“For an elderly person like you, the ability to observe is still quite sharp, what is your secret? Pilates? Tony looked at Loki and taunted Steve.

“What?” Steve didn’t know what Pilates was.

“It’s kind of like calisthenics, it looks like you’re missing out on a lot of good inventions. After all, it took so much time as popsicles,” Tony continued taunting. Chen Yu felt that Tony didn’t like the captain a little.

However, when he thought of Tony’s resentment towards his father, Chen Yu knew what was going on. Howard Stark has admired Steve in front of Tony since he was a child. Tony, this hates the house and the wu.

Steve understood Tony’s words at this time, and although he didn’t understand why Tony was targeting him, he was still a little angry: “Fury didn’t tell me that you were coming too”

“Fury didn’t tell you much.”

Just as the two were mocking each other, a flash suddenly appeared in front of the plane, causing Natasha to puzzle: “Where did this lightning come from?” ”

Steve, on the other hand, noticed that after the lightning, Loki looked up nervously.

“Why, are you afraid of flashing?” Steve said suspiciously.

“I just don’t like the guy who thundered,” Loki replied to Steve. Hearing Loki’s words, everyone guessed something. Tony walked over and opened the entrance at the back of the plane, ready to go out and take a look. But suddenly a man landed in the plane and hit Tony against the wall, and then ignored the rest. Lifting Loki, he glanced at it and flew away.

“Okay, another Asgardian,” Tony said, standing up and ready to chase him out.

Steve stopped, “He’s supposed to be his own man.”

was directly interrupted by Tony: “It doesn’t matter, whether he kills Loki or releases Loki, we may not get the Cosmic Cube”

“Stark, we have to make a plan.”

“My plan is, fight.” After saying that, Tony chased him out. Seeing this, Steve quickly began to take the parachute and put it on.

Seeing this, Natasha turned around and said, “I just can’t control him, Captain.”

“I don’t want to care,” Steve said as he put on his parachute.

But Natasha was not optimistic about Steve, and persuaded: “These guys are legendary characters, they are basically gods, are you sure you want to go?” ”

“There’s only one god in the world, ma’am, but it won’t be that dress,” said Steve, who also fell off the plane.

“Chen Yu, Steve is going, why don’t you move?” Natasha turned her head to look at Chen Yu after seeing Steve leave.

Chen Yu, who had been pretending to be a wooden man, stood up helplessly, but thought in his heart, ‘That’s not what you said to Steve. His life is worth money, and if you want me to rush ahead? Chen Yu was still ready to go over and take a look, at least look at Loki. So Chen Yu disappeared on the plane.

When Chen Yu appeared next to Loki, Tony and Thor were already fighting. Looking at the two of them, Chen Yu had no idea of making a move. The main thing is to be a little embarrassed, after all, I only hit Thor once last time.

Chen Yu shook his head while watching the battle below. ‘Why not hide skills, why not move? It’s all hard resistance, it’s all turn-based fighting equipment and level operations’. Chen Yu was a little speechless

Seeing that the fight was almost the same below, Thor smashed a hammer on the captain’s shield and flew several people backwards. So Chen Yu carried Loki’s ability to several people.

“Everyone calm down, if there is something to detain Loki first,” Chen Yu said softly.

Sol looked at Chen Yu who appeared, remembering the last battle and couldn’t help but fall silent. The last time Thor went back, he still met the Rainbow Bridge, and Loki also fell off the bridge. This time, Odin spent a lot of dark energy to send Thor down.

“Gee, I didn’t expect that you, the god of Thor, would also have a day of submission. Last time, it was this teenager who beat you to almost death, right? Loki said mockingly when he saw that Thor was silent.

“Shut up” said Chen Yu and pressed his hand on Loki’s head, and Loki immediately raised his hands when he saw this and obediently closed his mouth.

Thor was silent, and neither Tony nor the captain wanted to fight. Although the energy of Tony’s suit should be 400% of Thor’s lightning, the suit is also badly damaged. But the captain didn’t want to fight in the first place. So several people pressed Loki back to the sky carrier.

Loki was pressed to a special prison, while the others gathered in the command room, sitting around a round table specially prepared by Fury, watching Loki being escorted during the surveillance.

“Now let me tell you about your situation”. Fury’s voice came out clearly on the screen, and he said while operating the prison console: “If you want to escape, even if you gently scratch the glass…” ”

Fury flipped a switch, and suddenly the floor under the glass prison opened instantly, and a fierce wind whistled in.

“This cage will hold you down from 10,000 meters.” Closing the drop opening, Fury drew twice at Lokiby, “Ants, shoes?” ”

Loki in the glass prison smiled brightly when he heard this, turned around and said to the prison: “Nice design, I think it should not be for me, right?” ”

“It’s supposed to be a lot more ferocious than you,” Fury said unconcernedly.

“Oh, I heard, it’s the raging beast” Loki smiled evilly and looked at the surveillance camera: “Still pretending to be a normal person”

“How desperate you have to be to find that monster to protect you,” Loki turned to look at Fury mockingly.

In the command room, everyone turned their attention to Banner in unison, and even Thor inexplicably followed the stream, holding his shoulders and looking at the honest-looking Banner.

Subsequently, the conversation between Loki and Fury was heard again on the screen in front of everyone, and the topic shifted to the Cosmic Cube, and Loki’s words revealed that what Nick Fury wanted was not unlimited energy, but powerful weapons.

Seeing this, Fury did not want to talk any further, threw down the sentence “Find me if you want a magazine”, turned and left the prison.

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