Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1195: Your Dragon Sword is online

"Blutter and Blast stop the monsters on both sides, and do everything possible to keep them from falling!"

"Aoao Aoao !!"

"Ibi Lujiu and Lagarne, you are responsible for the ground battlefield, and you must pin the landing monsters to you.

Jiao Ye and Jiao Niang, pay attention to the missing monsters and keep them close to the edge of the magic circle! "

With Watson's order, a group of dragons split up and completely conquered the battlefield from the magic creature army.

The Extermination Dragon and Explosive Scale Dragon fanned the diameter of the dragon wings and flew towards the crack. At this time, the cancerous monsters in the crack also began to attack the strange world, but because of the "Assassination Action" before Watson, these cancerous planets seem to have some Be prepared. Each planet has a medium distance and has left a certain number of cancerous monsters for surface defense.

But even so, there were almost no more than twenty monsters falling simultaneously outside the crack, and the monsters behind them were almost endless.

For a while, there seemed to be a 'monster rain' in the crack, and the bleating son who flew into the sky unfolded the dragon wings and arched slightly, then rushed towards the first tentacle monster flying into the crack like a comet .

Just listen to a loud bang!

The bleating dragon's claws were pulled directly into the monster's chest, and at the same time, a large tentacle that would be thrown off was bitten off. At the same time, the big wings behind him continued to exert force, and before the monster wrapped around his body, he pushed him and hit the second monster behind him.

The two collided violently and suddenly let the cancerous monster's strength swell, and he was not hesitant when he was about to pull out his claws and spit out the minced meat in his mouth, and then kicked his legs off the monster, turning around with a tail pumped in his face. Where a blood hole was pierced.

The two monsters that are one circle larger than the bleating son can't fly because they don't have a point of focus. They are directly pumped to the ground by his tail, and even if they don't die, they will be confused for a while. The dragons on the ground will cook them.

After doing all this, 咩 嘩 子 immediately launched a charge to other monsters, and basically this is the routine, turning the door to pick those cancerous monsters who do n’t need most of their body to attack.

Anyway, there are no flying monsters to punish him, and they ca n’t exert their own power without focus. Those tentacles ca n’t trap bleeds under the rush, let alone the colorful spray of light in the mouth, let alone bleed. The speed of Zi Rulai's palm could not give him that opportunity.

So bleating almost set the standard, bullying them will not fly anxious.

Compared to the planned block by the bleating horn, Blastscale Dragon Blast is bullying and can't fly, but it is more direct, and he is specially selected for those huge monsters.

Anyway, the scale dragon is very large, rushing up and directly entangled with the other, let the tentacles trap themselves, and then directly detonate the body's explosion scale.

Every time a "boom ~" sounded in the sky, you could see a 100-meter-sized purple lotus burst and bloom, and then you could see a scorched black smelly "object" falling to the ground. This method was also tried and tested.

Compared with the two of them, the wind-drifting dragon who has not yet evolved is a little weak. His strength is petite, but he can only pick the small one, but the flight speed is relatively slow. The ability of melee, so it looks a little transparent.

But he is not capable enough, but he can make up with a little wisdom. He keeps in mind the quenching and heating method he used before, hovering around the scaly dragon to pick up the leaks, and for those monsters who feel that they have not been killed, but they cannot resist at one time. , Rushing up is an ice tornado, even the powerful 100-meter monster can not withstand this attack, the record is also solid.

However, although the three-headed dragon is very hard-working, after all, it has suffered from an insufficient amount. More and more cancerous monsters have fallen to the ground. The three-headed dragon can't take care of it. The next step is the battlefield of the ground dragon race!

"Lagarne, I won't lose to you this time."

"Huh, Ibi Lujiu remember not to stand in front of me, otherwise accidents like the one before could happen."

"Awow roar! You are cheating!" Not to mention okay, as soon as I mentioned it, Ibi Lujiu felt aggrieved. It was a shame for him to take away his first defense.

Although the two old enemies experienced a parting of life and death, they still continue to chatter with each other as before. Anyway, it is already the norm. Watson does not intend to manage it, but feels that this is a kind of ‘love’ between them.

Now, except for those cancerous monsters that were knocked down, the first cancerous monster that safely reached the battlefield just turned around, and saw that one gold, one black, and two creatures rushed towards themselves like crazy, and a pair of eyes looked around randomly. I do n’t know who to deal with first.

"Don't grab La Garne with me!"

"You robbed me! There are so many in the sky, why don't you wait any longer!"

"Awow roar! That's mine!" Ibi Lujiu yelled at Lagarne, suddenly hit him sideways, and then rushed towards the cancerous monster in a vertical jump, and the two immediately wrestled together.

Lagan, who was one step behind, braked immediately. Anyway, he was one step behind, and he didn't bother to grab one with Ibi Lujiu.

And the point is now that Lagarne has seen a good brother, a good brother who is particularly handy.

ヽ ( ̄ω ̄ ( ̄ω ̄〃) ゝ

Near the edge of a small clay pit outside the magical army, the dragon spit out a molten mixture in the ground, and finally eased from the sequelae of 'passive ultra-high-speed inverted movement'.

A small cancerous monster just above his head fell to the ground, cut the dragon and immediately determined his goal, turned his tail and held his mouth, and slid hard!

"Xia Xia Xia-Ting ~"

Just grind!

"Ao ··· Aooo ?!" The dragon who was screaming and was about to charge suddenly felt a pair of big hands squeezed on his shoulders ~ ~ There was a bad hunch in my heart and turned his head , It really was the **** of Golden Lion Lagarne!

The Dragon Slayer who knew what he wanted to do shook his head like a rattle, but Klajan just gave him a thumbs up, grinned, and then pulled him upside down, kicking hard under his feet, facing The cancerous monster that had not landed soared up.

"(? ◣ω◢) 刂? Ao roar !!!"

"(? Д?) ノ 嗷嗷 嗷 !!!"

In the excited roar of the golden lion and the loud protest of dragon slashing, a dragon slashing force struck Huashan head-on.

The sudden flash of knife light instantly cut off three or four tentacles and opened the cancerous monster to the back door of the buttock.

Lagarne, who had a good hit, jumped happily to the next target, and the vomiting that the dragon had just resisted swelled again.

"Vomit · vomit ···"

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