Chapter 182 has come to an end temporarily (1/5, please customize)

Lu Yi really hates Iceman so much, so he decided to clear all his memories to save trouble.

Iceman didn’t know this, but he knew that the white spot of light blazing at him was definitely not a good thing.

He didn’t dare to slack off. With one palm facing down, a whiff of white cold air spewed out, forming an ice path under his feet, and he slipped along the ice path, avoiding the light spot.

Iceman, what should I say, although his personality is not very good, he still has Ability, his strength is good, and his potential is huge.

It’s just that he is facing Lu Yi after all, not some kind of cat or dog.

The ice road formed under Iceman’s feet and led him to escape Lu Yi’s oblivion, but it also made Lu Yi pay a little attention to Iceman under 1760.

Don’t think that being valued by Lu Yi is a good thing, so many people die because of being valued by Lu Yi, so is Iceman.

Lu Yi glanced at the ice road under Iceman’s feet, snorted coldly, his body disappeared in a flash, appeared on the ice road, and stepped down.


With a crisp sound, the ice road shattered, and the ice slag scattered and landed in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Iceman’s face instantly turned quite terrified, and the cold air from his hands spurted out towards Lu Yi, and he subconsciously wanted to freeze Lu Bing.

Naturally, Lu Yi would not give him a chance. As soon as he pulled out his hand, Iceman’s hands, which were spewing cold air, deviate from the direction, and the cold air sprayed toward the ceiling, leaving a patch of Ice on the ceiling.

“So be it!

After speaking, Lu Yi pointed at Iceman’s eyebrows.

“Have mercy!” Seeing this scene, Professor X was the first to react and shouted quickly.

Hearing this, Lu Yi hesitated for a while, and the strength on his fingers was mostly removed, but he still touched Iceman’s eyebrows.

Iceman let out a groan, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball, hitting the wall behind him, and finally fell to the ground. At this time, the little naughty finally woke up and ran to Iceman’s side.

Iceman seemed to be exaggerating and was badly injured, but in fact he wasn’t seriously injured, he just felt a little dizzy.

This was Professor X’s territory, and Lu Yi still needed Professor X to cooperate with his actions, so he didn’t use his full strength to control the power within the range that Iceman could bear.

“Is he all right?” Professor X asked quickly.

“It’s okay, I’ll be in a coma for a while at most!”

As if to verify Lu Yi’s words, the drowsy Iceman finally couldn’t bear it any longer, his body softened, and he passed out completely in a coma.

With Lu Yi’s words in front, Iceman’s coma didn’t attract much attention, that is, the little naughty was a little worried, and the others, including Professor X, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Iceman was so difficult, and the more awake he was, the more troublesome it was to them, and the more time it took.

In order to prevent such a situation from happening, it is undoubtedly the best for him to be in a coma, which is better than losing his memory.

“Little naughty, don’t worry about it, go and prepare the next thing with him with peace of mind, and leave the rest to us! King Kong!” Wolf stood up and said to the little naughty who still had worries on his face.

Wolverine is a father to the little naughty, and his words are very useful to the little naughty. After a little hesitation, he delivered Iceman to Wolverine. He walked in front of Lu Yi and looked at Lu Yi. Yi.

At the moment, there is no resentment in the little mischievous eyes, only curiosity.

It’s not wrong for Lu Yi to knock out her boyfriend, but in her opinion, it’s also a good intention, and her boyfriend has nothing to do with it.

All she cares about now is that Lu Yi can easily defeat her boyfriend, and because of this, she becomes curious about Lu Yi.

She knows her boyfriend herself, she is very clear about how much strength she has, the strength of the younger generation in this academy is definitely at the top, but even so, she was defeated by one finger.

There is not a woman who does not long for a strong arm to guard, let alone a little naughty who came to this academy, has been displaced for a long time, and has a special dependence on the strong.

It was at that time that Iceman, who could barely be called a strong man, took advantage of the emptiness and entered her heart. She felt that no one was better than Iceman.

Now she seems to feel that everything has changed.

At the same age, one is more handsome and stronger than the other, one is naive like a child, and the other is already saving the world. The gap is really not that big.

The little naughty was not tempted by Lu Yi, but he couldn’t help being curious about Lu Yi, and even had some special feelings.

“Little naughty, I took it away! Be careful with Qin, to prevent her from letting her personality break free from the seal before we come back!

“We know what to do, don’t worry, you can increase the ability of the little naughty as soon as possible, we estimate that it won’t last long!”

“Don’t worry about this, I know, I will get everything done as soon as possible!”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yi said to the little naughty again: “We should go!”

Lu Yi grabbed the little naughty waist.

The little naughty was startled by Lu Yi’s sudden action, subconsciously glanced at Iceman on the ground, and was relieved when he saw that he did not wake up.

Just now, she really had a feeling that her boyfriend was doing something bad to her.

However, her behavior was a bit strange. The first thing she thought about was not to break free, but to see the reaction of her 1.5 boyfriend.

Lu Yi didn’t care about this, the hug was stiff at first, but now he relaxed a lot of his waist, and the teleport disappeared in place.

“It’s really a magical power. Just this moment, we have shown so many abilities. Compared to him, we are really weak!”

How many abilities can a Mutant have? One or two?

Even Lu Yi has shown three abilities at this moment.

“Don’t say these are useless, now things are barely resolved, you all go back to rest, recharge your batteries and prepare for the next thing!”

Hearing what Professor X said, these X-Men nodded in conviction, and then left.

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