Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 482 The weapon of destiny, the eye of the fairy (second update)


It shouldn’t be, how could it be the power of fate!

Grindelwald was a little surprised.

Lockhart's student Wanda comes into contact with the power of destiny, which comes as no surprise to him.

But Lockhart himself, he had fought against before.

That new spell is really powerful.

But he was absolutely certain that Lockhart had absolutely no contact with the power of destiny.

Even taking advantage of Lockhart's unfamiliarity with fate, he made several secret moves without letting the other party notice.

This time, he peered into fate and clearly saw the huge power of fate lingering around Lockhart.

How can this be?

Even if Lockhart recently started researching.

Such a huge power of destiny also takes a long time to accumulate.


Lockhart holds in his hands a top-notch instrument of destiny related to destiny.

At this moment, Grindelwald accidentally spied on the existence of the dream world.

But at the same time, Grindelwald's heart is also somewhat complicated.

In his time, there were basically only a handful of things related to fate.

And there is almost nothing that can hinder him.

but now

He saw a young witch with a connection to destiny and great potential.

His future enemy, Lockhart, controls a powerful instrument of destiny that even he does not possess.

Even goblins, former slaves, have weapons powerful enough to hide their fate.

According to his inference, there will only be more and more wizards who are exposed to destiny in the future, and they will even form a profession specifically.

This made him, who once relied on the gift of fate and surpassed the entire wizarding world, not feel sad.

Thoughts floated and his mind gradually sank into his heart, Grindelwald made up his mind.

He must destroy the American monster, and he must also get the weapon of destiny that shields him from prying eyes.

At this moment, Grindelwald's eyes were dark.

This time, he was going to have another fight with his old friend.

He was also looking forward to it this time.

This is because his old friend is...



United States Washington

Magical Congress Second Headquarters.

Because Grindelwald led a sneak attack by the Saints, the Magic Congress headquarters in New York fell directly.

The Magical Congress was once in danger of extinction.

But later, because of the timely support of American goblins, the American Auror wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

The war against the Saints' resistance began.

At this moment, the New York headquarters has long been reduced to ruins.

In the end, the Deputy Speaker had to choose Washington to build the new Magic Congress headquarters, which is currently the second location.

The reason why it is named second.

On the one hand, I don’t want to forget the shame of the headquarters’ first sneak attack and almost total destruction.

On the other hand, it shows that he is determined to return to the original headquarters of the Magical Congress.

Well, it has nothing to do with Washington being the headquarters of goblins.

In the square in front of the second station, people were coming and going.

A large number of wizards held wands at their waists and walked quickly towards their destinations.

Of course, goblins with magic guns on their waists are also not uncommon in the square.

Some of them stood on the edge of the square, as if guarding safety.

Some were laughing and laughing with some wizards, running side by side.

It seems that they are a small team, completing some mission.

Here, there seems to be no discrimination between wizards and goblins. They have equal status and are all fighting for one goal - resisting the invasion of saints.

At least……

Standing on the edge of the square, watching all this, Dumbledore thought so.

Logically speaking, although his mission this time was superficially for. Volunteer for the Magical Congress to fight against Grindelwald.

But in fact, the most important task is to visit relatives in the United States, the imaginary society and the reality of goblins.

Especially goblins, what stage of development have they reached now? What is the current status of the relationship with the wizard?

Everything you see now.

It is also the goblin and the wizard standing together, both sides are in harmony, as if they are in complete peace.

According to common sense, seeing such a beautiful and peaceful scene, he should feel happy in his heart.

But in reality, he was cold inside.

It is true that he advocates peace, but he is a firm defender of order.

The order he insisted on had one of the most basic characteristics, that is, wizards were the mainstay.

On this point, like Lockhart, he has a very firm stance. He is a wizard, so he will only stand on the wizard's side.

He would not discriminate against goblins, but he would never allow goblins to side with wizards again.

Because he has seen clearly, in today's wizarding world, if one ethnic group wants to rise, how can it be possible without stepping on the corpse of another ethnic group?

No matter how good the disguise is now, in the end, there will need to be a master and a slave.

To put it bluntly, it will only end with a large-scale killing.

Even if it's so peaceful now, in the end, the goblin will never be soft when it's time to strike.

The same goes for wizards.

In fact, Dumbledore was even more wary of the peaceful and beautiful situation at this moment.

The discrimination between wizards and goblins has been formed over many years.

But what he saw now was almost the opposite of what he had long believed.

What does this mean?

Goblins have been infiltrating wizards for a long time and can even directly influence the decisions of the Magic Congress.

So much so that a situation similar to peaceful evolution appears.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore's mouth went dry.

He knew that the situation of wizards in the United States was not very optimistic.

But isn’t this situation a bit too bad?

At this moment, unconsciously, Dumbledore began to disappear.

Originally, he wanted to enter directly, and as the principal of Hogwarts and a supporter of the British Ministry of Magic, he would take advantage of the situation and take a leading role.

But now it seems that his old friend Grindelwald is difficult to deal with, and the group of goblins in front of him are also difficult to deal with.

The guarantee was incomplete. This group of goblins did not use all their strength and waited for both the Magic Congress and Grindelwald to suffer losses.


The station is entirely carved from marble and has a classical Greek style.

Tall stone pillars and huge buildings reveal a simple but not simple beauty.

The arched gate of the residence, with goblins and wizards coming and going.

However, every goblin or wizard will unconsciously look up at the tall arch before entering the door.

There was a huge dark green eye, blinking constantly.

It seems to be exploring or detecting.

This is the goblin's magical treasure - the Goblin Eye.

The effect of Fairy Eyes is very simple, but extremely powerful.

It has only one function - detect enemies!

Goblins have taken this function to the extreme, including soul divination and even factors such as fate.

This is also considered a good treasure among the goblins.

Now it is temporarily loaned to the Magic Congress.

With the goblin eyes, all the saints were detected as soon as they entered.

So far there has been no defeat.

Dumbledore was standing outside the gate at this moment.

He stared at the dark green fairy eyes that were blinking above the white arch.

His eyes were long and he couldn't help but sigh.

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