The acquisition of 100,000 talent points made Lin Feng ecstatic, and Huaxia has now become Lin Feng’s talent point cash machine.

With these 100,000 talent points, Lin Feng is almost an omnipotent man, deciphering the secrets of Edman alloy, making more advanced genetic potions, and making super materials that all kinds of aliens can’t come up with, it’s no longer a problem for Lin Feng.

Helping Huaxia develop science and technology will allow Lin Feng to earn talent points that cannot be obtained in the United States, which has only 270 million people. Many technologies have led the world, and if this engine technology is provided to the US government, Lin Feng may not get a dime, and he will not earn a contribution point. Because the United States already has very advanced engine technology, even if he does not want these technologies, he is also leading the world, and Lin Feng gives them technology, but he cannot contribute.

The backwardness of Huaxia Technology gives Lin Feng an unlimited opportunity to earn talent points.

Since the population of Huaxia is 5 to 6 times that of the United States, Lin Feng develops a science and technology to help more people, and Lin Feng earns 5 to 6 times more talent points than in the United States.

The 100,000 talent points have arrived, and Lin Feng finally no longer has to worry about talent points, and now decides to use technology to make money.

Looking at the excited scientists around him, Lin Feng said with a smile: “Leaders, the engine technology I provided to you is nothing, I want to talk to you about the cooperation of other technologies.” ”

“Mr. Lin, do you have more advanced technology? Say it quickly! Everyone waited to hear it. ”

Lin Feng smiled: “China is a country with a large population, economic development is inseparable from the support of energy, and energy in modern society is the foundation of a country’s development.” Why the Middle East has been fighting all the time is for energy, for oil. I have a technology that can reduce our dependence on oil and bring our country into the era of cheap energy. ”

“Mr. Lin, quickly say what kind of technology.”

Lin Feng said with a smile: “It is bio-petroleum technology, as we all know, oil is tens of millions of years ago forest, through the movement of the earth’s crust, buried in the ground, through the action of microorganisms to form.” My ‘Vittani company’ is Bio, our company has the most advanced biologists in the world, and we are already working on bio-petroleum technology. ”

“Using microorganisms, we can turn ordinary plants into oil in a matter of hours to days through techniques similar to fermentation. The cost of bio-oil is only about one-tenth that of ordinary oil. Using this technology, our country no longer needs to import oil from any country, and farmers can use all kinds of weeds, leaves, straw … Any plant refined into oil. Using this technology, China’s farmers will increase their income by at least 20,000 to 50,000 yuan per year, and China will not only not have to import oil, but also export oil to the world. ”

“With bio-oil technology, China will never lack oil, China’s gasoline prices will fall to a lower level than the United States, cheap oil, will make the price of product transportation fall, resulting in an overall decline in prices.” In this way, the people of the whole country will benefit, and what you buy now for 2 dollars, you can buy something for 4 yuan later. For the people of the whole country, the benefits are endless. ”

Lin Feng’s bio-petroleum technology stunned all officials and scientists.

Oil is the lifeblood of the economy, and without it, a country will be doomed. Taking Japan as an example, if the oil is cut off for three months, all cars in Japan will be unable to drive, all Japanese companies will stop working, Japan will be too poor to eat, and then it will become a backward country like Africa, and the importance of oil is self-evident.

Huaxia is a big oil-starved country, 50% to 80% of the oil is imported from foreign countries every year, and the oil will run out one day.

If Lin Feng really develops bio-petroleum technology, it will solve the problem of China’s century-old or even millennial development.

If oil is cheaper, the cost of various enterprises will drop significantly, all kinds of goods will become cheaper because of the decline in transportation costs, and the Chinese people can buy more things with the same money.

Not to mention, if farmers across the country adopt bio-oil technology and use straw and weeds to make oil, then farmers can make a large amount of oil and export it to the world, and farmers will have a huge income. When the peasants become rich, their purchasing power is stronger, and all walks of life in China will be strong.

Lin Feng’s bio-petroleum technology can no longer be described by money, with this technology, Huaxia will become richer, and the ordinary people of Huaxia will live better.

The scientists on the scene were all dumbfounded, they thought they were listening to myths. The technology of directly turning plants into oil has not been mastered by the United States, has Lin Feng really mastered it? Everyone is suspicious.

“Mr. Lin, is what you said true? Is there really that amazing technology? ”

“Mr. Lin, the United States has not come up with this technology, have you really figured it out?”

“Mr. Lin, if you really come up with this technology, you directly say how much it costs, and the state will definitely agree.”

“Mr. Lin, if you really develop bio-petroleum technology to solve the country’s permanent energy needs, you will become the totem of Huaxia, and you are the greatest figure in the 5,000-year history of China.”

“Mr. Lin, if you really come up with bio-oil technology, then Japan will have to be our grandson in the future, 90% of Japan’s oil is imported from abroad, if we can produce bio-oil that is 10th of the current oil price, Japan will definitely beg our country to export this oil to them, then Japan will always listen to our country, if you disobey, you will cut off his oil, just like cutting off a child’s milk, haha, he can only cry.”

The scientists and bigwigs at the scene were already happy and crazy, and if Lin Feng’s words were said from other people, they would definitely be regarded as neurotic and madmen. But from Lin Feng’s mouth, it can still be believed, after all, this genius has just solved the engine technology that has plagued the country for 30 years, and his ability in science and technology has already surpassed the gods.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile: “The development of this technology is not a problem for me. How much are you willing to pay for this technology? ”

“Mr. Lin, how much money do you want, just speak.”

Lin Feng smiled: “I’m not very greedy, anyway, I have a lot of skills to make money, let me sign contracts with farmers myself, let them grow grass and plants for me, and then refine oil, and then sell oil, it’s too troublesome.” This technology, which I transferred to my country, is very cheap, only 100 billion dollars. ”

“$100 billion … It’s really cheap! Mr. Lin, if you take out this technology, we will sign a contract with you immediately. ”

Highest. The leaders also thought that Lin Summit Lion opened his mouth and that $100 billion was really nothing to the Chinese government, which already had more than $3 trillion in foreign exchange. As long as this technology can be obtained, the benefits of Huaxia will exceed 100 billion US dollars, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

“Everyone, wait a minute.”

Immediately can earn 100 billion US dollars, Lin Feng’s heart is very sour, the richest government on this earth is estimated to be the Huaxia government, only they can come up with 100 billion US dollars. Although the United States is rich and strong, it is the Americans who are rich, the US government is poor, and the president’s private funds can only be used by $100,000. All spending in the United States must be approved by Congress before it can be passed, unlike Huaxia, where the boss makes a decision, and the $100 billion business can be done immediately.

Lin Feng was happy and crazy, closed his eyes and smashed 5,000 talent points on the ‘biogenetic technology’ on the technology tree, and in an instant, the technology about bio-oil flowed endlessly into Lin Feng’s mind like a stream of water.

Lin Feng already has the most amazing bio-petroleum technology in the world.

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