Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 105: Tony Deformation (1)

Watson turned angry and nodded with satisfaction, rubbing his head: "It seems that there is still a smart dragon, go to the boat." And Dahua saw Watson staring at himself, silently Turned around and learned to find prey.

Watson sighed helplessly, but he didn't think about this problem ... but now let's look at the other two. Watson first found the little mud, and the little mud surfaced and opened his big mouth , A bunch of fish and shrimp corpses were contained in its mouth ... The scene was extremely bloody, easily causing discomfort ...

"Have you eaten yourself?" Watson took a deep breath, turned around and flew to Xiaokong, leaving a happy face with little mud and swallowed the "food" in his mouth to continue playing. .

When Watson found Xiaokong, he found that the fluff on its lower body was wetted by the sea water, and stared fiercely at the sea, and was still inflated. What is important is that Watson found some rules on Xiaokong's tail. The little white dots lined up and looked closely, as if it was something like a small dent biting out.

Hua Sheng frowned, no wonder Xiaokong would look like this, but the tail of the flying dragon as the main attack weapon was still hard to say. But it should be a big guy to be able to drag Xiaokong into the water for a short time.

"When is it possible to summon a fire dragon even if it is a female fire dragon? Anyway, people are regular hunting, then like you, either fried fish or poisonous fish ..." Watson shook his head through the system and small Mud said: "Xiao Ni, hurry up, here is a piece of food that will satisfy you!"

Xiao Ni heard Watson's voice and swam towards him.

Then Watson opened the biological map and found that there was a huge red dot, the location ... overlapped with himself? !

At this time, a huge black shadow under the water surface was quickly enlarged, and the goal was Watson!

"I can't find you while hiding in the water, but don't want to go back since I came out!"

The dragon knife is pulled out instantly, and the dragon wings are flapped to rise quickly, poof! A black and white behemoth broke through the water in an instant, with two large rows of triangle-shaped teeth with large teeth accompanied by a bite at Watson, Watson could even see the scarlet meat wall inside! This is a great white shark!

Just when Watson wanted to use it, a monster that looked like a great white shark but was bigger than that jumped up from the side and happened to bite the great white shark that burst out of the water and fell into the sea with a puff.

【Xiao Ni kills oversized fish, gains experience value 50, current level 17, current experience (41/7000)】

Did not expect to be upgraded by fishing ...

Hua Sheng flew down and took a picture of Xiao Ni's head: "···· Speaking of eating, you are faster than anyone! Also grab the head! Wait a minute, this is too big, we are half."

Xiao Ni floated out of the sea, adjusted the head to adjust the position of the fish, clicked, the second half had entered his stomach, Watson flew down and looked at the remaining upper half of the body and said: "You are left A fish head for me? Fortunately, the shark fin is left, alas ... it's so hard to be a father. "

Huasheng stringed the remaining half of the great white shark with a flying dragon knife, poured out the internal organs, and the small mud continued to eat below.

Finally, Watson, who had finished collecting the ingredients, returned to the yacht and saw Tony eating toast.

"I'm so hungry ..."

"Sorry man, it will be fine soon."

Tony looked at Watson's half-dragged fish and opened his mouth: "That's a great white shark? It seems that this time it really didn't come white ~"

Huasheng stood in the kitchen looking at a pile of fish dishes,

"I see, great white sharks replace biting fish ... tuna instead of sashimi ..."

[Complete a cat meal, trigger skills: increase defense (large), cat body surgery, cat grinding! Hold for 12 hours. 】


Under the blue sky, above the blue sea.

"The weather is good today ~" Tony said, leaning on the small bursting dragon saddle and taking a sip of ice.

"Meow ~" Banye leaned on Watson's arms and took a bottle of vodka and took a sip and wiped his mouth.

Huasheng touched the head of the spotted man and looked at Tony angrily, said: "Yes, you have the ability to take off your armor and enjoy this refreshing sea breeze?"

"Don't be so stingy, I don't think it's what you passed through."

Watson glared at him angrily: "Who told you not to wear your own armor!"

Tony shrugged and said, "I can't always wear armor for so long ~ in Brazil, I don't have the equipment to take it off at will, let's say I still have you."

"I'm not interested in being your bodyguard, and if you listen to me, it's much faster for us to fly directly into the city at night. Isn't it Lord Ban?"

"Meow ~"

"You little guy will help your dad to speak! That's not my style ~ Jarvis, has the language been included?"

"Sir, all Spanish and Portuguese vocabulary has been included."

"Then it's good to rely on you at that time, how much distance do we have?"

"Sir, return to the natural port of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, about 50 nautical miles away."

"Send a ship to pick us up."

"Okay sir, a medium-sized yacht will reach 20 nautical miles outside the port in 10 minutes."

Tony asked doubtfully: "I also have a yacht here?"

"No Mr. ~ ~ is a temporary lease."

"Okay, that can only be done." Tony turned his head and watched Watson shrugging: "Look, it's a perfect solution ~ And still walked into the room."

"Come on, I said it was sneaky. Don't forget what I told you, don't die."

"Got it, you seem to remind me of my mother ..."

"I want to take back the armor."

"I'm just kidding."

"Meow!" Ban Ye completely ignored them and took a big sip and showed a satisfied smile.


River in January-Rio de Janeiro.

Wasson, who had just set foot on the natural port, saw the iconic building, the 38-meter-high Christ statue, at first sight.

Hua Sheng thought about holding Master Ye and tilting his head, would he get one in the future?

Tony came down and looked at Watson and said, "I heard that the beggars and rich people would lie on the same beach?"

"So you want to experience it?"

"Forget it, but if I didn't come, would you speak Portuguese?"

"No, so I originally planned to find a translator, but I didn't expect a free translation to come to you automatically."

At this time, Watson looked at Tony while wearing a suit and showed a smile: "Okay, let's go to the restricted area-the slum. First, we should change to a slum identity."

"····· You didn't say it before."

"Forgot you were on the show? Go away."

"Goo ~ meow?"

"It's gone after drinking, but there will be soda so you can drink casually. By the way, do you want to learn Jiu-Jitsu?"


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