Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 186: The dignity and prestige of the dragon

"Because there is no one, you can touch the dignity of the dragon clan and despise the prestige of the dragon clan! Anyone who dares to be so will be burned by the flames of the dragon!"

Longwei, who has been saving for a long time, burst out to those guests, and a pair of scarlet vertical pupils have appeared!

Due to the targeted outbreak of Longwei, only a few people who were under special care were suddenly taken back by two steps. The rest of them were only a little reverence, and Friega did n’t even feel it, but As a queen, she also understood clearly.

After seeing the effect achieved, Watson put it away when it was good, and then put away Longwei and Ertong.

After all, Frigga is still beside him, and it is enough to express his attitude. The Dragon Clan must surpass it in the future of the nine worlds.

In the nine worlds, because you know the history and humanity of Asgardario Tintor and the evil Rocky, and their involvement with the earth greatly affects too many plots, you need such a pendulum. Looking at the ally, after all, if you really want to talk about the need for help in the ally, Asgard must be the first one to do it. Because today is the beginning of Asgard ’s miserable world.

As for its world, I do n’t ask you to be younger brothers now. Respect each other for Watson and do n’t mind being polite with them, maybe you can travel and play in the future.

However, if there is any fault, then they can only add extra meals to them.

Watson nodded slightly to Friega when he thought of this: "Thank you, Madam, I'll go anywhere else. If there is news, let the egg tell me, he can find my place. Braised eggs, did you first follow your wife or go to Seef to hear it? "

"Meow ~"

Frigga nodded and said no more. Watson's attitude was very obvious, and she also believed that her husband Odin's vision and how she felt inside.

"Of course, the friendship between Asgard and the Dragon Clan will not be affected by this incident. If there is news, I will ask Schiff to find you."

Watson nodded his head and then turned away. As for the guests who originally wanted to have a relationship with the Dragon Clan Lala, it was not good to see this happen, which also made Watson happy.

Watson slowly walked out of the Golden Palace Hall with Lord Ban and went outside the Golden Palace.

At this time, the Asgard people outside have almost dispersed, but with the help of Watson's ears, it is natural to hear that people who have not completely dispersed are discussing what has just happened.

Some older visionary people are also worried about whether they will fight again, and some young people are naturally wailing and wanting to join the Asgard army. They have to say that Asgarde Sangmu has no tradition. Subtractive, just when Watson focused on these voices, a very frustrating words came into his ears.

"You said it would be the dragon and frost giant that appeared suddenly ..."

"Leggs! We should believe in the great Odin, he is by far the most powerful and wise father of the gods!"

"I know ... and I was in the front row before, and I saw the prince of the dragon family. It looked younger than Thor. It's just a coincidence, isn't it?"

"You guys! Come home quickly, this place is already under martial law."

At this time, a group of spirit warriors who maintained order came to the people to disperse them, and then turned and walked towards Watson.

Step by step ~!

The captain led the salute to Watson: "Hello, Your Royal Highness Prince."

Watson raised an eyebrow and said, "Are you sent by Odin to follow me?"

"You misunderstood your Highness, we are only responsible for patrolling here, thank you by the way, and apologize for the civilians' words."

"It's not necessary to apologize. I'm not that stingy, but what's the thank you for?"

"You rescued our two airboat patrol brothers when you first came, and now they have spread, so most of us believe you are human."

Listening to the heroic warrior in front of him, Watson remembered the ultra-black tech boat he had hugged when he first came, but did not expect this unintentional move to give himself a good reputation?

[Congratulations to the host for gaining reputation on two different planets / worlds and opening up regional reputation. (This progress affects most people, and some individuals may not be listed here.) The reputation level is determined based on the host ’s strength and actions. 】

[Currently open area: Earth, Asgard. 】

[Current prestige of the earth: Friendly (Oh, come on, the next level may make you cheaper to buy Dingxi ~), current Asgard ’s prestige: Neutral (the conclusions obtained by a certain proportion of trust and suspicion from each station)

‘······ You are really a well-behaved, obedient, blame-hunting, invincible, whispering and bed-warming system (???) Do you think I can't see you copying the reputation of Warcraft? ! Friendly next level respect, buy things -10%, right? Now I still miss it when I was killed in the 1700 Challenger Rooster segment. ’

[The regional reputation branch function will be cancelled according to the host's wishes ...]

‘Wait a minute, I still want to experience what it feels like to buy -10% of the goods. ’


"His Royal Highness Prince?"

Watson, who had returned to God, smiled at the heroic warrior in front of him and said, "That's just a show of effort ~ ~ As for the rest, I didn't think much about it. As for today's things, after King Odin investigates Those messages will naturally disappear. But thank you for your trust. "

After saying that Watson waved his hand and took Lord Ye directly away, and after this team of heroic soldiers saw Watson walking away, one of the slightly younger soldiers looked at his comrades and said, "I really did not expect the legendary giant The Dragon family will be so friendly. "

"Yeah, it seems that the biographical records are wrong. Even the princes of the Dragon tribe are so polite, showing how false it is in the biographies that like to slaughter the weak dragons."

"Okay!" The captain interrupted the conversation and looked at them. "Nothing should be generalized or generalized. Even the prosperous and peaceful Asgarden will have some criminal inmates." It appears that this is something that no race can avoid. What we need to do now is to be optimistic about every corner of the neighborhood! You must not let go of those **** frost giants! "

"Yes!" X2


Wandering away from those heroic warriors who walked to the empty streets, it was quite interesting to watch these medieval-style buildings.

However, I do n’t know where to go now ...

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