Mass Transmigration: I Have an Armory

Chapter 135 The fight begins

【Countdown——28:51! 】

The large force summoned by District 5 has walked out of the jungle and arrived in the snow-capped mountains. ♡♢ ♦ ♦

Their straight-line distance from the S-class territory is no more than 500 meters.

Britt had already seen Nanfeng, Xiao Luo and Su Zeran on the snow mountain.

Gregory waved his iron fist twice and said in a muffled voice: "Only three people are going to defend us? You look down on people, right?"

The corner of Britt's mouth raised: "There are only three on the surface, who knows how many there are behind the scenes?"

"Everyone disbanded where they were and found a place to break out."

Following Britt's order, the Chosen Ones from other war zones immediately dispersed, preparing to attack the territory from the side.

Directly south, only 50 chosen ones from Area 5 were left, still confronting Nanfeng and others.

On the snow mountain, Su Zeran looked calm: "Are all our brothers here?"

Xiao Luo replied: "Except for Shen Pan, the remaining 227 brothers are all here."

On the back of this mountain, more than 200 chosen ones were lying in ambush in the snow.

Everyone in District 527 came to the south of the territory, ready to fight to the end with the Chosen Ones in District 5!

In the other three directions, Nanfeng and others had no intention of defending at all.

Because there are other brothers from the Dragon Kingdom War Zone who came to help!

District 17, District 68, District 381...

After they learned that District 5 was going to seize the S-class territory in District 527, they immediately brought people over.

At this time, they were defending in the east, west, and north directions.

Coupled with Ye Piaoling and others in Area 113, Area 527 has nearly 200 powerful reinforcements!

"The other war zones are all small Kalami. As long as we can take down Zone 5, we don't have to worry about anything else."

Nanfeng stood on the top of the hill, set up his M24, and fired a shot at the people in Area 5.

But the distance between the two sides was too far, and the shot missed as expected.

Britt sneered: "Very good, the south wind is on our side, and there should be no pressure for others to rush into the territory."

Gregory cracked his fingers together and said, "Give Nanfeng to me later, and I will test his strength."

"Don't worry, you have a more important mission." Britt pointed to the S-class battle flag on the top of the mountain. "When the fight starts, you have priority to grab the battle flag. Do you understand?"

Gregory groaned: "Yeah."

Everyone in Area 5 waited for a while and finally received news from other war areas.

Britt: "Section 356 launched an attack in the east, but was counterattacked by Section 527, with more than 30 people on the other side."

"Area 263 is in the west and also encountered an ambush from Area 527..."

"Area 145 is in the southwest..."

"Strange, Area 527 seems to be very aware of our movements?"

Britt was a little confused, why were there ambushes everywhere? What a coincidence?

He didn't know yet that among the team he had assembled, there had already been some chosen ones from the Dragon Kingdom war zone mixed in. It would be strange if he didn't know.

Shaking her head, Britt didn't think much about it. They were all cannon fodder anyway. If they were ambushed, they would be ambushed. It wouldn't be a big problem.

Britt did a little calculation and found that there were nearly 200 people in area 527 on other lines of defense!

Gregory: "There are only 250 people in area 527, and 200 of them are in other directions. So don't there only be 50 people defending here?"

Britt frowned slightly: "They really don't take our District 5 seriously?"

"Or do they think a south wind can defend us?"

Gregory said in a low voice: "Since they dare to underestimate the enemy, let's show them some color! What are you waiting for? Charge!"

Britt shook his head: "Don't worry, just wait."

On the snowy mountain, seeing that everyone in Area 5 had not launched an attack, Nanfeng sighed: "They are too stable, I have to find another vulnerability."

Xiao Luo nodded: "Okay, just leave it to me here. You go to other lines of defense to help first."

Nanfeng didn't say much, put away the M24 and left here, running towards the east.

To the east, Ye Piaoling from District 113 is defending. They are fighting fiercely with the other three war zones.

The strength of District 113 is still very strong, but it cannot withstand the opponent's large number of people and has fallen into a disadvantage.

Ye Piaoling said coldly: "Hold them all, don't let them rush into the territory."

