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The town was very lively, and it seemed that they were celebrating some festival. There were pedestrians everywhere. In this situation, the other party did not realize that he was being followed.

After walking for a long time and turning a few corners, the Hydra agent suddenly walked into a bar. Outside the bar, there were several tall men with bulging waists, obviously carrying weapons.

This is it!

Without any hesitation, Su Ke walked over.

""Hey, kid, this place is not open to outsiders, get out of here!"

As expected, when he walked to the door, he was stopped by someone.

Su Ke was not angry, but just looked at the man in front of him calmly and asked,"Are you Hydra?""


When the other party heard this, he was shocked for a moment, and then five pistols were suddenly pointed at Su Ke's head.

"Boy, who are you? Why do you know about Hydra? Tell me quickly, or I will kill you!"

The leading man yelled

"Don't get excited, let's talk about killing later. Tell me who is in charge here. You have something I need. If you give it to me, then I might consider sparing you!"

Su Ke said with a smile.

When the men heard this, they looked at each other in surprise.

"Is this guy an idiot? He knows who we are and yet he dares to talk to us like this?"

"This guy must be a fool!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, kill him quickly, and then dispose of the body, don't let anyone find out!".......

Obviously, in the eyes of these Hydra agents, Suk was no threat to them. As long as they wanted, they could kill Suk in an instant!

But then, just as they were about to shoot, everyone felt their feet go empty, and then their bodies fell down suddenly, and below them was a hot and rolling magma.......


With a miserable cry, the space channel closed, as if nothing had happened.

"Really, why are you courting death? I obviously don't want to kill anyone!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Suke pushed open the door of the bar and walked in.

These people are Hydra agents. Suke will naturally not show any mercy to them. Kill them if you deserve to!

The bar was extremely lively at the moment. A group of Hydra agents were either playing cards around the table, or getting horny around strippers, or drinking and arm wrestling. No one even noticed that Suke came in.

Suke was speechless. Is this really a Hydra base? Are these really Hydra agents? This is too disappointing, right?

Suke patted a fat man next to him and said,"Hey, can I borrow your body for a while!"

Then, without waiting for the fat man to react, Su Ke suddenly picked him up like a chicken, and then smashed him hard against the bar.


With a loud bang, the whole bar suddenly seemed to be blown apart, and the fat man, who was the bomb, was embedded in the wall, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

This action instantly attracted everyone's attention!

"Click, click, click......."

With the sound of gunshots, all the Hydra soldiers in the bar suddenly stood up and pointed their guns at Suk.

Facing such a situation, Suk just said expressionlessly:"Tell me where the obelisk is, or you will all die!"

"Dream on! Go to hell!"

Accompanied by a burst of scolding, everyone pulled the trigger instantly.

Bang bang bang bang bang.....

Then, a burst of gunfire rang out. For a moment, countless bullets shot at Suk, and then ricocheted in all directions, instantly shooting into the bodies of many Hydra soldiers.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Someone shouted when they found something was wrong.

Then, the gunshots stopped, and everyone looked at Suke in surprise. At this moment, Suke's clothes had been torn.

Staring at his clothes, Suke said with some disappointment:"It seems that I was wrong. It is unnecessary to talk to you. You should just die!"

At the end of his words, Suke suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the neck of a man in front of him. With a slight twist, the man's neck was broken.

Then, time and space channels began to appear all around. Some people fell into the magma, some were dragged away by wild wolves, and some fell into the deep sea. More people were killed directly by Suke!

Soon, there was only one Hydra soldier and two strippers hiding under the table who survived.

Knocking on the table gently, Suke shouted to the strippers hiding under the table:"Hey, don't hide, the bad guys are all dead, you can leave!"

When the two strippers heard this, they didn't even have time to put on their clothes and almost ran out.

Su Ke touched his chin and suddenly felt that something was wrong. It seemed that he was the bad guy to the two strippers....

Shaking his head, he grabbed the only Hydra soldier still alive and asked,"Now you should be able to tell me where the obelisk is, right?"

The scene just now almost scared the Hydra soldier to death, and this was why Su Ke kept him. This guy was a coward. After what happened just now, he certainly wouldn't dare to hide anything.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, pointed to a door not far away and said,"In...over there...There is a door there that leads to an underground base. The thing you want is in the underground base...."

Underground base? There is an underground base in this place?

Throwing away the Hydra soldier in his hand, Su Ke walked to the door, opened the door, and an elevator appeared in front of him.

Without any hesitation, Su Ke walked in.

At the same time, dozens of meters underground in the bar, hundreds of well-equipped Hydra agents were surrounding an elevator with guns in their hands....

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