Lin Feng is a humanoid treasure, and the value of every technology he takes out cannot be calculated in money.

Seizing the opportunity for Lin Feng to return to China, the bigwigs chased after each other, and asked Lin Feng if he had any other technology and was willing to cooperate with the country.

Lin Feng was helpless and decided to help again.

Lin Feng said with a smile at the moment: “Everyone, after China has advanced engines, the air force is not inferior to other countries, plus super ammunition to improve the strength of the missile force.” Our weapons are no longer afraid of any country, and for the sake of you who have always wanted to make the country strong, I will provide another technology. Let our army, the combat strength increase several times. ”

Lin Feng continued: “I have an alloy technology that can increase the armor hardness of tanks by 10 times, in addition to China’s super ammunition, it is okay for missiles from other countries to hit tanks.” In addition, I also provide an advanced dual-use ‘high energy storage battery’ technology. ”

“My research on materials technology does not dare to say that there is no one to come, but I dare to say that there is no one before. I can use magnetic compression technology, with nanotechnology, and the research of new elements to create a super battery. The capacity of such batteries will reach several thousand degrees or more. ”

“Use this high-energy storage battery to make batteries for mobile phones and computers. Any mobile phone and computer in China, once fully charged, can be used continuously for three months. In the future, when you go out, you don’t have to worry about your mobile phone and computer running out of battery. With this technology, what Apple, Samsung mobile phones, what Dell computers, Apple computers, Sony computers, all have become backward products, their mobile phones and computers, waiting for power for one to three days at most. And our mobile phones and computers have been waiting for 3 months. ”

“Our mobile phones and computers will become the world’s first-rate, and the whole world will come to buy our mobile phones and computers in the future.” This high energy storage material can make China’s mobile phone and computer industry unique in the world and lead the way. ”

“The super capacity of the high energy storage battery, the improvement of the performance of the tank, has reached a terrible stage. The most advanced tank in the world can only drive 300 to 600 kilometers at most to refuel once, and it is very scary to drink oil, so the tank cannot function remotely. ”

“But after using high-energy storage batteries to make tank batteries, China’s tanks can fight for three consecutive days.” It is no exaggeration to say that in the Asian region, whoever dares to mess with our country and directly launch tank troops can conquer any sub-Asian unit in three days. Continental countries. At that time, Hillert was so awesome that he ploughed the whole of Europe with more than 50,000 tanks. ”

“Our super tank, a combat capability, will be 20 to 30 times more capable than ordinary tanks, and when equipped with super ammunition, the combat effectiveness is even more terrifying. It also has the ability to sail long distances, and this tank can run for more than three days in a row. Think of the picture of tens of thousands of super tanks roaring forward, no matter which country, will be terrified. ”

The big guys are already crazy.

“The high-energy storage battery technology is fantastic, and with this technology, our army’s army is invincible in the world.”

“With high energy storage technology, China can dominate the world mobile phone and computer market, tens of millions of employees in the mobile phone and computer industry, will become high-paid employees, this technology is fantastic.”

“Mr. Lin, sell this technology for $30 billion to the state!”

Lin Feng smiled: “Good to say!” Let’s sign the contract. ”

After the high energy storage technology was provided, Lin Feng was rewarded with 70,000 talent points, and the total talent points have reached about 330,000. Lin Feng was very cool, and he signed the contract with the big guys at the moment.

Looking at the speed at which Lin Feng made money, the disguised Wolverine was directly dumbfounded, this return to China in less than a few hours, 3 technologies of 180 billion US dollars, this shock is too strong.

Wolverine touched Lin Feng, who was signing the contract, and laughed softly: “Lin, you are crazy, I can’t even think of this speed of making money!” In the future, you will cover all my wine money ha! ”

“Well said, the most expensive wine in the world, how much you want to drink, all on me, good brother, handout gas.”

After Lin Feng signed the contract with a smile, according to the arrangement of the big guys, he took Wolverine and checked into the National Hotel.

Lin Feng actually has a lot of super technology, which can be provided to Huaxia, while making money, while earning talent points.

For example, liquid nano biochips, if this technology is provided to Huaxia, then the whole people of China will be super-god, after everyone is combined with the chip, human learning ability, memory ability, thinking ability, it is too terrible.

Because he was worried that this technology would get out of control and let the terrorists get it, Lin Feng could only keep the technology for the time being.

Lin Feng can also use the electromagnetic technology developed by Iron Man equipment to help the country develop powerful electromagnetic weapons, if electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic railguns are developed, then the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army will surpass the United States.

The electromagnetic cannon uses electromagnetic projectile objects, which can increase the speed of the object to the first speed and second speed of the universe.

At this terrifying speed, an iron ball the size of a soybean can penetrate a tank.

Electromagnetic weapons are superweapons that use powerful electromagnetism to launch various iron beads and iron balls, capable of shooting down enemy missiles, and capable of hitting enemies from a long distance. And it is very cheap to use, in addition to electricity, it is ordinary iron beads and iron balls.

But the most critical technology of electromagnetic weapons is energy technology, and only Lin Feng’s generation 4 reactor can provide such a huge amount of electricity.

Lin Feng does not want to hand over this core technology to others now, so the electromagnetic weapon plan, Lin Feng can only keep it for the time being.

The talent points have been almost earned, the money is enough, the purpose of returning to Huaxia has been completed, and the other purpose is to kill Lord Man and take away the other 7 magic rings from him.

Where is Lord Man, Lin Feng still doesn’t know, to deal with that guy, Lin Feng can only wait for the opportunity.

In the evening, Lin Feng was invited to the state banquet by the bigwigs, Lin Feng did not like to drink, so he let Wolverine drink instead of himself, and he was happy to help Lin Feng with a cup at the top of Wolverine’s butt.

Lin Feng has now become the number one figure in Huaxia, and the news of Lin Feng’s cooperation with the state spread everywhere on TV and the Internet, and overnight, Huaxia boiled again.

“Lin Feng is the God of Technology, he returned to China twice and let Huaxia advance for more than 30 years, Lin Feng, you are already a living god.”

“Lin Feng single-handedly made Huaxia a super military power and a super economic power, and Lin Feng’s contribution to Huaxia deserves everyone’s respect.”

“Lin Dashen, every small step you take, Huaxia takes a big step forward, and the people thank you.”

“Lin Feng has single-handedly lifted up the entire Chinese family, let our nation take off, and let our country go to the top of the world. Peak. Lin Feng, you are the great man of the century. Compared with you, the contribution of others is the pearl of rice, competing with Haoyue, and not measuring themselves. ”

“Lin Feng, you are a god-like man, you are the only myth.”

On the Internet, all kinds of hot posts discussing Lin Feng reached billions, and every Chinese person was grateful to Lin Feng from the heart.

You can’t know who the national boss is, but you have to know who Lin Feng is.

Because of him, Huaxia is becoming a super empire. He is the hero of the people’s soul, he is the Zhenguo artifact, he is the soul of Huaxia.

[PS: The plot of science and technology is written here for the time being, I am worried that everyone does not like to watch it. ] 】

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