“That’s it for today.”


As Mr. John’s closing remarks fell, the bell rang on time.

Mr. John arranged his time precisely as usual.

At the moment of the end, he happened to finish teaching all of today’s lessons, which surprised even Qi Mu.

“Oh, thank God, it’s finally over!” Parker stretched and shouted.

[Hehe, I can finally go home and play the newly bought PS4, well, do you want to call Qi Mu?] 】

“You play your game, why bring me.” Qi Mu glanced at Parker and said darkly.

[Let’s call him, he has nothing to do at home anyway.] 】

“Hey, I’m busy.” Qi Mu continued to complain in his heart.

“Qi Mu, on my birthday a few days ago, Uncle Ben bought me a PS4, do you want to come to my house to play today?” Parker looked at Qi Mu expectantly, and said with a look of excitement.

“No, I have something to do today.” Qi Mu replied expressionlessly.

This is the side effect of his ‘telepathy’.

Even with the existence of a suppressor, this ability is still not controlled by Saiki.

As long as the humans and animals enter the range, their thoughts will automatically pass into Qi Mu’s mind.

At the beginning, Qi Mu was indeed very uncomfortable with this superpower, and even felt extremely painful.

But after a while, Saiki began to gradually adapt to his superpowers, and it was less painful.

It was precisely because of this that Qi Mu already knew the other party’s thoughts before he spoke, and completely lost his sense of expectation.

And he also has to listen to the other party repeat it twice, once in his heart and once in his mouth, which is one of the reasons why his communication with people becomes more and more cold.

“Well, it seems that I am the only one to enjoy today’s game.” Seeing Qi Mu’s refusal, Parker shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly.

In fact, Parker had already guessed that Qi Mu would refuse, and after such a long period of contact, Parker also had a general understanding of Zimu’s character.

Although Qi Mu looks cold on the outside, he is passionate on the inside and often helps him in life.

And the way he usually speaks, like an adult, although he doesn’t say much, but for some reason, Parker always feels that what he says makes sense.

[Qi Mu, you definitely can’t run away this time! ] 】

Suddenly, a coquettish . The soft voice came into Qi Mu’s mind.

And at this moment, a cute little blonde girl suddenly appeared behind Saiki and Parker.

A pair of turquoise eyes shone with a sly light, and her pink/tender thin lips under the bridge of her tall nose were slightly upturned, and she smiled confidently.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl suddenly jumped high, and the whole person rushed towards Qi Mu’s direction with great dexterity.

Qi Mu’s eyes froze, and a strange blue glow burst out from his golden eyes.

In an instant, Qi Mu suddenly made a bent posture, as if he was packing up the backpack on the seat, and the posture was quite natural.

The little girl obviously did not expect that Qi Mu would suddenly bend down, caught off guard, the little girl directly pounced, subconsciously closed her eyes, and began to fantasize about the scene that was about to happen in her mind.

[Huh? Why can’t I feel pain? 】

The expected sharp pain did not appear, and the little girl opened her eyes in surprise.

Finding herself floating in the air, her delicate little face was less than twenty centimeters from the ground.

If she really falls, her delicate and cute face will probably be disfigured.

“Oh my God! Saiki, you’re so cool! ”

Parker was stunned to look at the amazing scene in front of him, and saw that the moment the little girl was about to fall, Qi Mu stretched out directly. Izuku caught the little girl with his right hand.

Directly ignored the weight of the little girl and the huge inertia on her body, and effortlessly held the little girl in the air.

Is this really something a junior high school student can do?!

“It’s just a coincidence.” Qi Mu responded lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Mu directly released his right hand, and the little girl’s reaction was extremely fast, instantly controlling the balance of her body and landing firmly on the ground.

Seeing Qi Mu let go so decisively, the little girl immediately stood up angrily, and then stood up on tiptoe and looked directly at Qi Mu. My mouth rose slightly, and I looked very angry.

“You bastard didn’t mean it just now!”

Qi Mu shook his head, his right hand seemed to hang down weakly, and said, “My hand is weak.” ”

[Who to fool?!! 】

Looking at Qi Mu’s unchanging poker face, Parker and the little girl couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

It is clear that he was so powerful just now, but now he suddenly becomes crippled, this guy is definitely intentional.

After hearing their inner thoughts, Qi Mu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of essence flashed in his eyes.

Although he tried his best to hide his identity as a superpower, he was still a little negligent, and he was discovered by two junior high school students, which was really a bit careless.

When Saiki was ten years old, he used his superpowers to go to the lottery because he had a shortage of pocket money to buy his favorite coffee pudding.

As a result, Qi Mu easily drew the jackpot ten times in a row, almost causing an uproar.

Since then, Saiki has tried to use superpowers to make himself look ordinary and inconspicuous, almost distancing himself from the others.

However, Parker and this little girl also like to actively stick to him for some reason, and Saiki himself can’t help it.

Saiki hates trouble, and he doesn’t want to be disturbed by those mysterious organizations in his normal life.

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