Taking advantage of a group of strangely dressed eccentrics to stop the Hulk at Yankee Stadium, General Thaddeus Ross hurried back to the command center, the defeat in front was nothing, his main force finally returned victoriously, and now he wants to seize the opportunity to make a big fight, reorganize a blow, completely, comprehensively, and mercilessly take out the Hulk, clear his shame and restore his reputation.

A flame-like emotion surged in the General’s chest, urging him to act as soon as possible, so violent that the General focused all his attention on the Hulk and ignored his daughter Betty, who had just been rescued and returned with the troops.

“Dad, you guys capture Banner.” Wearing Ross’s coat, Betty shouted after her father. “I didn’t understand why you guys couldn’t talk properly, but now I know, you want to turn Bruce into a weapon.”

“Every cell in his body is the property of the army, and he caused a major accident on his own initiative, so why should I let him go.” Unmoved, the general walked through the corridor and ordered his men to prepare special equipment such as thermite and depleted uranium warheads. In the past, when capturing the Hulk was to obtain his body to continue experimenting, the general did not use too lethal means, but now things are making a lot of noise in the United States, half of the city is in chaos, the White House and the Pentagon countless pairs of eyes are staring at him, he can no longer hide it, he can only try his best to kill the opponent first, and then see if he can recover the wreckage.

Fortunately, there are abhorrent corpses that were captured before, it doesn’t matter if the military’s own researchers do not argue, the general has long made up his mind to send them to cutting-edge laboratories, presumably Ross can study something useful to come out, and when the time comes, will he still keep it secret from himself with the relationship between the two sides?

Thinking of the lieutenant colonel’s report on what she had seen with her own eyes, the changes that had occurred in those watchmen were undoubtedly a very gratifying development, and the depression of General Xiongkou instantly dissipated by half, replaced by a new enthusiasm.

The daughter was noisy next to him, and the general was all deaf, he was a fierce-willed soldier, no matter how much he loved Betty in peacetime, once he made a decision, he could not be shaken.

Just as the general was about to give orders, a change on the screen disrupted his plans.

“What is this?” The general was stunned.

“Sir, all the weapons are ready, do you want to dispatch now?” The lieutenant colonel requested instructions later.

“Wait, wait.” The general thought for a moment and waved his hand at the lieutenant colonel, all his attention was now drawn to the screen.


At this moment, the two giants officially began their first contact in their lives.

After throwing down the leg of lamb, the red tank dived down and swooped like an out-of-control train with incomparable mighty momentum, and slammed straight towards the Hulk on the opposite side.

In just a short distance, the arrogance of the red tank climbed rapidly, and the power carried by each step was a step higher than the previous step, the Hulk hesitated slightly, the red tank had rushed to his eyes, the huge figure seemed to fill the world, and the violent momentum was overwhelming.

“Hulk —-”

The Hulk roared and stepped forward without fear.

With a muffled sound of “bang”, in the astonished gaze of onlookers, the invincible Hulk was actually carried by the red tank that had just appeared, and his strong shoulders that were about to explode forcibly clamped Hulk’s mouth, just like that, he ran wildly all the way.

The road surface wailed under the feet, the air trembled | in the oppression, and the red tank carried the Hulk like a twelfth typhoon across the square during the run, stirring up the howling air flow to roll up the smoke and dust behind him, hitting piles of car wreckage along the way, the Hulk was hit and roared, but was held on the shoulder by the opponent and could not move.

The strong to exaggerated red tank took a step with both | legs and rushed all the way, a pair of big feet on the ground made a muffled thunderous sound, his steps became heavier and heavier, the momentum became more and more wild, |each step down, will step on the solid concrete road will step on the deep footprints, and the ground in turn gives him stronger power, making the high-speed running red tank unstoppable.

With a “boom”, the two slammed into a heavy goods truck parked on the side of the road, the giant car was forcibly blocked and broken by two giants, and the metal chassis of the truck was immediately distorted and deformed, and a deep footprint was instantly stepped on by the red tank that stepped on it.

