“Dude, your outfit is simply inferior, why did you come out in this green outfit?”

Looking at the uniform of the King of the Sea on Dave, Parker had a disgusted expression.

“What are you talking about, I’m the famous Haibian King, can’t you recognize it?”

“I recognize it, but please stay away from us when you go back.”

Parker still had a look of disgust, and of course, Dave knew that it was just a joke between friends, so he wouldn’t take it seriously.

“You guys actually came to WonderCon, and at that moment I thought it was the one who saw Cos Qi Mu!”

Dave patted Qi Mu’s shoulder closely, this product has been exercising with the big daddy for so long, the muscles are indeed much stronger, and now he can support the tights on his body.

“There won’t be that kind of person.” Qi Mu glanced at Dave and asked, “In other words, why did you appear here, and you actually cos…”

Well, this should be considered cos, although it is just a character who is not famous.

Dave shrugged helplessly and said, “Originally, I didn’t think about coming, because the tickets here are too expensive, but yesterday evening, I accidentally drew the WonderCon ticket while drinking a drink, so I came.” ”

“Oh God! Do you know that there are only three tickets in total, and the probability is almost one in hundreds of thousands!! ”

Hearing Dave’s words, Parker was suddenly a little crazy, why this guy always wins the lottery, but he has not received a single consolation prize.

For Dave’s character, Qi Mu also felt speechless, which can only say that God is fair, and when he closes a door for you, he will definitely leave a back door for you.

“However, I really didn’t expect to meet Qi Mu in such a place, it turns out that Qi Mu you also like to watch Comic-Con!” Dave said unexpectedly.

“I just came to the dessert competition, but then again, I haven’t seen where the dessert competition is.”

“Dessert contest? I remember it seemed to start after more than an hour. ”

“More than an hour?”

In order to participate in the dessert competition, Qi Mu felt that he could still endure it.

“By the way, which manga do you like to read? Death Knight, Spirit of Warrior, or World of Light? ”

The comics Dave said are the hottest at the moment.

“What is this, I haven’t heard of it for half a millimeter.” Qi Mu Trough Road.

Although Qi Mu is now a cartoonist, he really doesn’t know much about the comics of this world, and what he knows more is only the serial comics of Captain America.

“I don’t like it very much, they don’t look as good as One-Punch Man.”

Since watching One Punch Man, Parker has become a big fan of One Punch Man.

And he especially liked the undocumented riders inside, so he also asked Uncle Ben to buy him a bicycle.

“yes, I think so too.”

Speaking of One-Punch Man, Dave and Parker instantly found a common topic, and in that heated discussion, they directly ignored Qi Mu next to them.

And Qi Mu was naturally very willing to be ignored by them like this, saving himself from being constantly annoyed by the two of them in his ears.

But at this moment, Qi Mu saw a large number of people standing by the window in front of him, pointing to the night sky while exclaiming in his mouth: “Look!” That’s Iron Man!! ”


Hearing their exclamations, Saiki looked in the direction he was pointing, and sure enough, it was Tony Stark’s classic Iron Man armor.

But the difference is that the appearance of this steel armor is somewhat different from the previous Mark IV, and it should be the latest model made by Tony Stark.

However, watching this dazzling light flash away in the night sky, for some reason, Qi Mu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.


At the same time, the main exhibition field of the Stark Fair.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to introduce the first prototype, the Total Threat Response Combat Armor suit, and its pilot, Air Force Colonel James Roddy!”

With a roaring shout, a steel armor that was almost armed to the teeth rose from the ground.

After seeing such a cool steel armor appear, everyone in the audience immediately gave fierce applause.

And standing in the center of the stage, wearing a light gray three-piece suit, neat and shiny blonde hair, and meticulously tidying up his whole body, Justin Hammer was very satisfied with their reaction, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

But soon, his smile froze instantly.

Because in his line of sight, a familiar golden-red steel armor is swooping in, and a deafening sonic boom burst instantly attracted the attention of the audience, and Tony Stark did not choose a safe way to fall to the ground, but rotated handsomely in the air, and then knelt down steadily, which suddenly caused a sensation in the audience!

After seeing Tony Stark’s appearance, a gloomy look flashed in Justin Hammer’s small eyes.

As an American son who was also born with a golden key with Tony Stark, the American media often compares the two of them.

Although Justin Hammer is very talented in business, in the face of Tony Stark, who has been hanging all his life, his achievements are instantly covered by Tony Stark’s aura.

Being so suppressed by Tony Stark for many years, Justin Hammer’s mood will naturally not be much better.

And today, it is the best time for him to reverse, he will never let anyone stand in his way, including Tony Stark! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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