Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: New Dragon Realm

The understatement of the words made the forehead of the versatile hand who had always thought of being as forgiving as snakes float up several tic-tac-toes, and the tentacles on the chin even knotted each other like a pinch.

He is the **** of cancerous universe, a **** of the universe!

It has been too long, too long, no one dared to talk to him like this!

However, Milaruz did not respond to his reaction, but said in his own words: "Perhaps in the near future, we will take him back to the Dragon Realm, and I will see you later."

Milaruz finished, a huge lightning that seemed to knock the whole world in half.

With the thunder roaring, and the dazzling light, the wonderland that has been 'ready' becomes a light.

The next second, the world is broken.

"Slap ~" It's like breaking a mirror, the whole world is broken into pieces.

After the generalist opened his eyes again, he and a group of cancerous creatures stood on the space of the cancerous universe. The pocket universe has completely disappeared from the Marvel multiverse.

Waging wars is a laborious process. In the end, not only did the heirs of the dragon clan fail to **** it, even the strange world was taken away by others, and the rest was crushed and destroyed by the power of the cancerous universe.

The bamboo basket was completely empty, and several planets were lost.

But this is not the most angry of generalists, the most angry should be Milaruz's words.

"Hehehe, come back and take him away? It depends on whether you can do it or not, in my universe, it is not you who can say it!"



[Cosmic fusion occurs, the strange world actively chooses to be merged by the dragon world ...]

【System restarting ···】

【Trigger system power ···】

[Longjie is borrowing power to assist fusion ...]

[The fusion of the host and the dragon world creatures is being carried out, the world adaptability is strengthened ...]

[The fusion of exotic species in the world is being strengthened to adapt to the world ...]

[Detected that Wonderland possesses special ‘architecture and creatures’ and is trying to integrate it in a regular way ... ”

[Reconciling the relevance of the rules of the Dragon Realm and the Marvel Universe ...]

[Trying to integrate with the Marvel Almighty Universe ··· Fusion Failure ··】

[Attempting to integrate with the Marvel multiverse universe ··· Fusion failure ··】

[Attempting to integrate with the Marvel Universe ··· The fusion feasibility 90% ··】

【Detection of unknown forces detected, single universe fusion cancelled ···】

【Increased correlation between the fusion world and the Marvel universe ···】

Watson now has a feeling that he is touched by his body, but he does n’t know if this is his own consciousness.

I don't know if it's a fantasy or ethereal state, whether I saw it or thought it.

At this moment, everything in the Dragon Realm merges with the Wonder Realm. Of course, the only part of the fusion is the Liberated Dragon Realm that is not isolated by the energy barrier.

For the Dragon Realm, this is a local fusion, but it receives most of the strange world. Normally, this will be very difficult.

Fortunately, there is a surplus of "excess power" in the Dragon Realm. In this process, he can use energy outside the barriers indiscriminately. In addition, the two worlds of the Dragon Realm are very similar, so the final result is naturally good .

Link to the corridor.

Master Gambeau sat on the ground with his hammer, watching the big white TV (infinite light curtain) in a daze, and after the fusion, the light curtain became this look, and Milaruz could not change. .

Originally, he was uncomfortable when he was working, he was suddenly picked up like a little chicken, but he was more delighted after understanding the things.

After all, he is also a part of Dragon Realm. No matter how good or bad his temper is, Dragon Reality is strong and proud from the heart.

It was a little boring, and the hammer in his hand hit the ground at once, as if dreaming that he was still making iron in the workshop.

"Not so good after so long?"

Miraruz glanced at the little dragon, stretched out a claw and touched the light curtain, and felt, "I'm almost there. I can feel the power of the dragon realm increasing rapidly. It shouldn't take long to complete. "

Oh yes, in addition to Master Gambou, Miraruz also brought out the sea dragon, puppy dragon, and even the primitives as small as marching ants, and left him in the small space of the sea dragon to let him Take it temporarily.

This is the first time he has done the world fusion. He still heard the demands of the Dragon Realm and felt that there would be no problems, but even so he just brought out the living creatures in case, just in case Directly die during the fusion process.

After all, the Dragon Realm is currently very empty. Every protozoan is a very precious biological resource. Without them, the recovery speed of the Dragon Realm will be greatly reduced.

Longjie time has probably passed about a day.

Masters Miraluz and Camboo, who were waiting hard outside, finally saw the light curtain gradually recovering.

On the light curtain one by one shows today's Dragon Realm.

The first thing that catches your eyes is the ancient tree forest. You can see at a glance that there are many new species in the plants and flowers that have never been seen before.

For example, the giant piranha in the magic world is of course not limited to this kind of "horror", there are many beautiful ones, such as the emission of fluorescent particles, the moon flowers that grow like a dream garden, and the ability to quench thirst and hunger The magic fruit of energy in the body and so on, the key is that there is no violation of the growth of the dragon world vegetation at this time.

This is what Cambouu saw, and Miraruz ’s greatest feeling is that the power of the Dragon Realm has been further strengthened, and it seems that it can allow the 2-3 Super Cologne linking the corridor to enter it.

In this case, maybe you can also ...

"Go in and see."

The last time the dragon world liberated Milaruz, he refrained from his desire and chose to sit outside to let the sea dragon enter it.

But this time, he already felt that there would be no problems, and ...

The ancestral dragon Milaruz, who has endured all the pressure, is the dragon who most wants to return to the sky.

"Aoao--Aoao !!!"

When there are more dragons in the sky of the new dragon realm that have been dressed in white scales, all the creatures that have been taken out are back in the dragon realm.

In the next second, the dragon chanted through the sky with endless joy spreading to every corner.

In addition to the original dragon realm that has undergone huge changes ~ ~ A huge floating island emerged out of the sky over the eastern sea area of ​​the new continent's dragon crystal that expanded its territory again. This is the "upper space" of the strange realm.

However, the size of the floating island has shrunk a circle than before, and the diameter is about 80 kilometers. The rest of the area remains unchanged, but the entire volcanic mountain range has completely disappeared. There is a huge crystal labyrinth on the upper edge, and a tens of meters high. Golden Mountain.

Watson opened his eyes slightly, saw the blue sky in front of him, and listened to the dragon lingering in the sky, completely recovered.

This feeling is Dragon Realm, this Dragon Yin Milaruz?

He even entered the Dragon Realm.

"Huh ~ Boom ~"

With a shock, Miraluz landed in front of him from the sky.

The two smiled at each other.

"Thank you, little guy."

"Hahahaha ~ Welcome home."

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