The nearby superheroes witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and their eyes were almost jumping out of their sockets, and the generals in the command center were not as clear as they could see, but they were also stimulated by the crazy actions of the red tank.

“What kind of monster is this!” The general shouted, looking at the screen as if he saw a rare treasure, looking confused and infinitely longing.

Betty looked at the general, then at the screen, stomped her foot hard, gave up the idea of impressing her father with serum, and rushed out of the command center.

Mr. Fantastic at the scene couldn’t help but drag his disabled body and marvel one after another.

“I actually broke the truck… He weighs about 1,900 pounds, has a speed of about 60 miles, and | hit time of only 0.1 seconds, which means that the instantaneous impact force is as high as 220,000 newtons… But there was no pause, he continued to charge… It’s not scientific! ”

In the amazement of the general and Reid, the two giants continue to hit new obstacles.


A loud | explosion, a large hole in the middle of the large bus in the center of the street, the thin steel plate and window glass of the body were all shattered, the fuel tank was stepped on, fuel gushed out from the cracks, when the red tank and the Hulk passed through the middle, the whole car was hit by the impact of the giant | and lost its balance and rolled more than a dozen times, completely twisted and deformed like a piece of dough, and the two ends were folded in half and turned over in the middle of the road.

Then with a loud bang, the sparks generated by the | ignited the gasoline flowing on the ground, and the bus burned in a blazing fire.

“Hulk!” The Hulk pounded the people carrying him hard, but the power that affected the huge | on the others seemed to have completely lost its effect on the Red Tank.

The two went on a rampage like this, knocking over more than a dozen cars along the way, and crashing headlong into the exterior wall of the building blocked in front.

Under the collision of huge | forces, the bottom floor of the high-rise building collapsed like a crispy biscuit, and a large number of smashed glass and masonry poured down, and before the debris above landed, the two culprits had gone straight through the wall.

The red tank rushed like a high-speed train in a domineering manner, and anything that stood in his way could be knocked away by him, and his steps did not stop once.

It wasn’t until he crashed into a building again, the load-bearing column was broken by two people, the 2,000-square-foot hall completely collapsed, and the Hulk was submerged in a sea of earth and masonry, and he was content to stop.

“It seems that you have some skills, but in my eyes, it is very average.” Red Tank rubbed his shoulders, the Hulk’s jerk just now still made him very uncomfortable.

But now that the opponent is buried underneath, he can say anything, so he bragged without blushing, and casually took out a fried chicken leg from his leather armor pocket.

Just as he was about to turn around, before the red tank could swallow the chicken in his mouth, the collapsed ruins suddenly seemed to be detonated from the ground, and countless bricks and stones were thrown into the sky, and then the Hulk jumped out and slammed his huge fist into his ribs.

Although Red Tank is also a super monster with a strong physique, this blow also hit him black, and the chicken leg immediately vomited.

But he is not an ordinary person after all, and he has also learned some fighting skills during this time with Ross, and he reacts very quickly, grabbing Hulk’s fist with his backhand, throwing him into the air and smashing him towards another building.

The Hulk missed his hand for a while, hit the corner of the wall heavily, fell down on his head and feet, and jumped up and pounced on the other party as soon as he landed.

The two monsters fought together, in the fight they crashed through a building, a large building with a solid foundation can still withstand it, some delicate and slender buildings with a design style have been fatally hit, a high-rise tower-shaped building slowly toppled down, the upper half of the thunderous roar continues to burst more and more obvious cracks, smooth surface glass exterior walls continue to burst, countless masonry glass fragments splash around, and then the broken wall collapses, gravel brick chips fly all over the sky, with the momentum of ten thousand pounds from the sky, The landslide cracked and smashed towards the two giants below.

