Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 153 The War Begins

When he heard so and so, the red devil was speechless.

If the person in front of him wasn't Cassandra, he would have slapped her away.

But he had no choice but to find that the other party was someone he couldn't defeat, so he could only turn his head and look at the representatives from each country.

Upon seeing this, representatives from various countries immediately began to talk about the reasons.

After listening to this, the Red Devil was even more speechless.

It turns out that just for the sake of a singer, we have to mobilize all the troops to get him to take action.

However, facing Cassandra's cannibalistic look, he still nodded and disappeared.

"Wait for my good news."

After hearing this, Cassandra smiled and looked at the people around her.

"Stop what you're doing, keep dancing, keep having fun!"

When everyone saw this, they immediately started singing and dancing.

Seeing this, Cassandra continued to drink wine and eat delicious food.

When representatives from various countries saw this, they immediately shook their heads in disappointment.

But the capital of the Yuan Dynasty is in the hands of the other party, and in addition to forming the Middle East Alliance, getting rid of the control of the United States and gaining independence is what they have always pursued, so no matter how ridiculous the other party is, they don't care too much.

After all, as long as they really succeed in driving away the Americans, they will have the final say in the rest of the Middle East.

The woman in front of her only needs to provide her with food, wine, and beautiful women that satisfy her.

How many resources can one person consume?

This is also the unified thinking of the senior leaders of the Middle East Alliance.

Steady Cassandra, then push her up front to make their way free.

It would be best if it succeeds.

Even if they fail, they can still push each other out, and they will still live a happy life.

It was with this idea in mind that the representatives of various countries showed great tolerance towards Cassandra.

It's night time soon.

After watching Cassandra singing and dancing all day, I felt a little tired, so I asked people to go down.

Although it is true that she possesses extremely powerful mental power, her body is still ordinary.

This also made her feel very annoyed.

"Isn't the Red Devil back yet?"

When the subordinate next to him heard this, he immediately said respectfully: "Boss, he hasn't come back yet."

Cassandra waved her hand impatiently.

"I'm going to bed first. If he comes back, let him wait for me to get up."

After saying that, she began to stagger upstairs in a drunken state.

But at this moment, the whole hotel suddenly began to shake, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Am I that drunk?"

Shaking her head, she stood up now.

At this time, his subordinates ran over in a panic.

"Boss, it's bad, someone is calling!"

After hearing this, Cassandra immediately used her mental strength to drive away the drunkenness in her brain, and said with a vicious look: "Who? Where is it?"

"It's out there in the sky."

Cassandra immediately raised her head, and her huge mental power passed through the ceiling and came outside.

The next second, she immediately sensed a space carrier flying in the sky, and immediately disappeared.

After a while, missiles were fired one after another, hitting the restaurant.


After an explosion, the hotel began to slowly collapse.

A large number of stones and buildings began to fall, and ordinary people and weak mutants began to cry for father and mother.


"There's an earthquake!"

"Someone come and save me!"

Cassandra, who was already far away from the building, watched the hotel collapse with a gloomy expression.

She also saw the mutant who could change the color of his hair, falling with a woman and two men in his arms.

Huh? Are people today so curious?

Then missiles continued to be fired from the sky, constantly shooting at the hotel that began to collapse.

The "rumbling..." explosion continued.

So the collapsed hotels began to be razed to the ground.

Cassandra was certain that all those ordinary people were dead, including those representatives from various countries.

"Damn guy, I can't help but destroy Blue Star again!"

It's not that she feels sorry for those celebrities, or the representatives of various countries.

Instead, I felt sorry for the delicious food and wine that I finally had someone send me, but I still haven’t tasted a lot of them.

A few minutes later, several mutants came to her side.

These include Logan, Victor, Lorna, Eric, Red Tank and more.

However, these people were all mind-controlled by Cassandra and did not have much thought of their own, so they could only stand quietly without speaking.

Another ten minutes later.

Several helicopters began to appear from above and slowly landed.

Then a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents walked down.

But after several turmoils, there were obviously fewer SHIELD agents, and their movements were not as skillful as before.

Because most of them are still new recruits.

Until Natasha, Barton, May, Daisy, Colson and others walked down and came to a distance of ten meters away from Cassandra.

And they also wear a spiritual ring on their head.

This is a product sold to them by Umbrella, which is said to protect the brain from being mind-controlled.

Before Natasha could step forward, Mei stood up with a sophisticated look on her face.

"Miss Nova, surrender. On behalf of SHIELD, I can exempt you from the death penalty."

Upon hearing this, Cassandra suddenly laughed angrily.

"You destroyed my hotel and killed my people without saying a word, and now you are brazen enough to ask me to surrender?

Is it because I haven't killed anyone these days that you think I have become merciful!"

After saying that, she immediately stretched out her hand to a SHIELD agent.


The flesh and blood of the agent were immediately stripped away, and before he died, he couldn't believe that his body was only left with bones.

Seeing this scene, all the people in SHIELD immediately raised their electromagnetic rifles and started shooting.


But the next second, all the bullets were suspended in the air, unable to move forward at all.

It turned out that Lorna and Eric had taken action.

So Maria immediately looked at Daisy beside her.

"It's your turn!"

Daisy nodded, and then her superpowers surged, and then she punched the ground.

Instantly, an extremely powerful shock force surged towards Cassandra.

In response, Cassandra just waved her hand casually, and she disappeared into the ground.

Although she is known as the first Omega-level mutant, most of her strength lies in her mental power, so her defense ability is her weakness.

The powerful shock force immediately rushed towards Lorna and Eric next to her.

The controlled Lorna and Eric reacted a beat slower. As soon as they controlled the metal to block in front of them, they were immediately knocked away by the powerful shock force for more than ten meters and fainted.

After losing two powerful enemies, the SHIELD agents immediately continued to shoot.

However, they still avoided Logan and Victor intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, they had worked together before, and they were also controlled by the enemy.

However, when Logan and Victor rushed over, Natasha still raised the electromagnetic rifle in her hand and pulled the trigger.


A burst of dense bullets instantly knocked the two away.

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