There was a deathly silence in the audience.

The hostages all looked at the corpses lying on the ground with wide eyes, and their eyes were full of panic.

They thought they could wait until the group of robbers left, and then they could end naturally.

As a result, the boss of the bank directly caused human life, who will not start to worry about whether he will fall into the same fate.

If it weren’t for the other party’s muzzle threat, I’m afraid this group of hostages would have been unable to resist rioting.

Parker said that he was used to such a bloody scene, he lowered his head and lowered his voice to Qi Mu and asked: “What should we do now, those guys look very difficult to mess with.” ”

“Wait slowly.”

Qi Mu’s gaze stayed on the periphery of the bank, and then his heart moved, at this time, a passerby hundreds of meters away from the bank suddenly looked at the bank, looked strange and slightly hesitant, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the police: “Hello, I want to report the crime, there seems to be a bank robbery here…”

In the bank hall, the hostages, threatened at gunpoint, were forced to crouch in the center surrounded by three robbers, and each hostage was taped to an object that looked like a bomb, even children of Saiki and Parker’s age.

“Now that each of you has 8 pounds of C4 explosives strapped to you, as soon as I flick this spring-activated switch, then… You’re like, ‘Boo! ‘, directly exploded into pieces. The robber boss waved the instrument in his hand, and his words were full of threat.


Some of the hostages with faster heads had already guessed the purpose of these robbers, apparently to use all of them as bargaining chips as a condition for negotiating with the police if necessary, and if the negotiations were not proper, they would definitely follow the robbers here.

No one wants to die in such a place for no reason.

But once the fear is formed, it will spread like a virus in the crowd, controlling the brain’s rationality and thinking, and begin to escape reality, even if the other party is only three people, they still continue to pretend to be weak to win sympathy, let the robbers plant explosives on themselves, until finally immersed in the beautiful fantasy they have constructed, they fantasize that after these robbers take the money, they will leave here with peace of mind and will not harm them.

However, all this is just a kind of self-psychological comfort for them to escape reality!

Once any accident happens, he may become a bargaining chip in the hands of the robbers, and at that moment, their lives are already decided by the robbers, and they themselves, even if someone understands this truth, they can only helplessly accept the mercy of the other party, after all, not everyone is super. Against such vicious robbers, they have no ability to resist at all.

Of course, this does not include Qi Mu and Ai, the former because he is not afraid of the power of explosives, and the latter because he does not know what explosives are.

Qi Mu glanced at the explosives on his chest, reached out and grabbed the small explosive device in his pocket, and lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking.

Five minutes later, two robbers excitedly walked out with six black bags full of money.

“Boss, it’s all already loaded, the money is really enough, I already knew that we should have driven a bus over.”

Their voices were not deliberately suppressed, and everyone present looked at the bag in their hands with different expressions.

A trace of greed/greed flashed in the robber boss’s eyes, but he quickly calmed down and nodded: “Very good, prepare to leave here.” ”

The five robbers immediately packed their gear, each with a black bag and walked to the bank gate.

However, after walking a few steps, I found that the outside of the bank was surrounded by police cars flashing red and blue lights, police officers wearing body armor carried explosion-proof shields to build the first line of defense outside the door, and some police officers quickly moved towards other exits of the bank, looking for a position to break through.

“How could this group of police show up so quickly.” After seeing the scene outside through the bank window, the robbers were shocked.

“Hurry back and proceed as planned.” The robber boss gritted his teeth and thought: “It must have been him, I just said how can the character of that guy give me this task with confidence, it turns out that he planned all this to prevent us from leaving halfway, it’s really damned!” ”

That guy?

Qi Mu instantly captured this information point, and secretly thought in his heart: This matter is really very strange, usually difficult to meet two accidents can happen together so coincidentally, this probability is simply lower than drawing the Mark Six lottery, and now is not the bank just opened or ready to close, originally is the peak period, if you change to rob yourself, you will definitely not choose this kind of period, their target is the bank vault, many hostages are not easy to control, unless, they have other purposes!

According to the information currently available, behind this group of robbers who seem to come to rob the bank, there is actually a mysterious planner hidden, controlling all the actions of the robbers, and requiring the other party to follow his plan, I am afraid that the police outside are not attracted by him controlling passers-by, but deliberately recruited by the masterminds behind it, in order to let the robbers continue according to the plan.

But what good is he doing in doing so? If it is for the money here, he does not have to stop the robbers from leaving, in connection with everything before, I am afraid that this is inseparable from the sunglasses man, not long after he left, the robber suddenly appeared in this bank, which seems to be more than a coincidence, then the only possibility is that the other party wants to detonate the device within a specific time!

As for the reason, Qi Mu is not very clear for the time being, after all, his telepathy is completely different from X’s telepathy and Qin Gray’s telepathy, which can not only read the thoughts and memories of others, but even deprive and control the minds of others while manipulating the actions of others, and from a certain point of view, they are already gods among human beings.

Qi Mu’s telepathy is not so exaggerated, in the state of superpower suppressor, he can only maintain the ability to read other people’s thoughts, this ability is not omnipotent, the information it can read, only the current thinking in the other party’s brain.

But now this group of robbers has no useful information in their brains, except for money, all that remains is fear and worry about the police, and if he wants to get more information from their brains, he needs to be slightly ‘guided’ from the outside world. _

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