Leon has a lot of means, and he also has a lot of abilities on his body, these abilities are listed separately, all have the power of no less than Omega-level evolutionists, and so many abilities are mixed together, coupled with the terrifying phoenix power and ability in his body, he really can’t be someone to do anything to him.



A loud tremor transmitted the old distance, and under the collision, the star that had just been ignited was extinguished in this instant, not even the opportunity to explode, let alone half of it.

This is the result of Thanos’ most direct use of cosmic-level combat power, such an outbreak and collision, a small star, naturally can be destroyed at will.

Li Ang’s body trembled slightly, and in terms of physical toughness alone, he was indeed inferior to Thanos, but in terms of energy, he was not bad at all.


Another collision, the two of them under the bombardment, instantly entered the battle state, in this state, Li Ang did not distract again, and Thanos also sank, because he found that the person in front of him was really too difficult, even if he broke out with full force, he still did not shake Li Ang half a point.

The two of them shook each other again and again, and from a distance, it looked like two pimps were fighting, not fists or feet, but only the two were the most clear, under such a seemingly ordinary attack, what kind of danger was hidden.

It is a little likely that either of the two will die on the spot if they are a little depressed, because under each punch and kick, what is mixed in is not a physical strength, but a real energy collision, without any exaggeration.

In the battlefield where the two men fought, the space structure itself was damaged, then restored, then broken, and then restored, so it was repeated back and forth in the battle between the two, and the aftermath directly made the nearest star system shake slightly.

Because the energy brought by the two people fighting is too terrifying, inadvertently hooking gravity, and the gravitational wave acts on other galaxies, which naturally makes this galaxy have a lot of movement.

The two people in the center of the battlefield did not pay any attention to this, and only each other had each other in their eyes, which may be regarded as a fatalistic duel, because since Li Ang was reborn, he had been continuing to strengthen himself, trying to improve himself in the rapid and continuous strengthening.

And Thanos is a long-established overlord, seeing the threat will naturally go to eradicate, one to strengthen themselves, and the other to maintain their own power, so the collision of the two is inevitable.

At this moment, it is difficult for words to describe the fight between the two, all kinds of brilliance are sprinkled in the battlefield, all kinds of strange forces burst out, the two punches back and forth more than a dozen punches, and when it comes to the last punch, each other uses all their strength, if this force erupts on the earth. The earth will definitely be turned into powder in an instant, or there is no doubt about which one.

This level of fighting, others can not intervene, has been one of the top beings, ordinary people can not reach this, the gods will not set their eyes on it.

So it caused Leon and Thanos to fight head-on.

Thanos is really powerful, Li consciously secretly surprised, secretly praised this Thanos is indeed terrifying, such an energy explosion, in the absence of the power of the phoenix, but still can cosmic energy, and even in terms of quantity, Thanos is slightly better in terms of energy.

The phoenix shadow on Li Ang’s body had become extremely condensed at this time, as if it were substance, before each collision, the phoenix would hold its head high, producing a loud and extremely loud cry, and with the roar, the phoenix fire and many mutant abilities on the phoenix body burst out along with Li Ang’s fist.

This battle does not know how long it will last, Thanos is highly motivated, Li Ang is full of momentum, the two do not retreat from each other, and there is only one meaning in each other’s eyes, that is, to kill the other party here.

Yes, Thanos is a supervillain in the Marvel universe, whose real name is Thanos, an eternal family born on Saturn’s moon Titan, who is powerful and one of the most powerful people in the Marvel Universe.

He knew all the superhuman philosophies of the Eternal Family, which gave him unsurpassed strength, stamina, resilience and agility. His skin is nearly indestructible, especially when fighting cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and disease. Long before he was cursed to eternal life by his crush, the goddess of death, he could survive without eating anything and drinking water.

Yes, such a brash man who can run horses in his fists and open the bottle cap of chrysanthemums also has a tender side, he has always had a crush on the goddess of death, of course, this is just his wishful thinking, who is the goddess of death?

One of the five creation gods of the Marvel Universe, mastering the existence of the death of all living beings, it is her instigation that makes Thanos degenerate step by step from a simple-minded child to a murderous person who only knows how to kill.

The reason why the goddess of death did this was only her personal interest, and she always only thought that Thanos was a pawn, and Thanos himself had actually been aware of it, so in his heart, in addition to the evil given by the goddess of death, there was also a desire for dissatisfaction.

Under such a personality and personality, Thanos is the biggest evil being in the Marvel Universe world.

With such a personality, Thanos naturally will not accept defeat, and after Li Ang killed his men, the battle with Li Ang inevitably became a life and death battle, not a fight.

Leon and Thanos didn’t know how long they had been fighting, they were moving from place to place all the way towards the collision, and by the time Leon returned to their senses, they had been away from their original position for several light years.

By this time, Leon had become a little tired, and looking at Thanos, his shot was not as fierce as before, indicating that he had been affected to some extent, so that he was not an invincible existence in Leon’s view.

At the same time, Leon decided to explode with full force, and in an instant, the pale red light around him began to rise, and the phoenix also grew rapidly, and after reaching a certain stage, it directly flew towards Thanos.


The birds shook the void, and the phoenix went berserk.

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