Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 462 Cornelius Fudge: Leading the Ministry of Magic to Glory (First update)

Ministry of Magic, Office of the Minister.

"Old Batty, are you kidding?"

Although he was sitting in the office chair, Fudge leaned forward, put his hands together on the desk, and stared at Barty Crouch in front of him, with a surprised look on his face.

Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office, also had a cautious look on his face.

They are all familiar with Old Batty. The three of them used to be colleagues.

As the former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he has the highest status among the three.

He has always been known for being rigorous and even ruthless in his work.

If it weren't for the incident involving his son Barty Jr., maybe the current Minister of Magic would be Barty Sr. instead of Fudge.

Now Old Barty tells them that the Magical Congress of the United States of America is about to collapse, and the entire American wizarding world will be ruled by Grindelwald.

They subconsciously couldn't believe it.

Because in their impression, the strength of the American wizarding world is not weak, and Grindelwald has suffered losses there before.

As a result, within two or three months of Grindelwald coming out, he will take control of the entire American wizarding world.

Is this joke a little too big?

But looking at Old Batty's serious expression, the two finally chose to believe it.

"Minister Fudge, Scrimgeour, the wizards and goblins from the Magic Congress are outside."

"If you have any doubts, you can meet and talk directly."

Then as if he thought of something, Old Batty added: "By the way, this time I feel that the goblin is a little weird."

"I think the authenticity of the news must start from his side."

After hearing this, Fudge thought for a moment, looked at each other with Scrimgeour, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

They naturally understood what Old Batty was thinking.

Affected by the traditional concepts in the wizarding world, only the life of wizards is real life. As for goblins, they were just lucky enough to become high-level slaves of wizards.

Even though the other party is now in charge of Gringotts, has advanced alchemy skills, and has a much higher status, the contempt for fairies among many wizards, especially purebloods, has not diminished.

snort! They are just hired workers who manage money for them.

Of course, there is also the idea of ​​​​sour grapes.

After all, compared to wizards, goblins are much more talented in numbers and sensitive to money than ordinary wizards.

To put it simply, goblins have a humble status but a lot of power.

Tsk tsk tsk, it feels a bit like an ancient eunuch.

After seeing that the two people understood what he meant, Old Barty walked out, preparing to call the wizard and goblin in.

Almost immediately, or rather wizards and goblins from America were waiting at the door.

As the door closed again, the two walked up to Fudge and Scrimgeour.

"Dear Minister of Magic, I am Nalm, the requester sent by the Magical Congress to pay my respects to you."

Narm bowed and said, and the goblins on the side also quickly saluted.

Just as he was about to say something, Fudge interrupted him with a raised hand.

"Nalm, right?" Fudge asked in a calm tone: "What is your position in the Magic Congress? Who sent you here?"

Hearing Fudge's questions one after another, but completely ignoring himself, the goblin Katu showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face.

This made Scrimgeour, who was paying attention to it, narrow his eyes.

Sure enough, there is something weird about this goblin.

Why is this goblin so anxious?

It seems like I can't do it without it.

Narm didn't care about the goblin's attitude. He looked a little anxious and said quickly: "Minister Fudge, I belong to the Auror Enforcement Department and am an Auror Captain."

"Now because the Speaker of the Magic Congress is seriously injured, Deputy Speaker Chenos sent me to seek support."

Narm briefly introduced himself and returned the conversation to the main topic.

"Now the Magical Congress has joined forces with the goblins to resist the invasion of Grindelwald and the Saints."

"This invasion is very fierce, and we need the support of the British Ministry of Magic."

Then, he emphasized: "I hope that Principal Dumbledore will support us, especially against Grindelwald."

"Because our Speaker is recovering from his injury and cannot fight yet. Now Grindelwald, I have no one to resist."

Hearing this, Fudge roughly understood.

He said, although Grindelwald is very powerful, is the Magical Congress that bad?

Co-authored, the strongest cannot take action!

No wonder no wonder.

War in the wizarding world. The strongest ones are like nuclear bombs in the Muggle world.

You don’t have to use it, but you must have it.

Otherwise, when the opponent's strongest person appears and no one stops him, it will be a massacre.

They have Dumbledore!

So even though there has been a clear trend of decline in recent years, no one dares to underestimate them.

Now there is Lockhart.

Gee, given Lockhart's young age, his position as the number one wizard in the British wizarding world can still be stable for another hundred years, or even longer.

Fudge understood whether the Magic Congress needed the support of their Ministry of Magic now.

Instead, they need top wizards like Dumbledore to delay time and allow their Speaker to take the opportunity to recover.

This is a good deal.

It would not require much resources from the Ministry of Magic and would allow Dumbledore to leave temporarily.

When he thought of the dream seeds that were still evolving slowly and in their embryonic stage, Fudge felt a little hot inside.

He had not forgotten Dumbledore's previous performance of blocking him face to face.

If Dumbledore is gone, he can unscrupulously harvest the remaining spiritual power of cities everywhere.

Even, it is not impossible to try to enter Hogwarts.


When he thought of this, Fudge's eyes looked at Narm much softer.

For this reason, Dumbledore will definitely agree.

That's Grindelwald.

This is for world peace.

Dumbledore, it's up to you.

Well, by the way, we can legitimately request a batch of resources from the Magic Congress.

The evolution of the dream world is inseparable from a large amount of magical knowledge and magical materials.

Fudge already knew how much the Ministry of Magic could move without being noticed.

Now, the Magical Congress can also gather some of its wool.

He, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, wants to lead the Ministry of Magic into a more glorious future.

Well, all the sacrifices made by the Ministry of Magic are for the sake of greater glory in the future.

"Grindelwald once wreaked havoc on the entire wizarding world. He was the enemy of all wizards."

"Now, our former ally, the Magical Congress, is in trouble. I will advise Dumbledore to take action, and I will also send Aurors to support the Magical Congress."

"Resist the invasion of the Dark Lord, Grindelwald."

Cornelius Fudge said impassionedly, causing Scrimgeour and Old Barty to look at him sideways.

This seems inconsistent with their known ministerial style.

Fudge couldn't even hide in this kind of thing, so why did he take the initiative to get involved.

On the opposite side, Narm looked excited and bowed repeatedly to thank everyone: "Thank you, Minister, thank you to the British Ministry of Magic, and thank you all for your support."

"We at the Magic Congress will never forget everyone's support."

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