Chapter 144 The Problem Caused by Lu Yi (3/5, Customize)


Lu Yi’s thoughts entered Andy’s mind instantly, and a lot of information in Andy’s mind appeared in Lu Yi’s mind without reservation.

No matter how small or small, all memories from Andy’s childhood to the present are the same.

People will forget everything in their past, but the human brain will not. The things stored in your mind, you think you have forgotten, but you have not forgotten, it exists in your mind.

And now these things are acquired by Lu Yi.

Definitely, what Lu Yi cares about is not the memories of what Andy did when he was young, but his memories of Kamar-Taj.

Passing through Andy’s childhood memories, Lu Yi quickly found what he was looking for in Andy’s mind.

Everything Andy did and saw when he entered Kamar-Taj, scene after scene, all appeared in Lu Yi’s mind.

Especially those magic books he had seen, the magic taught by Ancient One, appeared in front of Lu Yi little by little, and was absorbed by Lu Yi!

One law, all law!

In his mind, there are the memories of three powerhouses who have quite a bit of research on magic, combined with his exaggerated brain power, and now look at these relatively incomparable magics.

In an instant, Lu Yi understood!

This kind of terrifying speed of magic cultivation is something that Lu Yi can achieve. Lu Yi’s brain power is really terrifying.

Pulling all the magic in Andy’s mind out of his memory, Andy finally took his last breath, and Andy died.

With Andy’s death, Lu Yi also loses his Legilimency goal, and it’s over!

Because he got what he wanted, Lu Yi did not continue. After throwing Andy’s body on the ground, Lu Yi closed his eyes and began to recall the magic in his mind.

After a few seconds, Lu Yi opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, Lu Yi didn’t say anything, imitating Andy’s magical properties, raising his hands and drawing circles in the air, golden sparks shone, and a space door appeared in front of him.

The space door is round, and there are still golden sparks shining on the edge of the space door. The side of the space door is the same, nothing has changed, but the other side of the space door has become a world full of ice and snow.

The cold wind was blowing along the space door, mixed with snowflakes, as sharp as a knife, and it was difficult for ordinary people to open their eyes.

Looking at the world of ice and snow in front of him, Lu Yi nodded with satisfaction, his mind flashed, the door in front of him closed, and then another door opened. On the other side of the door, there was no more snow. The world of magma.

The billowing magma exuded scorching heat, and the pungent smell of sulfur spread to Lu Yi through the space door, and squeezed into Lu Yi’s nostrils.

Looking at the other side of the space door, Lu Yi glanced at the four complete corpses on the ground and one unshaped corpse. In a flash of thoughts, an invisible force dragged these corpses into the other side of the space door. in lava on one side.

In an instant, all the corpses were burnt to charcoal, and the fire raged.

Lu Yi didn’t have the habit of watching corpses burn, closed the space door, and turned his attention to Bruce Banner’s body.

Until now, this guy has not been able to control his emotions, and it is still possible to transform at any time.

This is where Lu Yi’s house is. Lu Yi didn’t want to fight him here. After smiling helplessly, he walked to Bruce Banner’s side and started to help him regain his calm.

Just as he helped Bruce Banner to regain his calm, Kamar-Taj on the other side suddenly fell into a panic.

Just now, the signs of life of the five people they sent disappeared, and they died in a mission that seemed to have no turbulence.

The magician monastery has been supported by the Ancient One’s face for so many years. Although there are some losses of personnel, it basically only appears once every few years.

This time, the death of five magicians appeared at one time, and there was no way to even send out a distress signal, which was enough to cause the entire Kamar-Taj to vibrate.

“What’s going on?” Mo Du, one of Ancient One’s proud disciples, stood in front of a magician who was in charge of releasing the mission and asked him with a serious face.

0- Ask for flowers…

“We don’t know, we just sent people to verify what happened to the recent magic fluctuations as usual, but they just arrived and then died, with no signs of life! And there is no information at all!”

“Is there any strange magic fluctuations in the middle?” Moro’s face became solemn.

“No! It’s all the fluctuations of magic that belongs to us alone. The other party seems to have completely hidden his own magic fluctuations. It is a magician with the strength of the title magician at least!”

“Your guess is not unreasonable, did you find that our magician used magic before death?”


“Yes, in the period before Andy’s death, we detected some traces of his use of magic, it seems that he wanted to open the space door to escape! But the strange thing is that after Andy’s death, there were also Andy’s magic fluctuations, he Two more space doors opened!

Everyone has their own magical characteristics and their own habits, which leads to the very different magic that everyone casts.

But now, that difference is broken here.

After a person dies, magic is used again!

This puzzled the magician!

He would never have imagined that someone could simulate a person’s magic power fluctuations like Lu Yi, and also be able to get the person’s habit of using magic from this person’s mind, copying the previous magic.

“This point should be that there is a little error in the detection, covering the detection system of the entire planet, unless it is a concentrated observation, some errors are normal, it should be that Andy used this magic before his death, but because of the error delay! ”

Modu couldn’t guess that there would be such a thing, and after thinking about it, he gave a fairly reasonable explanation.

“It should be so!”

“You tell me where Andy and the others died and where the last two space doors lead to, I’m going to check it out myself!” Zhang,

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