The Steve in front of him was covered in blood, his body trembled like chaff in a sieve, and the uncontrolled energy that escaped enveloped the entire block.

Under this force, all kinds of strange scenes appeared on the streets, such as flames that appeared out of thin air, began to burn, burning a large area of the ground red, and in a moment it turned into lava.

There was also the sudden appearance of lightning, with Steve’s body as the origin, spreading out in all directions, and the street lamps and the billboards of the roadside shops all sparked in this instant.

More intense thick clouds, condensed thousands of meters above the sky, and a moment later there was already a thick water vapor scoop falling, enveloping most of the downtown Washington area, and in a moment it became a water pool.

The change is not only that, like suddenly emerging from somewhere a large space rift, directly cutting the walls of some buildings, or even cutting a hole in the building.

There are also inexplicable substances produced and transformed, and then uncontrollably, combined into some strange substances, these substances are somewhat like steel, but want to be fluid, from a distance it looks like a jelly with a steel color, which is the product of fantasy.

However, Leon knew that under this ability, many things were uncontrollable, and he also saw Steve’s potential, or all the potential after the combination of four splits.

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but see the hunter’s heart, and he was even more certain to these four people.

Yes, he not only wanted to leave behind killing, corruption and distortion, but even Steve himself did not want to let go, he even had a code name for Steve.

Looking up slightly, there were strange snowflakes falling in the line of sight, these snowflakes were condensed from the water vapor under the extremely cold air, because in this instant, Steve’s ability to run away froze the entire block, and it was no longer rain that fell, but ice and snowflakes, and large lumps of ice.

“Sigh, how many abilities is fused here?” In other words, I don’t dare to be so sad, ah, Americans really can play, can be called foreigners less series. ”

Li Ang could see the death of those experimenters, and he looked sideways at them.

This ability went on for a long time, and it didn’t end after more than ten minutes, and after Leon dug his thoughts deep into Steve’s mind, he saw the extent of the virus infection in his thinking.

Leon mixed all the negative emotions throughout human history, about war, killing, evil, deception, lust, greed, lust, jealousy and greed, which can be said to encompass all the negativity and evil.

Infected by such a thinking virus, the personality of any ordinary person will become the most negative personality in the world, and even a person as tenacious as Steve is still unable to fall below this invasion.

After all, this thinking virus broke out directly from the depths of his personality, and without someone like Professor X who manipulated the mind to help defend it, the infection was simply irreversible.

Leon knew that Steve did have the ability to manipulate the mind, and this ability was likely to come from Professor X’s gene, and he didn’t know how the American authorities got the bald gene.

That’s why Steve had been resisting in this state for so long, but now it seemed that this psychic ability could not continue to resist, because Leon had discovered that the core area of Steve’s thinking had basically been infected.

His thoughts were directly projected in his thoughts, and he immediately felt that he was in a strange space, surrounded by various memory fragments, including Steve’s past and his dreams, and in these pictures, there were more or less changes, and there were many very negative things on them.

For example, the wars and killings that Steve experienced during World War II, the people who were killed by his own hands, the screaming people, the vicious faces, and the trajectory of his growth since childhood, the chaotic neighborhoods, the restless crowds, and the turmoil in the whole society.

And the darkness he saw, shootings, fights, insults and trampling.

These negative things have completely overwhelmed the glorious side of other people’s humanity and become the main melody that makes up his personality at this time.

“Very well, I’ll give you another insurance.”

Thinking like this, Leon used his telepathic ability to plant a seed in his mind that could not betray him, which was the most intuitive control of the mind, tampering with his cognition and confusing his reason.

There is a killing, corruption and distortion of the personality foundation, he to do this step is also very simple, less than five minutes to complete this step, and then he directly split the fused personality again, re-divided it into four subjects.

“It’s done.”

Leon retreated from his mental body, and at this moment, with his withdrawal, Steve’s ability to run wild finally stopped, and the chaos ended in this instant, out of the frozen street, as if there had never been chaos.

Steve’s figure slowly floated up, facing Leon, and he opened his eyes, and there was a chaos in his eyes, as if there were a pair of vortexes, trying to absorb everything in the world.


Steve suddenly looked up and let out a long roar, and the sound was like thunder and thunder, rumbling out of the distance.

Then his body began to tremble, and suddenly protrusions appeared on his bare body, and some protrusions became more and more, and then there was hyperplastic tissue, first a hand, then an arm, and then half of the body.

It was splitting, a new individual struggling to grow out of his body, opening his mouth wide open, his mouth screaming uncontrollably, his eyes blood-red.

This is killing, the killing of new births!

It split directly from his body, roared and stopped, and then stood quietly in front of Leon.

Then there was the second schism, the split from Steve’s body, the same process, the same weirdness, the eyes a deep blackness, which was corruption, the same new decay.

The third split out of nature is distorted, and in the eyes is Sensen’s coldness, which makes people chill through the heart.

At this moment, standing in front of Leon were four identical people, all of whom were Steve, and the changes in his body had stopped, and there was nothing strange about his flat eyes.

But Leon saw a dead silence in his eyes, and a kind of madness, a mixture of two extremes.

“The host!” He knelt down on one knee and offered loyalty to Leon.

“Very well, from now on, you will be called depraved!”

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