Chapter 170 Guiding, fooling! (4/5, please customize)

In the center of the Sahara Desert, birds and beasts are extinct, and there is only a sea of ​​death sand between the heaven and the earth, which is empty, and there is almost no breath of life.

However, today, all this has changed. In this vast sand sea, two figures appeared here, fighting here.

One is tall and green, the other is a normal person in a red cloak.

The fight between the two was extremely astonishing. The fists collided, and the flesh collided with each other. Every punch and foot carried a terrifying wind pressure. The place where the two collided would always explode, and the desert under their feet erupted. Flowers formed by blossoming sand.

Boom! Boom! Boom

With the start of the battle, every collision, the roar sounded, just like a bomb exploded at this moment.

With such a strong momentum, I am afraid that if a bird or beast enters the fighting range between the two, it will be shaken into pieces immediately, as if a bomb exploded next to it.

This kind of battle lasted for a long time, and there were almost only two figures, one red and one green, in the entire sea of ​​death.

Finally, the red figure seemed to be tired from fighting, and emitted an equally green light towards the green figure on the opposite side, and the green light solemnly declared the eyebrows of the green figure on the opposite side.

The green figure paused, and then the green on the figure began to slowly dissipate, the huge body began to shrink, and finally became a normal person File size, with soft legs, sitting on the hot sand.

Seeing this, I am afraid everything is clear.

That’s right, these two are none other than Lu Yi and Bruce Banner.

The two decided to release their anger before, and then they came here, started a fierce battle between them, and then ended now.

“What have you done to me? Why didn’t I go into a coma,”?” Bruce Banner said in pain.

The pain he suffered here was not because of the pain after his transformation, but because he was powerless sitting on the hot sand.

There was a constant burning sensation on his butt, and this was the source of his pain.

Generally speaking, after he transforms, he doesn’t feel any pain, he just falls into a coma! This time, because of Lu Yi’s relationship, although he didn’t fall into a coma, he didn’t feel any pain at all.

“Why do you think you’re in a coma?” Lu Yi didn’t answer Bruce Banner’s question, but asked Bruce Banner instead.

“Because I’ve been in a coma before, every time I transform it will be like this!” Bruce Banner said.

“Very good, because you are often in a coma, so you believe that once you transform, you will be unconscious after the transformation is lifted, so you who often can’t control yourself after transformation, do you often think that you can’t control yourself? “Lu Yi flickered to Bruce Banner.


Bruce Banner was speechless for a moment, he really thought so, and also thought so.

“The power of inertia is infinite, and every time you think so in your heart, over time, you will be so sure of yourself originally and definitely, and you who are so sure of you will have a great impact on your control over your transformation. Big obstacle!


“So changing what’s in your mind is the second step you’re going to do next!”

The second step “? What about the first step?”

“Aren’t you doing it? Let your anger out!”

Well, Bruce Banner really ignored that.

But then again, after the transformation, I really feel much better, and the backlog in my heart has dissipated a lot.

“I feel that I am much better now, and the sinking in my heart seems to have been swept away. Is it because I vented my anger?”

“Partly because of this reason, and partly because you, under my guidance, have begun to unconsciously accept some of the concepts I have instilled in you. You are no longer particularly resistant to your own transformation, and you are full of confidence in your future. !

“So it is!” Bruce Banner nodded clearly, and then said: “When will I be able to completely control my transformation?”

“It’s been a while!”

How could the problem of Bruce Banner’s transformation be so simple, not to mention that Lu Yi didn’t want him to solve it so quickly, and it was not easy to find a living target that could be reused. How could he let him go so easily.

“Is there any way to be faster, don’t you have magic? Can you use it for me?”

Magic is a good thing. It can be used to assist, but it cannot be used to help you control your own transformation. For example, I know a kind of magic, which can keep you in absolute sanity all the time. Of course you don’t have to worry about transforming!”

“Is there such a way?”

“Definitely yes, but the problem is that this is not a simple magic. After using it, you will always remain in absolute sanity, without any emotional fluctuations, just like a cold robot!”

Hearing Lu Yi say that, well, Bruce Banner was really frightened.

The thought of turning into a robot in the future really made Bruce Banner feel creepy, and no one would want to turn into a robot, except a lunatic.

And apparently, Bruce Banner was never a lunatic.

“It seems that you don’t want to be like this (Zhao Lihao) either, it’s best to go step by step!”

“Yes, step by step is the best!” Bruce Banner said happily.

“Looks like you understand!” Looking at Bruce Banner’s expression, Lu Yi said with a smile.

“Definitely understand, and understand can’t understand anymore!”

Bruce Banner’s words once again made Lu Yi laugh, but Lu Yi knew that after that, Bruce Banner would probably always be his living target.

“Have you rested?” Lu Yi suddenly asked Bruce Banner.

“Have a rest!”

“Then let’s continue!” Lu Yi said to Bruce Banner after glancing at Sha Hai, who was no longer the way he was before.

Then, without waiting for Bruce Banner to refuse, Lu Yi sent a red light towards him. .

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