Next to Ye Piaoling, Jiang Qingyun stabbed an enemy to death with a sword: "Sister, there are too many of them, brothers can't stand it!"

Ye Piaoling: "If you can't stand it, you have to stand it. No one is allowed to retreat! If you die, go back and upgrade. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Piaoling stretched out his hand and broke the doll's neck. At the same time, an enemy's head strangely rotated 180 degrees and became cold.

When White in Area 356 saw this, he felt a chill all over.

This woman's ability is too weird. We are still playing with swords, but you are here to play witchcraft?

"Kill that woman first!"

White roared and led the people towards Ye Piaoling!

Jiang Qingyun shouted loudly and rushed forward with his sword: "Protect my eldest sister!"

All the remaining people in Area 113 rushed over and stood in front of Ye Piaoling.

But there are too many enemies and the attack is too fierce. These dozen people are obviously unable to stop them!

More and more chosen ones from District 113 are dying!

"It seems a little late..."

The south wind just came over the top of the mountain, so I picked up the M24 and shot it.


A huge bloody hole appeared on White's forehead!

[Ding! You have been killed by [Nancun]-Nanfeng, and will return to Area 356. ]

Nanfeng? Why is Nanfeng here?

Isn't he defending in the south?

He shot me in one second...

White felt a little bitter. He had been imagining for a long time which move would be more handsome to kill Nanfeng.

In the end, he died under his gun without even seeing Nanfeng's face.


White's figure slowly disappeared and returned to Area 356.

The crisp gunshot also startled others.

"Nanfeng from Area 527 is here! Find a shelter!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Damn it, why is Nanfeng here? Shouldn't he go to defend the people in Area 5?"

The people in Area 356 didn't dare to fight and ran away quickly.

Nanfeng chased him and nodded more than a dozen times before giving up.

Ye Piaoling walked slowly: "Why are you in the east? What's the situation in the south?"

Nanfeng said: "The people in District 5 are so scared. I can only show a flaw, otherwise they won't dare to attack."

"I won't say more to you. I'll go to the north first."

Nanfeng switched out the dagger and walked to the north of the territory in the wind and snow.

In the distance, the Chosen One of 356 saw this scene and quickly shared the news.

(District 356) Hunter: "Everyone, pay attention. Nanfeng went to the north of the territory. Friends in the north, be careful."

(District 148) Yamaguchi Akira: "What? Nanfeng is coming? Everyone, retreat quickly, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

(District 5) Britt: "You hold Nanfeng back, I will launch an attack immediately and grab the battle flag!"

Britt always pays attention to the situation in the cross-district channel.

At this time, when he heard that Nanfeng went to the north of the territory, he immediately prepared to launch an attack.

"Nanfeng's agility is not low, and he can return to defense quickly, so we don't have much time."

"But I believe you can get rid of the 50 people on the opposite side within 5 minutes!"

Britt looked around at the Chosen Ones around him. These are the elites of District 5.

Each of them has upgraded their life weapons to the lower level of D-level.

In District 527, only 5 people, including Nanfeng and Xiao Luo, have upgraded their life weapons to the lower level of D-level.

There is a big gap in the overall strength of the two war zones!

"5 minutes, grab the battle flag and occupy the commanding heights!"

"Everyone, do you have confidence!"

Everyone in District 5 shouted in unison: "Yes!!!"

Very good, very energetic!

Britt waved his hand and pointed to the snow mountain: "Attack!!"


50 Chosen Ones burst out at full speed and ran towards the snow mountain!

[Ding! It is detected that the Chosen Ones of other war zones have entered the territory, and the countdown has been paused-23:31! 】

Finally here...

Su Zeran held up the battle flag and stood calmly on the hillside, watching the Chosen from District 5 rushing down below.

"Xiao Luo, take 50 brothers to fight them first."

"Remember to act better and lead them into the trap."

Xiao Luo said calmly: "Don't worry, I guarantee to complete the task."

Behind him, 50 brothers from District 527 have stood up.

40 melee, 10 ranged!

Xiao Luo drew his short knife and swooped down!

"Everyone! Charge!"

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