The falling bricks and stones stirred up violent waves of qi, and countless steel and rocks rushed towards the face.

Just out of danger, Red Tank and the Hulk collide head-on again.


The Hulk suddenly crouched down, grabbed his opponent’s calf, and tried to lift the red tank up.

But before he succeeded, the Red Tank also kicked him in the mouth, and the Hulk was furious, and slammed his backhand into the abdomen.

Several close blows in a row, even if the Red Tank and the Hulk were beaten again, they felt pain at this time and had to temporarily let go and look at each other.

“Come on, shorty!”

It didn’t take long for them to catch their breath, and with the deliberate provocation of the red tank, the two giants fought together again like beasts.

The Hulk rushed over desperately, and the red tank also collided head-on with great momentum, and after a loud “bang”, the two withstood each other’s impact without reservation.

The superheroes who arrive one after another can feel the |intensity of the collision, like two bloodthirsty prehistoric monsters fighting wildly.

Another round of heavy blows, the two were hit by each other one after another, the Hulk involuntarily took a few steps back, his dark green cheeks could not see the expression, but gasped and his face became darker and darker.

The red tank also stepped back, his cheeks bulging, and his saliva was bloodshot.

Without waiting for the peripheral audience to react, the furious red tank crashed into the opponent.

In the blink of an eye, the Hulk had been pushed out of the street, and the two crossed the Cliff Shopping Mall and crashed into the Hayden Museum on the riverfront.

The Hulk roared repeatedly, his strength increasing repeatedly, but he never managed to stop his opponent’s charge, and the red tank desperately grabbed Hulk’s ribs and tried to wrench his big | leg.

In a moment of losing his balance, the Hulk slammed his elbow into the back of the Red Tank, and almost at the same time, the Red Tank lifted his big | leg and threw the Hulk towards the exterior wall of the museum.

The overwhelmed building was knocked into by the Hulk, and after a shaky tingling | stood for a while, there was a boom, the ground shook, and the entire three-story exhibition hall collapsed.

“That’s awesome.” All the spectators exclaimed at the same time, although they saw that the red tank was also jumping in place, backhand to rub the place on the back that was smashed, obviously he was also injured, but they rarely saw such an amazing duel, and had to express shock at the strength of the two sides reaching the limit.

Just when they were surprised, Hulk pushed the ruins of the beginning and jumped out again.

A small man came from a distance and stood right in front of him.

“The Hulk is going in the wrong direction, run!” Iron Fist Daniel Rand shouted at the man.

Facing the roaring Hulk, the little man was undaunted, he opened his arms, his body swelled like a blow, and soon turned into a majestic and abnormal giant and the angry Hulk punched at the same time.

The yellow | giant fist collided with the green giant fist, there was no amazing loud noise as people imagined, nor was there a particularly huge | momentum, the two giant statues suddenly froze, only the fists against each other.

After a second of stalemate, the ground under their feet collapsed, and the deeply buried underground pipes were subjected to a huge | pressure, and countless cracks burst out immediately, and the crystal water splashed into the sky, turning into a downpour that poured down their heads and faces.

This was Emile Bronnsky, who returned to New York with the general’s troops, just in time for the battle.

“The one who robbed the opponent is coming.” Red Tank snorted and rubbed his belly.

He had beaten hard just now, and now his stomach is hungry again.

Facing an opponent who is as invincible and undefeatable as himself, even the aggressive Red Tank temporarily loses interest in fighting.

“I should have won this time, right?” In the distance, Rhodey, the war machine, muttered while carrying Tony, his body suddenly weakened, and he almost fell to the ground with his friends, but fortunately the stone man held them by the hand.

“Win.” Reid nodded slightly, immediately causing a long exhalation in the crowd.

Susan stood behind the crowd, she lifted her sweat-stained cheeks and looked at the helicopter hovering high in the sky, the sunlight shin|ing into her eyes from the direction of the horizon, and her mood suddenly calmed down.

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