let me go! I want to eat!!!"

"I'll let you eat after washing!" Han Qilu said coldly, bending her down and throwing her into the bathtub without mercy: "Wash all the hickeys on your body, and I will serve you for dinner. I will not pursue this matter for now. But if you are not obedient in the days to come, then...I will definitely clarify this matter after investigation!"

While speaking, Han Qilu turned around and closed the bathroom door abruptly. I have to say that every door of his house is so strong... It was closed so hard and still stood there still. How can one be strong?

Getting up and crawling out of the bathtub, she locked the bathroom door. What if the dead pervert suddenly rushed in? After the lockup, she was relieved, took off her clothes and began to take a bath.

Han Qilu's bathroom is very fragrant, although there is still a slight smell of tobacco. This dead pervert actually smokes in the bathroom, and his mother doesn't care about him!

Pulling out the mirror on Han Qilu's wall, she began to rub the hickey off her neck with the mirror. Of course, the hickey couldn't be rubbed off, she just poked the whole neck to the ground red, and the red piece almost completely covered the hickey. But after a while, the red piece faded again, and the hickey began to appear again. It's just a little bit lighter than before.

She was not reconciled, and rubbed hard again, the tender skin almost didn't get a layer of skin.


Have you washed it? "Han Qilu's voice sounded outside the bathroom: "Wash it out and hurry out. I don't care about it." "

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