Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 110: Hulk vs Watson!

"An unknown species appears here, please indicate."

"That's the target. Shoot all the narcotic bullets at him!"

达 哒 ~ 哒 哒 ~

"Anaesthesia bomb does not work on the target! Change the live bomb!"

"do not bother me!"

boom! Hulk threw the big tree on the side with a punch and threw it at a special team member. The roaring tree shattered him directly!

"Look for the bunker, everyone will come apart!"


Bronsky quickly shuttled through the trees and continuously attacked Hulk. Hulk felt that the moving bug caught a special team member and threw it at Brownsky, but was just avoided by a slip of Brownsky. Too.


Hulk kicked off a tree and threw it at Bronsky again, but was still hiding.

Hulk jumped off and jumped out of the canopy.

"Be careful!"

"Hulk! Smash !!"


A green meteor will instantly fall among the group of special forces, and then throw the unstable special forces to the Bronsky!

When I threw the last one, I suddenly grabbed an empty space and found that no one was around.

And the moonlight shines on Hulk's face through the trees, allowing Bronsky to see the enemy he is facing.


Brownsky ​​watched the corpses of the players around him stop and froze, watching the huge figure disappear into the deeper jungle.


"Sir ···· We lost the target." Bronsky kept Banner's bag in front of General Rose.

"Excuse me, sir ... We have suffered heavy losses, what happened in the jungle just now? We surrounded him, but we were suddenly attacked. A huge thing, he made my players like baseball Throw it at me! ... I have never seen anything so powerful, sir? You need to tell me clearly ... "

"I don't need to say anything to you. It's gone, you just performed well ... Prepare for it, let's board the plane and go back."


"Hoo ... Hoo ... Roar!" The huge roar and footsteps stirred up a group of inhabiting birds.

"The green fat man below ~"

Suddenly, Hulk seemed to feel a powerful force over himself.

Looked up, a pair of green eyes met with a pair of scarlet vertical pupils.

"Roar !!!" Hulk provoked the first time he felt the power!

Sure enough, coercion would not suppress the single-celled organism such as Hulk, but it would arouse his anger.

But ...

"Do you think I can yell at me without earplugs?" Watson again summoned a very unused flying dragon set, and the next two flames appeared on the armor!

"Warm up first, try how strong you are!"


Watson flapped his wings and rushed out instantly!

Hulk slightly bent to the sky!

Call ~!

boom! !

One fist and one fist immediately collided together, and a strong air wave exploded from the burst instantly!


Feeling the great power from his hand, Watson slightly backed up and flapped his wings again while the flames on the armor suddenly exploded and Hulk flew in an instant!

Boom! Hulk rolled over and stood steadily on the ground, Huoke tilted his head and looked at the smoking right hand, flicked back and forth and looked at Watson again.


"The green fat man is real flesh ..." The flame eruption plus wings only knocked him back. And he hasn't focused on it yet. Interesting ...

Zizi ~ Poo!

A group of Razer suddenly appeared on Watson, slowly covering the whole body! Lei Yi-blown hair!

At the same time, a flame burst from the flying dragon suit and intertwined with thunder and lightning!

"Then have fun!" Huh ~ Bang!

"Roar !!!" The angry Hulk just wanted to jump again, but suddenly found that the person in the air suddenly rushed towards himself!

boom! ! Hulk still had time to raise his hand in the future, and a fist intertwined with fire and thunder suddenly hit his face!

The hit Watson instantly folded his wings and raised his legs to face Hulk's head, which was a violent knee hit!

"Roar !!" Hulk, who was hit three times but couldn't catch the enemy, roared again.

And Watson's instantaneous glide caused Hulk to hug his hands forward but hug an empty space. Watson's wings spread again to add an explosive force, hit the stomach and hit the knee again. With a muffled noise, Hulk was being repelled At the same time, he raised his hand and hit Watson in the chest!

Call ~! Watson flying upside down suddenly stopped with one wing. Feeling the pain from his chest, he could not help glancing at the system.

Health: 97%

"This punch is more powerful than a small missile, but ... really, really cool!" Watson took the activity and rushed over again!

boom! Watson, who hit with a punch, put away his wings directly, kicked his foot on Hulk's leg joint, and looked at Hulk, who suddenly had a crooked body, and directly hit a right hook!

"Home Run !!"


"Roar !!!" Hulk with a crooked body backhanded at the same time, struck Watson again, and then kicked a tree beside him kicked directly at Watson!

"Green fat man, you actually use a weapon! Then I'm welcome."


A stronger flame erupted in Watson's hands ~ ~ Flying Dragon Sword has appeared in his hands!

Thunder Eater-Super Spike!

A stream of red and blue intertwined hit Hulk instantly!

噗 ~!

"Roar!" Flying Dragon Sword "Zhu" with a blue cut did not live up to Hua Sheng's expectations, successfully let this green fat man see blood! Cough cough ... if the wound that does not have the same size as the band-aid is counted ...

"Roar !!" Hulk directly grabbed the Flying Dragon Sword and just wanted to throw Watson off, and found that his hand was empty, and the Flying Dragon Sword disappeared into white light, and then appeared in Watson's hand again.

"This trick doesn't matter if I use green fat ~"

Thunder Eater-Super Spike!

After hitting a hit, he immediately cut off Hulk's heavy punch.

"I haven't seen it before?"

"Roar !!!" Hulk interrupted a tree again and hugged it straight to Watson!

Thunderbolt-Great Roundabout!

A thunderlight crossed, Watson watched Hulk throw away the broken wood in his hand and grinned.

A section of cutting edge!


The huge impact sound raged in the jungle, Hulk has been hit with red eyes.

Relies on huge power and jumping ability to chase the Watson hammer, but each time he was evaded by Watson and wanted to leave, he has been chased by Watson.

Three stages of cutting edge!

"Climbing Dragon !!"



Boom! ! Thunder and fire broke out again and swept everything around. After the explosion, a long and narrow wound appeared on Hulk's back again.

Yes, again.

Hulk has seen numerous wounds, large and small, and the wounds at the beginning of the battle have been recovered.

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