Qin’s words were like knives, and the knife pierced into Scott’s heart, making his expression become extremely distorted, and at this time his heart became very painful, like a needle prick, and the indifferent Qin, the indifferent attitude towards him, and the observance of Leon’s orders were all tearing his heart.


He was angry, he was mad, he wanted to fight back, he first used his own strength to take the piano away, but he was not willing.

Because he knew that now he couldn’t do anything, he even wanted to die, especially Leon’s almost charitable attitude, killing the Steel Lux and the Blue Devil, but leaving only his actions, which made him extremely angry.

But he knew that he couldn’t do anything now, he couldn’t defeat the four apostles of the phoenix, he couldn’t beat the Qin in front of him, he couldn’t fight the man who was like a god, the entire human race of the earth was surviving under the oppression of that man, as an inconspicuous individual in the human kingdom, what ability did he have to stop all this?

So he forced himself to calm down, because he knew very well that even if he broke out now, how desperately he tried, it would be impossible to shake the piano for half a minute, nor would he be able to return her to normal, all of which made him despair.

In the end, he did calm down, but his body trembled twice from time to time, clenched his fists, and forced himself to endure his anger: “Qin! I’ll take you back, believe me, I swear! ”

There was no change in Qin Wenwen’s expression, because the master personality fragment that appeared when she saw Scott for the first time fluctuated, and after she found this, she directly blocked this feeling, so now no matter what Scott said, it was just a stranger’s word to her.

She didn’t say anything more, didn’t look at Scott again, turned around coldly, and the figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, no longer knowing where it had gone.

Her indifferent attitude made Scott feel uncomfortable in his heart, and after the piano left, he forcibly endured anger, his breathing gradually became heavier, and then an uneasy roar, like a wounded beast wailing, spread throughout the four fields.

But none of this is important anymore, Qin will not react even a little because of his move, because at this time Qin has gone to the other side of the battlefield, her mission this time is to directly destroy the resistance forces of the United States in Europe, she has a lot to do, it is not worth wasting time here.

In another battlefield on the battle front, with her appearance, it ushered in a devastating blow, all the anti-warrior robots were destroyed, under the power of her phoenix, there was no half ability to resist, no matter how many of them, they could not withstand her to destroy like this.

In just half an hour, she destroyed all the anti-warrior robots on the battlefield, and their number was as small as a million, and such a move greatly hit the resistance of the United States and made a huge change in the entire battlefield situation.

And she did not end the attack because of this, but expanded the scope of attack to the whole European region, her figure appeared in every battlefield, with great ability and great speed, to disintegrate the resistance forces in it, she only took one day, basically destroyed all the resistance forces of the entire European United Nations, the effect was amazing.

After doing all this, she also hesitated a little and left directly.


At the same time that she appeared in Europe, on the North American continent on the other side of the ball, in the former American land, there was a similar scene, but it was another person who appeared here.

Lorna looked at the ruined city and the fire everywhere below and sighed slightly.

“I really don’t know why he did this, a civilization is about to be destroyed in war, is this really what he wants?” This is likely to wipe out the entire planet. ”

Appearing here is Lorna Dane, who, like Qin, was sent out on a mission by Leon, and she was just as intent on dismantling the resistance forces of North America, but unlike Chin, she was at least human and compassionate, and looking at everything below, she was not very comfortable.

But out of affection and trust for Li Ang, she still took on this task, in fact, in the end, she and Li Ang are a kind of person, both are the kind of people who don’t care about other people’s eyes, she doesn’t care much about other people’s opinions, and doing things is also my own way.

Below her, at this time, it was originally a large city with towering buildings and wide streets, and the population here was originally more than a million, but now, because of the war, all the civilians have moved away, and only the soldiers and evolutionists have remained here.

The city roared continuously, and all kinds of strange scenes appeared around it, just like those that Qin faced, all of which were from the hands of evolutionary and anti-warrior robots.

The two sides have been fighting here for a long time, because of the efforts of the United Nations, the situation here was once equalized, and the two sides fought with each other.

But in general, it is still the strength of Leon’s side that occupies a dominant position, and the defense of the human union side is more than the offense, but now, the variable of Lorna is here, and no one knows how it will change here.

Lorna looked at it for half a moment, and finally shook her head helplessly, she had followed Li Ang for so many times, and she had no less in-depth communication with Li Ang, and as we all know, all women who communicate with Li Ang in depth have significant improvements in ability.

Although she did not have the power of the phoenix or the power of the piano, as the master of the magnetic force, she grew to the end and had the ability to shake the entire universe.

Although she had not yet reached that point, her abilities had grown significantly compared to before, and it was time for her to test her abilities.

Without much hesitation, she directly opened her hands and raised her head slightly, and her spiritual power radiated out, sensing the magnetic forces everywhere around her, perceiving them, controlling them, and then using them.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared over the entire city, and at some point the sky was filled with tiny electric flowers, one after another like elves floating in the air, making the whole heaven and earth stained with a layer of silver gray.

Subsequently, these tiny electric flowers fused with each other and grew rapidly.

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