“Welcome to Caroline’s little cake shop with me.”

With a cheer, Daisy and her best friend Caroline, who opened the store together, rushed up and hugged Mary Jane and Jane Foster and others who came to congratulate her.

This is the third day after Loki took away the Cosmic Cube, originally at this time Ross planned to let the people around him minimize going out to avoid accidents, but Daisy’s small shop happened to open at this time, half a month ago Mary Jane had received an invitation, as one of her few friends, this day she was bound to be present to support, so Ross simply put down the work at hand and accompanied his girlfriend to the small cake room on the beach in Manhattan to celebrate Daisy’s dream that she had finally achieved her dream.

Standing in the middle of the store and looking around, fresh unsalted cream, colorful fruits, dozens of eggs, flavors of flavors, and baked cupcakes… All the same items are arranged in categories on the tool tables on both sides.

The walls are pasted with cute wallpaper, the only room is both a storefront and a cake baking room, although the area is not large, the inside and outside are cleaned up, the oven and tableware are also polished bright, except for the no grand hall and cabinets, only through the window to provide takeaway, this exquisite and small cake room looks no different from the old boutiques on Fifth Avenue, and the rich and sweet taste in the air also partially proves the good quality of the cake.

“Originally, we planned to open the small shop on Brooklyn Entertainment Street, open from two to four in the morning, and the main target group was the people who came out of the bar, drunk men in Williamsburg, but thanks to Ross for helping us contact this storefront, the rent is not high, and we can open at three meals during the day, so that we don’t miss homework, Jane can deduct some credits less, and let me graduate early.” Daisy shook her majestic xiong and patted Ross on the shoulder with a big grin to show her gratitude.

“Would you like a few, try Max’s latest craft.” Max is Daisy’s usual pseudonym, and her slender, very smart-looking blonde girlfriend Caroline loses no time in promoting goods.

Regardless of the actor’s dieting habits, Mary Jane took the lead and took turns to taste them, praising the store’s signature products, and then Ross and others followed, and then Mary Jane simply asked Daisy for a clerk’s uniform, and personally stood by the window to recommend it to passers-by outside.

Ross knew that Mary Jane had not been in a good mood recently, and the new friend Natalie Roschman who had recently joined the lab suddenly left for some reason, and even the necessary work handover procedures were not completed, which made Pepper, who has always been diligent and dedicated, quite unhappy, and even suspected that there was something wrong with the identity of this assistant, and Mary Jane was very uncomfortable caught in the middle, so it was good to take this opportunity to change her mood.

The lively celebration ended quickly, and his girlfriend still refused to leave, so Ross ordered the bodyguards to stay nearby, and he and Jane went out to relax.

For the first time since the Asgard invasion, they had been in contact alone, and if it weren’t for Ross’s strong intervention, perhaps Jane and Dr. Selvig would still be under S.H.I.E.L.D. surveillance at this time, when Jane had already regained her freedom, teaching at the university and assisting in research in the laboratory, while on another timeline, Servig, controlled by Loki, was very lucky to escape and is now working as a deputy director of the energy department led by Dr. Otto the Octopus.

Outside the sun was shining and the sea breeze was gentle, Ross and Jane strolled side by side on the beach, looking at the rolling waves in the distance and flocks of circling seagulls, and the two chatted casually.

At this time, during the summer vacation, young people have a lot of time to splurge, and everywhere you can see a pair of parents leading their children, taking off their shoes and swimming into the sea, some children catching crabs, some catching sea fish, some having water fights, and the seafood shop not far away is cooking oysters and long shrimp for tourists to enjoy.

“Want to try it?” Ross held up a plate of oysters, which had been washed by clerks in clean seawater and filled with ice underneath.

“Can you really eat it, I’ve never tried this way of eating.” Jane took the plate in embarrassment and clumsily drizzled the sauce.

“It’s the purest flavor and it’s good to taste by the sea.” Ross smiled slightly.

Jane tried it suspiciously, and the fat flesh was a little sweet when she first tasted it, but gradually a fragrance surged up from between her lips and teeth, and soon her mouth was full of this wonderful taste.

Looking at her surprised expression, Ross laughed and ordered two beers by the way, and the two ate seafood while drinking.

Then, they went to the beach together to collect shells, and Ross took her to the shore wall to fish, and before she knew it, Jane felt like she had returned to her girlhood, and she was in a better mood than ever.

“My father used to bring me here when he was alive, and I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.” Facing the sea breeze, Jane pulled her long loose hair back behind her ear and pressed it to Ross’s ear and whispered.

