Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 512 Goblin: Mr. Gu will pay for this loss.

Morning, Gringotts.

"Let me in, let me go in first."

"Give me back the gold galleons, give me back the gold galleons."

"The sound is loud!"

"Damn goblins, if you don't give the Pravis family an explanation today, I will tear down your Gringotts."


Outside the gate of Gringotts, beloved wizards crowded and screamed.

From time to time, curses and various dissatisfactions spread throughout Diagon Alley.

If there weren't a large number of Aurors holding wands and watching eagerly, some impatient wizards might have already taken action.

Fortunately, there were no goblins outside the gate of the ancients. Even if they were bitten, they would be stimulated to do something.

It's really hateful.

They have worked hard to accumulate wealth for many years and believe in Gringotts' reputation as the safest and best place in the world.

What happened was that the safest one was robbed.

Damn the goblins, even breaking their bodies into thousands of pieces can't offset their anger at losing their wealth.

In the current situation, although newspapers have been emphasizing that Gulinge will compensate everyone for their losses.

But as long as their minds are clear, normal people know that there may be compensation, but how can it be compared with the gold galleons and wealth they lost?

Even this compensation may be snatched away by those pure-blood families.

When will ordinary wizards like them stand up? When can I get my things back?

Disappointment is building, anger is growing.


Click! Click! Click!

With a clicking sound, the door to Gringotts slowly opened.

Two figures, one tall and one short, walked out of it.

Seeing familiar faces, the originally angry wizards were stunned for a moment, wiping their eyes as if they couldn't believe it. ,

"Gilderoy Lockhart, what's going on?"

"Professor Lockhart"

"Principal Karma Taj, why are you standing next to the goblin."

"Damn it, I knew that these pure-blood wizards and Gringotts have been colluding."


The original sounds of surprise and confusion were gradually infected by anger, and angry curses towards Lockhart and Karma Taj began to appear.

Lockhart didn't stop him when he heard it, but smiled calmly.

Nothing impresses you more than a slap in the face.

Although the form is different, the effect is the same.

"The sound is loud!"

"Principal Lockhart, why are you standing with Gulinger? You must give us an explanation."

"Yes, yes, have you stolen our gold galleons?"

"I know these purebloods are greedy and use their power to bully others."


Angry curses filled the air, and the atmosphere seemed to explode all of a sudden.

Let the side maintain support, and our subconscious hands are sweating, ready to take action at any time.

The movement was too great.

At this moment, even they felt a little bit resentful about Lockhart's appearance.

The matter was already big enough, but then someone as famous as you came out and stood in Gringotts as a goblin.

The most hateful thing was that he didn't say anything and allowed these wizards to become more emotional.

Isn’t it obvious that you are provoking trouble?

The Auror kept complaining in his heart, but his face became more and more serious.

When the crowd was excited, suddenly

cough! cough! cough!

A light cough sounded. The sound seemed very slight, but strangely, it spread clearly to the ears of every wizard present, as if the other wizard was coughing right next to their ears.

And this coughing sound seemed to have some kind of magic power, and the original anger seemed to be drained out all of a sudden.

Along with the inner calm, a feeling of powerlessness came into my heart.

This feeling made some dark wizards inexplicably think of dementors.

Especially those who had entered Azkaban, their whole bodies began to tremble, as if they had discovered something bad.

In an instant, the entire atmosphere suddenly became silent.

At this moment, they remembered that the reviled person opposite was the principal of Karma Taj, a top wizard who had fought against the Dark Lord Dumbledore.

"I know everyone is anxious." Lockhart still maintained the familiar gentle tone: "Today I am here to solve all your worries."

As he spoke, he patted the purple-clothed goblin next to him and introduced: "Many wizards may not be familiar with this guy."

"He is Harmon, the Grand Elder of Gringotts Goblins."

"Kama Taj and the Ministry of Magic were very shocked when they heard about what happened in Gringotts this time."

"To be honest, I believe that many wizards, like us, can't believe it."

"This is the first time in Gringotts' hundreds of years of keeping wizards' wealth that something has gone so wrong."

"Kama Taj unites Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts to discuss a solution to this matter so that no one's interests will be harmed."

"Now, let us listen to the statement of the Grand Elder of Gringotts."

As soon as Lockhart finished speaking, the wizards below instantly became excited and began to discuss among themselves.

As the official Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts has a long history combined with a recent rise in fame.

This just sounds like it, and the credibility suddenly goes up.

Many civilian wizards looked at Lockhart expectantly. As for the so-called goblin elder Harmon.

Sorry, if it weren't for these damn goblins, why are they here.

Besides, compensation, can you get back everything you lost?

They expressed deep doubts about this.

To be honest, it would be a luxury for them to get back half of their savings.


All fools know that if such a big thing happens, who in the entire wizarding world can afford to pay for it.

They only hope that under the control of Karma Taj, Hogwarts, and the Ministry of Magic, the pure bloods will have some respect and not go too far.

after all

Various historical experiences tell them that pure blood has never had a face.

Harmon, the former Second Elder and now the Grand Elder, heard what Lockhart said.

Although his face was expressionless, he was actually sighing in his heart.


This final word seems to indicate that the once glorious Gringotts has now completely become a puppet in the hands of wizards.

As for myself

Advanced puppet?

Harmon thought bitterly.

But when I think about myself, my many lives, and the other person’s promise,

Harmon looked at the wizards who were still discussing, and an apology quietly appeared on his originally indifferent face.


With an apologetic look on his face, he suddenly bent down and shouted loudly: "Master wizards, I'm sorry."

"The invasion by a dark wizard this time is really beyond Gringotts' expectations."

"For this reason, a total of 1,348 goblins in our Gringotts died. Gringotts was even more severely damaged, and many important facilities suffered devastating blows."

Speaking of this, Harmon's voice was trembling, his face was filled with grief, and his heart was bleeding.

The bloody scene in Gringotts Armory could not help but appear in his mind.

Thousands of magic guns and hundreds of the most elite guard fairies

All destroyed in one go!

"But that's no reason."

"This time, Gringotts will bear the losses of all wizards and lords."

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