New York, Brooklyn, Stockton neighborhood.

This is the most chaotic neighborhood in Brooklyn, with a brightly lit nightclub and frequent traffic on the doorstep, making it the best place for nightlife in the neighborhood.

Anyone who knows a little knows that this is the jurisdiction of Russian gangs, and the group of madmen who treat the enemy like a beast.

And the controllers of the Russian gang are Vladimir and his younger brother Anatoly.

With these two names, it is enough for most people to avoid it, and no one will dare to deliberately find trouble with this nightclub.

It’s late at night, but for some, their nightlife is just about to begin.

An old taxi slowly stopped outside the nightclub, and down were three thin young men.

After receiving the money handed over by them, without waiting for the door to close, the frightened taxi driver stepped on the accelerator and left.

As one of the largest gangsters in New York, this nightclub is also fierce, and ordinary people dare not get closer.

In front of the metallic gate, stood two strong men like brown bears, the buttons on their chests were unfastened, revealing a thick chest hair, and under the black blazers, bulging firearms could be faintly seen.

The three young men walked to the gate, and the two strong men immediately raised a hand, blocked them from the door, and said coldly: “Routine inspection.” ”

“Hey man, we know Bourne, he introduced us.”

A taller man looked at them with a smile, but his face looked terrifying.

It was not so much a human face as a monster’s face, and the cheeks were so thin and sunken that they were almost only skin and bones, as if the thin layer of skin would be shattered with a slight touch.

When the two strong men saw his appearance, they couldn’t help but frown.

Not only him, but even the two companions behind him were also this ghostly appearance, which was creepy to watch.

Seeing this, the two strong men looked at each other, their eyes were a little less vigilant, and then nodded, lowered their hands and let them enter, for the customers of this kind of addict, they have always been refused.

The space of this nightclub is large, and it is as large as half a football field.

When the three young men walked in, they were hit by a deafening electric sound hitting their ears.

The dazzling colored lights above the head flickered wildly, countless heads swayed their restless bodies on the huge dance floor, and the air was always filled with a strong smell of marijuana.

Looking at the people writhing wildly with the music on the dance floor, like a group of psychotic maniacs, one of the young men frowned imperceptibly and pouted: “This kind of life is really depraved.” ”

Seeing the surrounding scenes, especially the indescribable scenes hidden in the corner, the taller man was a little embarrassed, walked imperceptibly in front of the two companions, blocked their sight with his body, and said in a low voice: “Super killer girl, concentrate!” Our mission this time is to capture Frank’s partner and force Frank’s whereabouts. ”

That’s right, the three young men were Mindy and Big Daddy, as well as Qi Mu, who was invited to participate in this mission.

In fact, their images have not changed at this time, Mindy and Big Daddy are still wearing their superhero uniforms, while Saiki is wearing a black coat with a wide hood covering most of his face.

As for the identity they forged, it was actually Qi Mu who made the other party hallucinate through the application of telepathy, mistaking them for someone else, and the camera placed in this nightclub had already been controlled by Qi Mu with his ability and switched to loop playback.

Looking at Qi Mu beside him, Mindy said a little excitedly: “Unbelievable, we will actually team up with superpowers one day, I have a proposal, it would be better for us to form an organization similar to the Hero Association, and then invite other superheroes to join, it would definitely be very cool.” ”

“Read too many comics, super killer women.”

As a comic book fan, Big Dad naturally knows that the hot one-punch man has been relatively hot lately, but now he has no idea of forming a team of superheroes.

For Mindy’s proposal, Qi Mu directly chose to ignore it, he did not want to become a superhero, fight criminals, that is the job of the New York police, and it has nothing to do with him.

The reason why he came here tonight is definitely not because of the invitation of Big Daddy and Mindy, but his prophetic ability to see the death of Big Daddy and Mindy!

It was a blurry picture, and Qi Mu could only vaguely see that the bodies of the big daddy and Mindy were stained with scarlet blood, their faces were very pale, and finally they covered their necks in pain and fell to the ground.

Although he didn’t know the exact time and place, after analysis, he could still determine that the time of their death was tonight, and the location was inside this nightclub.

In other words, they will encounter a great danger later, and it is even very likely to threaten their lives.

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