Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 199 Captain Marvel

Over Washington, DC.

Malekith was suspended in front of the space battleship, and the aura in his body was like hell, full of terror and darkness.

In front of him was Captain Marvel, whose body was colorful.

Behind Captain Marvel are Iron Man and War Machine.

After a while, Captain Marvel was seen with a arrogant look on his face, with his hands folded across his chest and his chin raised.

"Malekis, quit Blue Star, and we will give you a decent exit!"

After last night's battle, both sides had already informed each other of their names and knew each other's positions.

Malekith also looked at the other party with fear at this time.

"As long as you return the ether particles to me, I will retreat immediately!"

"Ether particles? What are they?"

"That is the artifact of our dark elf clan."

Upon hearing this, Captain Marvel turned to look at the people behind him.

"Hey, buddy, whoever takes the ether particles, please give them back."

In her world view, it is relatively simple. Since you have taken something from someone else, then give it back to them.

But Iron Man and War Machine just shook their heads, saying they didn't know anything about ether particles.

Captain Marvel then turned to look at Malekith and said, "Look, we didn't get any ether particles at all. Did you make a mistake?"

Malekith waved to the men behind him, and soon Thor, Jane, Darcy, Natasha and Banner were brought out.

Seeing Thor and Banner appear, Iron Man immediately lowered his mask, revealing Tony's face.

"Thor! Banner! Are you all okay?"

Thor and Banner shook their heads dejectedly, indicating that they were fine.

At this time, Malekith said: "Tell me, where are my ether particles?"

Although Thor and Jane talked about Umbrella yesterday, he couldn't remember the name.

Thor said in a low voice: "It was taken away by the boss of Umbrella Group."

"You heard it, right? It's the Umbrella Group. If you can get my ether particles back, I will retreat."

Malekith turned his head and looked at Captain Marvel coldly.

Among this group of people, the one he feared the most was the woman in front of him.

He is also the only person who has posed a threat to him so far.


Just when Captain Marvel was about to agree, Thor suddenly spoke with an anxious look.

"No! He wants to use ether particles to shroud the entire world in darkness, and then rule the world... uh uh..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two dark elf warriors next to him punched him in the stomach, making him swallow the rest of his words.


Tony immediately lowered his mask, transformed into Iron Man, and rushed over.

But facing the laser guns of the dark elf warriors, they were quickly forced to retreat.

The weapons and equipment of these dark elves were more advanced than his, and the armor on his body could not withstand too many attacks.

After all, vibranium and Adamantium alloy are only available in the inner armor, and the outer armor is still titanium alloy.

Tony knew that he was no match for the dark elf warrior, so he turned to look at Captain Marvel.

"Don't do it yet!"

Captain Marvel still didn't take action, but looked thoughtful before landing on the ground.

On the ground, Nick was looking at the sky solemnly.

He didn't react until Captain Marvel suddenly landed on the ground.

"Carol, how's it going?"

Carol was called by Nick two years ago during the battle with the Old Ones, but just like in the movie, because the universe was too huge and there were delays on the road, it was not until two years later that Carol Just arrived at Blue Star.

As soon as they arrived at Blue Star, the invasion of dark elves happened immediately.

After a while, Carol explained the above situation again.

After hearing this, Nick's expression immediately changed.

"No, you must not hand over the ether particles, otherwise it will be the end of our humanity!"

Although he didn't know what the dark elves and ether particles represented, he felt the end of the world coming from Thor's words.

Therefore, the dark elves must be prevented from obtaining aether particles.

After hearing this, Carol nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I don't think we can hand over the ether particles, so let's fight!"

As she finished speaking, the seven-colored light all over her body shone again, and then she rushed towards the dark elf's space battleship.

This time, she wants to destroy the space battleship.

But Malekith immediately noticed Captain Marvel's intentions and immediately asked his men to activate the shield with all their strength.

However, Captain Marvel didn't take it seriously when faced with this shield. He just fired powerful energy from his hands and continued to bombard it.

Since gaining the power of the Space Stone, she has gained nearly unlimited energy, and she usually has so much energy that she can waste it at will.

Sometimes I don’t even bother to walk, so I just use the flying one.


As her energy continued to bombard the space battleship's shield, a gaping hole soon appeared.

So under Malekith's disbelieving eyes, she flew along the hole, and then continued to bombard the space battleship with the energy from her hands.


In just a few minutes, the last space battleship of the dark elves erupted into bursts of fire, and then fell to the ground.


Malekis's face was full of anger at this time. Seeing his spaceship being destroyed, he felt hatred and regret in his heart.

If he had known earlier, he would have started fighting directly. Why bother talking nonsense with the other party?

Now that the last spaceship of the dark elves has been destroyed, he will not be able to go to other worlds in the future.

It can even be said that he has been trapped in this desolate world.

"Go to hell!"

Thick black smoke came out of his body, and he punched.

The thick smoke instantly condensed into a ball and rushed towards Captain Marvel.

In response, Captain Marvel just raised his eyebrows slightly, and then pointed one hand at Malekis.

The next moment, powerful colorful energy rushed out instantly.

Malekis's black smoke hit the colorful energy and was instantly dispersed.

This made Malekis's face change again.

He didn't expect that the strength of this crazy woman in front of him would be so powerful.

And Captain Marvel's energy soon followed and came to Malekis.

But Malekith was not a pushover, and he quickly dodged and left the spot.

Next, he began to use energy to bombard Captain Marvel.

But everyone could see that Captain Marvel was in an advantageous position, while Malekith was constantly being suppressed.

Seeing this, Iron Man and War Machine immediately rushed towards the dark elf warriors, firing shells and palm cannons in their hands.

