After Lin Feng rested for one night at Vitani, the Hulk turned into a hulk, and the sense of weakness and exhaustion brought by it finally disappeared.

Lin Feng pondered that if he had time, he should study how to solve the problem of weakness after this transformation.

At the Virginia military base in the United States, in the underground biology laboratory, Major Emile, who was unable to move with an oxygen mask and was sent to the laboratory.

After General Ross got the Hulk’s gene, he couldn’t wait to test the effect of implanting this gene into the human body.

“Major Emile, are you willing to be an experiment? If you don’t inject the potion, you may live on oxygen for the rest of your life, paralyzed on chuang, and your bones will be shattered. Only Superman serum and Hulk’s powerful genes can repair your body. If you succeed, you will not only be able to recover as before, but also become a super soldier, would you? ”

Sick chuang, Emil opened his eyes and nodded with difficulty, this guy pretended to be forced in front of Lin Feng, the end was too miserable, Ross just kicked, beat him to a lifelong cripple, if not for the injection of superhuman serum, Emil would have turned into meat mud long ago.

The murderous Emil is not willing to live the second half of his life half-dead like this, only as an experiment, he has the opportunity to recover and become stronger, and then take revenge on Lin Feng and Hulk.

General Ross smiled and said, “Okay! Major Emile, you bear with it, our injection, to open your spine, inject the potion into the spinal cord, the process is painful, if you can endure it, you can become a super soldier, if you can’t bear it, you can only do this. ”

“Your Excellency General, please help me inject, I want to have super strength, I want to kill Lin Feng and Hulk, those two bastards, I want to take revenge on them.”

General Ross said no more and beckoned to the scientists: “OK! Quickly inject Major Emil with a new potion. ”

“Yes, General.”

A group of scientists tied Emil to a specially made steel frame chuang, they turned Emir over, back up, a robotic arm, carrying a syringe, and pierced finger-long sharp needles into Emir’s spine.

The strong pain made Emil scream violently, the spine is one of the densest places in the human nerves, and the pain of being pierced by finger-long needles makes people feel painful.

There was nothing Emil could do but endure the pain, and his bones were shattered into powder, unable to move, let alone resist.

In the basement, the stronger Emir’s screams became, he felt that he had reached hell and was being torn apart by countless evil spirits.

The pain made Emil have a strong hatred, he hated the scientists who made him so painful, he hated Lin Feng and Hulk for making him so miserable, he hated the sky, hated the earth, hated everything, and a thought of revenge on everyone appeared in Emile’s mind.

This major is evolving towards the notorious ‘abomination’.

“General, a miracle has occurred, Major General Emir’s broken bones have begun to heal, and his body is undergoing amazing changes.”

In the laboratory, the scientists happily reported the news to General Ross.

“It seems that Hulk’s genes can really be integrated into the human body. You guys do a good job and report to me if you have a situation. ”

General Ross smiled and left the laboratory, experiments had proved that Hulk genes could be integrated into human bodies, and General Ross wanted to study how to inject this potion into his own body.

Less than half an hour after Ross left, in the laboratory, Emil had already undergone earth-shattering changes. His shattered bones have not only healed, but also grown outside the skin, and Emil has now turned into a monster.

He looked like a half-human, half-skeleton monster, his muscles mixed with bones and growing outside his skin.

With a click, Emil broke the steel rope that bound him and jumped up, his huge body more than three meters tall, frightening the scientists in the laboratory to scream in horror.

“Haha… I can finally stand up again, this power in my genes, almost endless, too strong, I like it. ”

Emil laughed evilly like a ghost, punched a cement wall, grabbed a scientist, and directly screwed his head off.

Blood splattered Emile’s face with his tongue. After adding blood to his head, he smiled even more evilly: “This feeling of violent killing is really cool, you all go to die.” ”

Emile, who has a strong hatred, has become a true hatred, and he has become a more violent and murderous monster than the Hulk.

In the laboratory, those scientists screamed madly and fled, some people begged for intercession, and the hateful Emil would not show mercy to anyone, punch by punch, kick by person, and in the blink of an eye, all the scientists in the laboratory were killed by him.

The upheaval in the laboratory woke up the entire military base, and the alarm in the base was sounding wildly, and after groups of American soldiers knew that there was a monster in the laboratory, he began to assemble and prepare to deal with Emile.

The passage of the laboratory, the alloy steel door more than one meter thick, after being punched twice by the emir, with a loud bang, the steel door weighing several tons was flattened and kicked away, and the half-human, half-skeleton emir jumped out of the underground passage of the laboratory.

Da, da, da… The soldiers opened fire furiously, and bullets rained down on Emir.

The bullet shot at the body, all blocked by the bone, and Emil was excited to find that his appearance was stronger than the alloy. Countless times harder, the attack generated by the bullet grenade, hitting the body, will not even leave a mark.

“I like who I am now, and this superhuman feeling is wonderful.”

Emil laughed maniacally and rushed into the crowd, killing rings, many soldiers were punched through the stomach by him, some soldiers’ soldiers were torn in half by his legs, some soldiers were directly screwed off their heads by him, and some were caught in two, this crazy monster, like killing chickens, in the most cruel way, killed everyone he encountered.

The smell of blood drifted through the air, and the screams of servicemen, the explosions of artillery shells, resounded throughout the Virginia military base.

United States, V. Corner building, filmed by satellite, V. The generals of the Hornhouse have seen everything that is happening at the Virginia base.

They began broadcasting on television to American residents in the Virginia area, telling everyone to find a safe place to hide at the fastest time, and never go out or go out on the streets, otherwise their lives would be in danger.

Vitani Company, Lin Feng has seen the news on TV that the emir slaughtered soldiers.

“Huh! The plot finally unfolds, Emil has appeared, and it’s time to rescue the Hulk. ”

Lin Feng didn’t want to trouble Tony and Wolverine, he wore a 3rd generation suit, flew into the sky, and flew towards Virginia.

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