Manhattan is so small!

Qi Mu was helpless, how could he not get rid of these troublesome guys anywhere?

Knowing this, he shouldn’t have followed for Parker’s ten cakes.

At the very least, it takes twenty…

After seeing Gwen appear, Parker did not dare to step forward to say hello, but shrunk his head and hid at the end of the line, for fear of being seen by Gwen.

After all, he and Qi Mu borrowed the passes of other interns to enter the mansion in an upright manner, and if Gwen saw them, their identities would definitely be exposed, and Parker didn’t know if Gwen would take the risk to help them keep it secret.

Therefore, try not to expose it if you can.

Thinking of this, Parker quickly pulled Qi Muya to the end of the team: “Don’t be seen by her, otherwise the two of us will be finished.” ”

Trust me, I don’t want to be seen by her more than you do…

Qi Mu was silent, to be honest, now he wanted to leave directly.

Due to the large number of interns, Gwen did not notice the two acquaintances at the end, and she introduced the scientific research results of Osborne Industry to the interns with a smile on her face, while leading everyone to visit the public research room of the Osborne Industrial Building.

Without the permission of Gwen, the guide, all the interns were not allowed to move around at will, and Qi Mu and Parker did not find a chance to slip away for a while, so they had to follow the team for the time being.

During the whole visit, Qi Mu was stop-and-go with the team, completely uninterested in the high technology around him.

Parker, a science enthusiast, cherishes this free visit.

He secretly hid behind a fat intern, and began to follow along without blinking, and his mouth exclaimed from time to time, and he was perfectly integrated with the surrounding interns.

Soon, Gwen led them to a huge research room, and at the same time, not far away, a thin man in a white coat walked towards this side.

“Welcome, I’m Professor Kurtkot Connors.”

When Professor Connors introduced himself, everyone subconsciously looked at his empty right sleeve, which Professor Connors did not care, but joked with himself: “As you can see, I am left-handed.” ”

His words drew friendly smiles from the interns.

But only Saiki and Parker didn’t laugh.

The former reason naturally goes without saying, because Professor Connors, who is suspected of being his father’s friend, is thinking of how to contact the other party alone.

“First of all, I am not disabled, I am a scientist, the authority of reptiles, that is, reptiles, this word I think you will not be unfamiliar with, just like others, I also aspire to heal myself, I want to create a world without defects.”

Professor Connors became more and more radical: “Guess how to create? ”

“Stem cells.” One of the interns immediately raised his hand in response, wanting to make a good impression on Professor Connors.

“Although there is hope, I want to plan more thoroughly.” Professor Connors shook his head, then looked at the other interns, “Is there another answer?” ”

“Across things… Hmm! ”

Parker was about to answer, but was covered by Qi Mu’s hand.

This guy is causing him all the trouble, it’s really not okay not to keep an eye on it!

However, although Parker was unable to say the answer, he and Qi Mu’s figure were already exposed to Gwen’s sight.

“Maiden, have you been blessed by God?” Qi Mu complained speechlessly in his heart.

As a superpower, every time he deliberately avoided the other party, he could actually be discovered by the other party, except that the other party was blessed by the god of luck, Qi Mu couldn’t think of any other reason.

[Why are they here?] 】

Seeing Parker and Qi Mu, Gwen couldn’t help but stunned.

Then, she looked down at the list of interns in her hand, but the names of Qi Mu and Parker were not on the list at all.

“Oops, Gwen she’s coming!” Parker exclaimed.

Who do you blame?

Qi Mu had given up resistance, anyway, he knew that Gwen would not reveal their identities.

As for the rest, let it go…

Sure enough, when Gwen sensed that something was wrong, she didn’t make any other moves, just glanced at them suspiciously, and stayed quietly next to Professor Connors.

After a while, when Professor Connors announced that she was free to visit the laboratory, she trotted over and asked them curiously, “Why are you here?” ”

“Uh, that, we…”

Parker panicked instantly, and even began to speak clearly, and he saw that he had a ghost in his heart.

“Hey, where did the courage you just answer go?” Qi Mu thought helplessly.

Although Gwen didn’t know the purpose of the two of them coming here, she could roughly guess it when she saw Parker’s appearance, and she chuckled, “You guys shouldn’t have sneaked in.” ”

“Who said that!” Parker hurriedly explained: “We walked in through the main entrance, you said yes Saiki.” ”

“Hehe, it’s really quite upright.” Qi Mu’s face was expressionless.

However, before Qi Mu could speak, Gwen looked down at the pass on their chest: “Rodrigue, John, this is your new name?” ”

Parker finally couldn’t make up a reason, speechless, and his face was a little embarrassed.

At this moment, a black man suddenly walked up to Professor Connors, and did not know what to say to him, and Professor Connors suddenly left with a very bad face.

Seeing this, Parker didn’t care to explain to Gwen here, and pushed Qi Mu out: “You guys talk first, I’ll go to the toilet first.” ”

After that, he hurriedly ran away after Professor Connors.

Saiki, who left a black line full of black lines, looked at Gwen in place……_

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