“I also look forward to having a smart and beautiful daughter.” Ross sat next to him and said something, causing Jane to be angry and amused, and couldn’t help but clench his fist and punch him hard.

After beating, Jane was a little embarrassed, her cheeks were crimson and | red, and she stood up, saying that she was out of company and left temporarily.

“Jane Foster, what the hell are you doing?”

In the commercial street outside the beach, Jane stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, holding her red hot face with her hands.

In her life, no man of the same age had ever been as close as Ross, and unconsciously, he had left many deep memories in her mind, just as important as the speedy black shadow who had saved himself on the edge of life and death.

When she was evicted from the house by her landlord because of rent arrears, it was Ross who stood up for her fragile and pitiful self-esteem; When she is forced to accept government agency control because of Thor’s involvement, it is Ross who takes a strong attitude and brings herself back to the free world.

Today is also because of him, let herself feel the warm time of her youth again, and her mood is unprecedentedly happy and relaxed, how can she not be moved?

However, in Jane’s view, there is always a gap between her and Ross, and the existence of Mary Jane and Gwen makes her only secretly hide this relationship.

The flushed cheek|s gradually turned pale, and the temperature of the palms of his hands became cooler a little, just when Jian Ran lowered his hands and turned around and wanted to leave alone, suddenly a tor|n steel plate fell from the sky, rotating at high speed with the howling wind| falling on the ground nearby.


With a loud noise, the gravel on the ground was smashed by the heavy steel plate and splashed everywhere, and the metal fragments instantly hit several unlucky eggs not far away, one of them was unfortunately smashed into the head, and his body was paralyzed on the spot, and several others were stabbed by sharp sharp angles, holding the blood-sprayed wound and fell to the ground and howled loudly.

Without waiting for the people around to escape into the distance, more falling | falling objects fell from the sky, and they smashed into the beach with a roaring fire like meteorites from the sky, and the business community with hot business was suddenly ignited into a |blazing sea of fire by many places.

“Swoosh —-”

An iron pipe swirled and narrowly passed through Jane’s head, and then with a muffled sound, it plunged deeply into the ground |.

Without having time to think, the screaming Jane was held in the middle by the terrified crowd of people, running around aimlessly, and along the way, people were frequently overthrown by falling objects and gas waves generated by explosions.

Just as she was looking around for Ross’s traces, suddenly her eyes were dark, and the sunlight on her head seemed to be obscured by something bulky.

In her busy schedule, Jane looked back and found that a huge | floating warship slowly emerged from the clouds in the sky, and its whole body was filled with black smoke, and the orange-red fire in the smoke could be faintly seen.

Jane didn’t know that this was a S.H.I.E.L.D. air battleship, which had just been badly damaged in a joint internal and external invasion, and its engines were completely reimbursed, and now it had to make an emergency landing in a relatively sparsely populated area by the sea.

“Rose, Rose!”

She shouted hard, trying to find out Ross’s whereabouts, but her body was desperately pushed forward by the people behind, and just when she was about to leave the beach, suddenly a shockwave hit in front of her, throwing Jane’s whole person high, falling far to the ground like a bundle of straw.

The strong concussion made her unable to support her body anymore, and her | legs fell limply in the middle of the crazy running crowd.

The warship of the head slowly fell, and in a tooth-biting sound of metal |, the bow of the ship smashed into the shallow sea belt, like a meteorite flying from outside the sky hitting the earth, and suddenly set off a series of monstrous waves.

At this moment, the sky and the earth seemed to be quiet, the sun lost its light, the world no longer had other colors, the crowd of ants running around fled into the distance, only Jane was abandoned alone in the dangerous beach, looking with trepidation at the deck of the giant | battleship getting closer and closer.

The shadow of the sky slowly fell, and along the way, like a cracked biscuit, it crushed the once lively commercial street on the beach, and dozens of buildings appeared extremely small and fragile under its |, without any blocking effect.

Just as Jane closed her eyes in despair, intending to welcome death as it went, a hazy figure passed through the diagonal thorn and saved her from the brink of death in a flash.


Jane blinked her eyes mechanically, and only recognized the other party after a few seconds, she put her arms around the man’s neck, holding him and screaming, she really couldn’t help her emotions, the overwhelming pressure just now made her almost collapse, and now her body was still shaking violently|.

“It turned out to be you, and it was you last time!”

Jane cried and hugged him tightly, and at this time Ross did not change into his battle suit, and a small blue current still flashed around him from time to time.

“It’s okay, it’s okay already.”

Ross took Jane in his arms and gently patted her back to comfort her.

In front of the two, the huge and spectacular battleship | was slowly dumping into the sea under the blood-red sunset.

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