Su Ke lowered his head slightly, looked down at Nick Fury on the ground and said,"Nick Fury, should I reconsider my previous proposal now?"

All the agents were killed in an instant, and the helicarrier was destroyed. Nick Fury was really out of temper now.

And he was not a fool, he also saw that Su Ke did not want to be their enemy, all this was caused by his own actions....

It is conceivable that if he had not chosen to take action just now, but chose to win over Su Ke, then what a good thing it would have been....


With a sigh, Nick Fury finally spoke:"I'm sorry to have offended you before, but I really can't do anything about the Cosmic Cube because...The Cosmic Cube has been stolen...."


Hearing this, Su Ke was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Loki would get the Space Stone so quickly!

If this is true, then it seems that the Battle of New York is about to break out....

But it seems a little wrong? According to Su Ke's previous understanding, the Battle of New York should have started in 2012, but it is only 2010 now, so there should be two years before the Battle of New York starts!

Besides, the Avengers has not been established yet, and it is even just an idea of Iron Man. If the Battle of New York really breaks out, how should it be fought?

The more Su Ke thought about it, the more headache he felt, and he could only ask:"Then do you know where Loki is now?"

"Loki? Who is Loki?"

Nick Fury asked with a puzzled look on his face........

Su Ke was a little speechless, thinking,"Damn it, you are still playing tricks on me at this time! It seems that you really can't be honest without a fight!"

Then, just when Su Ke was about to let Red Tank give Nick Fury a good beating again, Emma beside him whispered:"He didn't lie, he really doesn't know who Loki is!"


Su Ke was a little confused. Of course he believed Emma's words, but how could Nick Fury not know who Loki was?


Loki didn't steal the Space Stone....

Thinking of this, Suke was surprised again, because he really didn't know who else besides Loki could steal the Space Stone from SHIELD. But it didn't matter if he didn't know, as long as someone knew!

"Tell me, who stole the Space Stone from you!"

Suke looked at Nick Fury again and asked.

Nick Fury didn't say anything, but took out a metal object from his pocket and handed it to Suke, and then said:"It's this guy!"

After Suke saw the thing clearly, he felt a little unwell!

Because it was not something else, but a special throwing knife, and the shape of the throwing knife was exactly like a bat....

This is Batman's logo!

WTF! Batman stole the Space Stone?

Suk was really a little drunk. What's the big deal about Batman stealing the Space Stone from SHIELD? The Space Stone is not something from your DC family. How can you have no professional ethics at all?...

The world after the fusion of Marvel and DC is really painful...

It seems that we have to go to Gotham City, the hometown of Batman....

"Someone is coming!"

When Su Ke was looking at the pain in his face, Emma suddenly whispered in Su Ke's ear.

Soon, Tony and a plane dedicated to the X-Men landed.

"Hey, hey, hey, what the hell is going on? There's an earthquake and an explosion. What the hell is SHIELD doing? Nick Fury, what are you doing?..."Shit! What happened to you?"

Tony said in surprise as he looked around. He originally thought that all this was done by SHIELD, but when he saw Nick Fury's appearance, he realized that it didn't seem to be the case....

On the other side, Wolverine and Jean also walked down from the plane. After looking around at the miserable situation, Wolverine looked at Jean helplessly and said,"I'll make a bet with you. Suke must have done all this!"

But at this time, Jean was too lazy to pay attention to Wolverine. She quickly came to Suke and asked with a worried look on her face,"How is it? Are you hurt?"

Gently stroking Jean's cheek, Suke smiled and said,"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Then, Tony, Wolverine and Jean found Red Tank and Emma next to Suke.


Without saying anything, Wolverine stretched out a pair of steel claws, and Tony also entered a state of alert.

Seeing this, Red Tank raised his fist again, ready to attack at any time.

As for Emma, she looked at Jean who was staying beside Suke with a dazed look on her face, and no one knew what she was thinking.

In general, the atmosphere suddenly became tense again....

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