Chapter 58 Avoid mental tracking

“Cthulhu Loki? What’s the matter with him coming to see me?”

“I said I wanted to discuss something with you, and also said that your goals are the same with him.”

“Then you call him in.”

For a moment, a smiling Loki walked into Magneto’s room.

Standing about five meters away from Magneto, Loki, standing with his hand holding his hand, said: “The last time I came to Earth, I really wanted to see you, but it was too busy at the time.”

“Just talk about business, I don’t have so much idle time.”

“Well, you are so old, it is normal to have no spare time,” Loki said, “I know your purpose is to overthrow the rule of ordinary people and make Mutant the master of this planet. But because there are like Avengers or X -The existence of a group like Men, your dream has never been realized. But if you have my help, then this dream can definitely be realized. Definitely, you also know that I am the kind of person who won’t lose money, so I need to be with you Divide this planet.”

“What are you capable of?”

“I have no abilities,” Loki said after imagining six selves. “My ability is illusion.”

“The practicality is very poor, so I don’t have to cooperate with you.”

“Do you really think it is not practical?”

When talking, Loki has become like Magneto.

Seeing Loki became himself, Magneto felt a little uncomfortable.

Following this, a metal particle flew towards Loki and froze in front of Loki’s eyeballs.

After dispelling the illusion, Loki smiled: “You don’t need to be so passionate.”

“Leave here! I’m not interested in working with you!”

“Actually I have something you want very much.”


“Show it to you and you will understand.”

With that, Loki slowly walked towards Magneto.

Magneto was leaning on the chair, so walking behind Magneto, Loki put his hand in the cloak. While Loki was about to take out something, Loki’s body appeared in front of Magneto and quickly pressed the scepter against Magneto’s chest.

At the same time, the duplication behind the chair has disappeared.

Looking at Magneto whose eyes are gradually turning blue, Loki said quietly: “For people who are not smart, I do feel that my illusion is very poor in practicality. But I am a smart person, so I know how to improve. The practicality of illusion. Magneto, I know that your control of the magnetic force has reached the point of perfection, so I specially came to you and let you be my subordinate. Now, you should have no opinion?”

Magneto, already controlled by Loki, asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

After thinking that his good deed was ruined by Jiang Li, Loki said viciously: “Bloodbath Mutant School! Skin me that bastard Jiang Li!”

“Jiang Li’s strength should not be underestimated. If we attack rashly, we may suffer.”

“I don’t care about his strength, and I don’t care about the process. In short, I want this result,” Loki continued after tapping Magneto’s helmet with his hand, “If you can’t even handle this, Then I will never let you live.”

“Then I think about what to do.”

“It’s really not possible. Direct attack. Charles is an indecisive person. He still thinks about his previous friendships with you, so if you start a blitzkrieg, he will definitely be at a loss. Moreover, I think if you can get rid of Storm and Cyclops first. If this is the case, it will be easy to bloodbath the Mutant School and kill Jiang Li. You are not a fool, you should know what to do.”

After pondering, he nodded to Charles, who had already obeyed Loki.

At the moment, Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, actually kept peeking outside the door.

After realizing that Magneto had been controlled, Wanda was extremely frightened and accidentally touched the door.


Realizing that he was found, Wanda hurried to the exit.

When he ran out of the room, Loki didn’t see anyone, so he went back to the room to discuss the bloodbath of Mutant School with Magneto.

As for Wanda, she thought Loki was following her, so she ran very fast. She wants to find Quicksilver, so that at least it will give her peace of mind. Because childhood was not happy, Wanda’s mentality is extremely fragile, and his emotions are also extremely vulnerable to outside influences.

So if she doesn’t find someone who makes her feel at ease, she is worried that her strength will run away.

After running out of headquarters, Wanda wanted to leave along the path.

But as soon as her foot slipped, she rolled off the cliff.

With a long scream, Wanda fell into the sea.

In the morning three days later, Jiang Li, who was sleeping late, was awakened by a knock on the door.

Standing up and yawning, Jiang Li muttered, “Who is it?”


After hearing the voice of Storm Oluolo Monroe, Jiang Li said, “The door is unlocked. Come in directly.”

After pushing the door open, Oluoluo said, “You sleep really hard. I just knocked on the door for a while.”

“I went to bed too late last night,” Jiang Li smiled. “The little naughty kept pestering me last night and asked me to tell her what happened outside. As a result, I talked and talked about it, and I didn’t go to bed until two o’clock in the morning. Oluo, did you come to me so early to tell me to go to class?”

“You can be alone now, so you are already a graduate,” Oluo said with a smile, “it has nothing to do with you for a long time in class.”

“Then what’s the matter with you coming to see me?”

“Can’t I come to you?”

“Definitely! You are my sister!”

“Actually, I came to see you for something,” he walked to the bed and looked at Jiang Li, whose hair was a bit messy. After helping Jiang Li to cut Jiang Li’s hair with his fingers, Oluo said, “The professor came to me before, he Say that there is an extra Mutant in our school, but he cannot lock this Mutant. This is a Mutant who is very good at High-speed movement. Even if the professor locks the position, this Mutant can disappear instantly. Jiang Li, you also have High -The Ability of speed movement, so in terms of relative speed, you should be able to see him.”

“Is it The Flash or Quicksilver?”

“There is no way to be sure about this.”

“Finally something is done!” Jiang Li stretched after opening the sheet, shouted, “The police catch the thief! What a great game!”

Jiang Li only wore a pair of shorts when he slept, so when he saw the bulging place, Oluoluo walked out immediately with embarrassment.

After Oluoluo left, Jiang Li got dressed as quickly as possible.

Walking out of the room, Jiang Li said, “Since you can avoid Charles’ mental tracking through the High-speed movement! Then I will use the High-speed movement to find you!”

After that, Jiang Li has disappeared.

At the moment, Charles and Jean Grey were in the room with the brain wave strengthening machine.

After the search, Charles took off his helmet and said, “There is still no sense of Scott. It should be locked in a very special place.”

“It might be dead, right?”

Charles didn’t speak, just nodded.

Yesterday Cyclops Scott left school to meet a Mutant with the ability to penetrate walls, but then lost contact.

From yesterday to now, Charles has used brain wave strengthening agents to search for Scott many times, but they all ended in failure.

After being silent for a while, Qin asked, “Who would do it?”

“80% is Magneto. The Mutant in our school is likely to be Quicksilver,” Charles said. “If my guess is correct, then Magneto should strike our school soon. Piano, let me know. Unless there is one. Special circumstances, otherwise no one can leave the school. You can find Jiang Li as soon as possible. Last time, he made Magneto lose face, Magneto should have taken him first.”


“No, Jiang Li should be asked to leave the school directly,” Charles said. “The goal of Magneto this time is likely to be Jiang Li. The variant Ability after Jiang Li Awakening is not only special, it also has a variety of abilities, and new abilities continue to appear. This is actually very much like a collection of multiple Mutants. Qin, you directly ask Jiang Li to find the Mutant Guy that Scott is looking for. Don’t tell him that Magneto might have done something to the school.”

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