The first episode of “One Punch Man”, although the content is simple, actually hides many iconoclastic elements.

When Jacob opened the comic, he saw a villain with a strange image but great strength.

Originally, he thought that this villain would become a strong opponent of the protagonist, but the subsequent plot development was far beyond Jacob’s imagination.

In this comic, Jacob sees many superhero routines, whether the villain wants to destroy the city, or the protagonist saves a child from the villain, Jacob has seen such a plot at least thousands of times.

However, it is such an old-fashioned plot, but it forms a sharp contrast with the protagonist who appears.

The whole story is full of ridicule of the superhero settings that are taken for granted.

For example, the crab monster that appears in the second episode is not actually a product of technology or chemical experiments, it is only because it eats too much crabs that it becomes a crab monster.

And the villain was directly punched to death by the strong protagonist because of too much nonsense in the opening, and this contrast not only played a role in ridicule, but also brought out the uniqueness of this character.

If you take a sentence from the villain to spit on, it is….

What a messy setting this is!

With his professional vision, Jacob can basically determine that this is the best superhero-themed comic he has seen in recent years.

And most importantly, this work completely subverts the traditional concept of superheroes and breaks through the conventional setting.

Invincible protagonist, “casual” appearance and character setting, heroic concept driven by interest…

In Jacob’s view, this work already has everything it takes to become a classic.

As long as the plot does not collapse in the later stages and the company is properly marketed, even in today’s almost saturated superhero comic market, he has the confidence to grab a large piece of meat.

What shocked him the most was the stunning manuscript.

He believes in his vision, if the author can maintain this high standard of completion of this comic, perhaps the entire United States, and even the world comic industry will boil over for this!

Jacob was stunned, and after staring at the last page for a long time, the whole person suddenly stood up excitedly, spilling the original manuscript around him.

At this time, a voice in his heart shouted desperately: “To buy it, no matter what, I must buy its copyright!” This comic must not be allowed to slip through my hands! ”

If such a high-quality comic is allowed to be acquired by other companies, Jacob’s position as editor-in-chief should also be given to someone else.

Until now, Jacob does not know what the name of this comic is, which cartoonist’s new work.

After carefully flipping through the comic again, Jacob finally found the name of the work and author in the bottom position.

Works: One Punch Man.

Author: QM.

After seeing the name of this comic, Jacob’s expression instantly froze.

Isn’t this name exactly the cartoon that Miss Pepperpotts specially explained to herself yesterday and must read seriously?

Moreover, Potts seems to have said on the phone that the book was written by a young boy, and he was only about ten years old….

Thinking of this, Jacob sat on the chair with his butt open, his mouth wide open, and he couldn’t say a word of shock, and after a long time, he felt that his throat was a little dry, and he subconsciously drank a sip of hot coffee.


Feeling the temperature coming from the tip of his tongue, Jacob finally came to his senses.

He immediately dialed his assistant’s phone and ordered, “Give me the author’s phone number, not Harrison’s old bastard!” It’s the author of the comic book sent by Miss Pepperpotts, yes, that’s him, I’ll do it now! ”


Meanwhile, Saiki is in the room, continuing to draw the plot of One-Punch Man.

Suddenly, the phone downstairs rang, and Qi Mu instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared in the living room to pick up the phone.

“Hello, is it Mr. QM?”

Hearing these two letters, Qi Mu had already guessed who the other party was, but still politely asked, “Yes, which one are you?” ”

Jacob suppressed his excitement and said in the most bland tone as much as possible: “I am Jacob Doyle, editor-in-chief of Pacific Comics Magazine, Mr. QM, the “One Punch Man” you submitted has passed the review, we plan to sign with you, is the copyright of “One Punch Man” still with you?” ”

“Still there.”

Qi Mu’s mood did not fluctuate in the slightest, because he always believed that One-Punch Man could still bloom its charm in this extremely deformed world of the comic industry.

This answer made Jacob on the other side breathe a sigh of relief, and he was also worried about what would happen to such a comic that he liked very much: “In that case, can you give this comic to our Pacific Comics Magazine for publication?” You can rest assured that we will do our best to promote and package it. ”

“No problem.”

For the comic book company introduced by Potts, Saiki still trusts it.

“Well, when are you free, we can discuss the contract together.” The contract is naturally signed in person to be valid.


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