It took only a short while for Thor, Banner and others to be rescued.

But they couldn't fly, so after Iron Man and War Machine rescued five people, they couldn't support Malekith and could only take people down.

After returning to the ground, Thor stretched out his hand to the east.

At this moment, a group of people wearing black armor suddenly appeared around.

Seeing these dark armors, Tony suddenly felt familiar.

"Jarvis, do you have any information about them?"

"Mr. Stark, according to my database, these should be Sentinel series armors, but this model is the first time I have seen it."

"I see, it seems that they are from the Umbrella Group."

Thinking of this, Tony opened his mask and looked at the people around him.

"You are from the Umbrella Group, right? Call your boss out. I know him."

But the people around him did not move, just surrounded them like this, and even a few people appeared around them.

And Tony, reminded by Jarvis, found that there were people holding sniper guns in the distance.

The reason why they are called sniper guns is that the diameter of these gun muzzles is about ten centimeters, which is almost the same as a cannonball.

At this time, Jane brought Darcy to Tony and said in a low voice: "Will it be murder to silence people?"

"Murder to silence people?"

When Tony heard this, he immediately looked at Jane with a puzzled look.

"What did you do?"

Jane hesitated for a moment, and then told what he knew.

After listening to the matter of ether particles, Tony just shook his head lightly.

"Not really. I know Boss Li well. His taste is not that bad."

At this time, Banner's body began to turn green and swelled.

Obviously, after he was freed, he could finally transform.

The dark elf had previously given him a collar that could suppress his superpowers, preventing him from transforming.


But Natasha suddenly stopped Hulk and shook her head.

"Don't be impulsive. They are not necessarily enemies."

Hulk glanced at Natasha and did not rush to do anything.

After a while, these people in black armor seemed to have received some orders, lowered their guns neatly, and then turned and left.

Li Feng's order was to let Blackwatch deal with the dark elves, but they did not know the dark elves. When they saw these people coming down from above the aliens, they treated them as dark elves out of vigilance.

After receiving messages and confirming that they were not dark elves, they left.

For Blackwatch, Tony and the boss of Stark Enterprises were not taken seriously at all.

Because in their hearts, orders are the first priority, even if it is to kill the head of state, they will pull the trigger without hesitation.

Seeing Black Watch leave, Tony and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time.

The battle in the sky became more and more intense.


The explosions and waves of air made Washington DC look like it was blown by a level 12 typhoon. Some billboards, small trees, etc. were blown off.

Faced with such a fierce battle, Tony and others wanted to intervene several times, but they could not find an opportunity at all.

Captain Marvel and Malekith moved too fast, almost reaching the speed of sound, and the energy that erupted, even the aftermath, was not something they could bear.

Tony looked at the battle in the sky, and his eyes showed a strong fighting spirit.

It was the first time he found such a powerful enemy besides his father.

Coincidentally, at this time, Thor's hammer that fell in London flew over, so he picked up Thor's hammer and flew up.

"I'll help you!"

After saying that, a strong lightning shot out and rushed towards Malekith.

But Malekith suddenly flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Even Captain Marvel's ability hit the air and disappeared into the horizon.

For a moment, the scene fell into a strange silence.

After a few minutes.

Captain Marvel didn't find Malekith's figure for a long time, so he looked at Thor.

"What did you do just now? Where is he?"

Thor was also confused.

"I don't know either. I just attacked him. I didn't turn him into powder directly, did I?"

At this time, Tony flew up and said loudly: "Thor, your girlfriend said that the enemy may have entered the space crack."

"Space crack? That's right, the space of the nine worlds overlaps!"

Thor suddenly realized it.

The current time node is when the nine worlds are slowly merging. Malekith's sudden disappearance may have fallen into the space crack and landed in a certain world.

"Let's go! We can't let Malekith recover from his injuries before coming here."

So he immediately flew to the place where Malekith disappeared, and in the next second, he disappeared immediately.

Captain Marvel saw this and followed him, and then disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this, Tony immediately knew that it was indeed a space crack, and he followed decisively.

Although he is the weakest among the few people, as a superhero, he will not be timid because of this.

After a while, Tony felt that his eyes were dark, and then the light returned again.

Surrounded by a jungle with birds singing and flowers blooming, he saw a white horse.

Wait, why does this horse have a horn?

Is it the legendary unicorn?

And the flying butterfly, isn't that a miniature man with butterfly wings?

Is this an elf?

"Mr. Stark, we have disconnected the connection with the server. We are not on Blue Star now."

Hearing this, Tony is more certain that he is not on Blue Star.

But if it is not on Blue Star, where is this place?

"How is the air and gravity around?"

"The air and gravity here are the same as those on Blue Star, there is not much difference."

As soon as Jarvis finished speaking, Tony opened the mask and breathed the fresh air outside.

"Sure enough, just like Blue Star, Jarvis, we've made a fortune, I'm going to name this world Stark World."

"This is Asgard."

At this time, Thor suddenly jumped down from a tree and came to Thor with an excited face.

"I'm finally back, hahaha, I must ask my father, I clearly picked up Thor's hammer, why won't you let me go back!"

When he returned to his hometown, Thor actually didn't dare to believe it, for fear that he was dreaming.

But after observing it for a while, he was 100% sure that this was Asgard.

After all, he had lived in Asgard for a thousand years, and he was very familiar with every plant and tree here, so how could he be wrong.

And the black spot in the distance, isn't it the City of the Gods, where the gods live?

"Since you know where this is, do you know where Malekith ran to?"

Captain Marvel also came to Thor and looked around with curiosity.

"I don't know, but I know someone who will definitely know. Let's just find him."


"Heimdall." (End of this chapter)

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