Seeing that the bigwigs had a strong interest in tempered cement, Lin Feng knew that the money and talent points were about to arrive again, and he was very happy in his heart.

“Everyone, in order to make everyone believe in tempered cement, I better show you the video of my experiment.”

After Lin Feng connected a computer to a large electronic screen in the venue, Lin Feng released a video of his experiment.

In the video, Lin Feng mixes an element with cement, and after coating a wall with this cement, the wall immediately becomes a 10-centimeter-thick tempered cement wall.

Lin Feng let people attack this wall with rockets, and with a loud bang, the explosion of the rockets did not cause any damage to the wall.

Lin Feng let people drive the tank against this wall, charging and crashing while firing.

The heavy tank, weighing more than 60 tons, bombarded the wall with armor-piercing bullets, the wall was still not injured, the tank hit the wall with a huge force, making a loud noise, and the wall was unharmed under the impact force of the tank’s 60-ton impact.

Lin Feng also let people build roads with tempered cement in a wilderness, one person drove a road roller, after grinding out a road in the wilderness, in the wilderness full of weeds and gravel, another worker drove a cement truck and sprayed out the cement and paved it on the road that was milled out. Within a few minutes, the cement solidified and a 100-meter-long concrete runway appeared in the wilderness.

These cement runways can withstand missile bombardment and tank crushing, and the performance of this road has exceeded that of ordinary roads several times.

The performance of tempered cement, after the video was played, everyone saw the powerful power of this cement.

What Lin Feng said is not an exaggeration, with the performance of this cement, the road built 5 to 10 centimeters can be used for hundreds of years, and the house built with this cement is really not afraid of earthquakes, fires, and missile attacks. If you use this cement to build a meter-thick cement wall, you are really not afraid of nuclear . Play.

The speed of using this cement road is extremely fast, which can save a lot of manpower and material resources, and the role of tempered cement, a super material, on national construction, cannot be described by money.

“It’s really a magical cement, and it’s not worth under bio-oil.”

“With this cement, our country no longer has to worry about earthquakes in the future. The earthquake in the Shu area, killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people, will never happen again in our country. ”

“With this super cement, the quality of our people’s houses will be increased countless times, and there will be no more tofu dregs projects.”

“With this cement, China can save 5 trillion yuan in road construction costs every year, 50 trillion yuan in 10 years, and 500 trillion yuan in 100 years.” Oh, my God! ”

The big guys went crazy, everyone stood up and enthusiastically applauded Lin Feng, the performance of tempered cement, through the video, conquered everyone.

Highest. The leader was already speechless with excitement: “Mr. Lin, on behalf of the country, I thank you, from now on, China’s infrastructure construction will become the first in the world.” My highway will become the first in the world, our country can save countless wealth every year, and the houses of ordinary people will become stronger. This cement is worth an infinite amount, are you willing to sell this cement technology to the state for $100 billion? ”

Lin Feng said with a smile: “Anyway, I have enough money to spend, earn a little more, earn a little less, I don’t mind.” I am willing to give in favor of the people and the country. I am willing to sell this technology to the state for $100 billion. ”

Lin Feng was so modest, which made the bigwigs very moved: “Great, Mr. Lin, you are really a pillar, you are simply a Zhenguo artifact.” With a super scientist like you, the strength of our country rises like a rocket. Mr. Lin, although the tempered cement technology is powerful, but this cement is so domineering, what if you want to demolish the building? This cement is 3 to 5 times harder than steel, and if you have to tear down the house, it is too laborious. ”

Lin Feng said with a smile: “Leaders don’t worry, I have long thought of this, I have a ‘element thinner’, with this thinner, tempered cement will lift the tempered state and become ordinary cement.” ”

“Oh! That’s great, this cement is going to be fixed in my country. Mr. Lin, do you have any other technology that you would like to export? ”

Lin Feng smiled slightly: “Everyone, allow me to boast about myself, my knowledge of chemistry surpasses any scientist on the earth.” For civilian use, I made tempered cement. Military, I used my knowledge of chemistry to come up with ‘super ammunition’. ”

“This ammunition is more than 10 times more powerful than ordinary explosives. At present, the price of a missile in the world is generally 700,000 US dollars a piece, equivalent to 3.5 million yuan. So to start a war, to spend money, will hollow out a lot of small countries, like the United States fought Ila . A war cost $600 billion because missiles were too expensive. ”

“With my super ammunition, the cost of a missile is only about 350,000 yuan. At present, China can build 10 missiles for the money spent on one missile. ”

“The average ammunition expires in about 20 to 30 years, while my super ammunition can be used for about 100 years. It is no exaggeration to say that with my super ammunition, our military strength will increase by 10 times, and any country that dares to launch a war against our country will blow up their country into ruins with a wave of missiles. With super ammunition, China saves at least 100 billion yuan in military spending every year. My steel suit is equipped with this advanced ammunition, so it’s terrifyingly powerful. For the sake of a strong national defense and for Huaxia to never be bullied by foreign enemies, I am willing to export this advanced ammunition technology to the country. ”

“A missile costs 300,000 yuan, and its power is still 10 times … With this technology, our country can produce 100,000 missiles a year, more than the whole world combined. Which country dares to fight with our country, that is to look for death! ”

“Mr. Lin, your contribution to national defense has exceeded 1 million troops, and with this military technology, our country is not afraid of aliens. Ha ha…… It’s so cool, the dream of a strong country and a strong army is finally coming true. ”

“It’s so exciting, with super ammo, Ya. Which small country in the continent dares to point fingers at us again, if you talk more and talk more, you can scare them into tears with a light of super missiles. ”

The bigwigs were so excited that they almost went out of order, and Lin Feng’s return to China this time, the two super technologies he brought back, the contribution to the country is indescribable.

“Mr. Lin, let’s discuss the details of purchasing this technology, if you want, we are willing to spend money on these two technologies.”

“Okay, let’s talk then.”

Lin Feng smiled and came down from the big guys and discussed carefully.

After more than an hour of discussion, the bigwigs clapped and were willing to spend $50 billion to buy super ammunition technology.

Lin Feng can earn another 150 billion US dollars, in addition, there is a strong prompt from the scientific and technological system in his head, because tempered cement has a huge help to 1.3 billion people in China, Lin Feng has been rewarded with 150,000 talent points.

The super ammunition can allow the 1.3 billion people in China to not worry about the invasion of foreign enemies, and the contribution to the people is also great, and Lin Feng has been rewarded with 100,000 talent points.

Just two technologies make Lin Feng earn a lot of sourness, in addition to money, 250,000 talent points can allow Lin Feng to learn a lot of super knowledge.

Lin Feng was already crooked, and now he happily followed the bigwigs to discuss the details of technology transfer and prepared to sign the contract.

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