Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 301 The indignant Squib, the notarization of the Wizengamot

During the day, in a certain house in Hogsmeade.

A large number of squibs and some squib wizards formed a square formation. They sat down cross-legged and looked seriously at the young and handsome black-haired youth in front of them.

This young man is none other than Ian.

At this moment, Ian was standing in front of everyone. There were 9 large patterns on his back, which were the 9 runes of the Nine Yuan Meditation Method.

"Future wizards, I have finished explaining the Nine Elements Meditation Method to you, and I will emphasize it again." As he spoke, Ian pointed to the nine patterns at the back and continued: "The core of the meditation method lies in the runes. ."

"You must outline it carefully and make it exactly the same."

"If something goes wrong and the runes fail, it's okay. If you get a headache, stop meditating immediately."

"Otherwise, it is very likely to damage your spiritual sea and have a negative impact on subsequent meditation."

"Professor Lockhart emphasized this to me, and I'm passing it on to you. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly." Everyone shouted in unison.

Seeing this, Ian nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Okay, now if there is anything you don't understand about the meditation method, you can ask it."

"If there is no problem, I will guide everyone to meditate again?"

Hearing this, everyone, including the squibs who had already practiced meditation, shook their heads in unison, and then looked at Ian expectantly.

Seeing this, Ian didn't hesitate too much.

He reached out and took out a light brown incense candle extending from the space. He waved the magic wand in his hand and chanted the magic spell quickly.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

With a flash of white light, the incense candle floated in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, Ian waved his wand again and drew a simple red rune in mid-air.

After the rune was formed, it began to shrink suddenly, turned into flames, and then floated into the tip of the incense candle.

Soon, a strange aroma floated around from the incense candle.

When everyone saw this, excitement flashed across their faces, and then they recalled the nine runes again and began to meditate with their eyes closed.

The reason why they attended teacher Ian's meditation course was that the meditation method taught by this teacher was easy to understand.

The most important thing is that every time this teacher teaches everyone to meditate, he will use concentration incense candles to help everyone enter meditation quickly and even improve the efficiency of the influence.

Otherwise, why would Squib, who has already practiced meditation, still learn from Ian?

The concentration incense candle is the key factor for them to stay here.

Ian nodded slightly when he saw everyone's performance.

Practicing meditation is purely based on meditation. Unless you are extremely talented, it will take a long time to achieve results.

Even if they have good talents, it is because their mentors continue to tilt resources.

I have been drinking various magic potions and receiving special counseling.

The strength will increase rapidly.

Of course, it was impossible for him to recruit these students by directly providing potions for free. He was not that rich, and Lockhart would never do this.

Unless a wealthy squib buys it specifically, Ian will exclusively provide potions.

But if you want to attract ordinary squibs to come and study and won't leave easily in a short time, you still need to provide some benefits.

After all, everything in the world is bustling for the sake of coming, and everything in the world is bustling for the sake of going!

In addition to the attraction of magical knowledge, the concentration incense candle is an important guarantee provided by Lockhart.

The Concentrating Incense Candle was designed by Lockhart based on the principles of sandalwood in his previous life. The materials are not expensive, and although the effect is not top-notch, it is not bad.

The most important thing is to be able to guide it on a large scale. The incense candle that Ian took out just now can be used by 40 wizards for a whole day.

Save it for two or three days.

It's enough for ordinary Squibs to keep learning from Ian, and for everyone to respect Ian.

This is also the key for Ian to control the right to speak and influence everyone.

At this moment, Ian looked at everyone's performance with a calm expression and nodded slightly.

But if someone observes Ian's eyes carefully, they may be able to see a hint of expectation.

A strange aroma floated in the space, everyone meditated silently, and Ian thought quietly.

As time passed slowly, suddenly



There was a violent push on the door, and the door of the house suddenly opened. A strong wind blew through, dispersing the fragrance of the incense candles.

This made all the squibs who had closed their eyes and meditated wake up, then turned their heads and looked at the young man who came in with dissatisfied eyes.

After seeing this, Ian raised the corners of his mouth, then looked solemn, and said to the young man holding the newspaper: "Berry, what's the matter?"

"It's not good, Teacher Ian." Berry waved the newspaper in his hand, looked a little nervous, and said quickly to Ian: "The Daily Prophet has started to frame Professor Lockhart again."

"This time the pure-blood family's methods were even more vicious. They directly slandered Professor Lockhart and stole other people's research results."

"Teacher Ian, what should we do?"

Berry's face was full of anxiety, and his tone was full of dissatisfaction and anger.

Seems to be extremely indignant at the actions of the pureblood family.

And Berry's words instantly caused all the squibs in the room to scream in surprise.

"What's going on? Professor Lockhart stole other people's research results. How is this possible?"

"The conspiracy is definitely the conspiracy of the pure-blood family."

"Yes, Professor Lockhart is so good and shares the meditation method with everyone for free. How can he possibly rob other people's research results?"



Ian held the wand, pointed it at his throat, cast the amplifying spell, and said loudly.

Everyone fell silent instantly.

Then Ian asked again: "Berry, what happened?"

The tone was full of surprise and uncertainty, as if he was puzzled by what Berry said.

"Teacher Ian, just read the Daily Prophet." Berry waved the newspaper in his hand again and shouted angrily: "The pure-blood family pulled out a wizard named Rango Marcos and said that meditation is the results of his research.”

"Slandering Professor Lockhart not only cast the forgetting spell on him, but also plagiarized the meditation method."

"Give Professor Lockhart the title of a dark wizard."

As he spoke, Berry opened the newspaper and read word for word.

"After Rango Marcos recovered his memory, he went directly to the Ministry of Magic, found Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and reported that Gilderoy Lockhart had cast an oblivion spell on him and robbed him of his research. Results.”

"And that research result is the meditation method that we call the miracle of the wizarding world."

"Gilderoy Lockhart, a plagiarist, plagiarized the research results of wizard Lango and took the reputation of meditation method on himself."

After reading this, Berry angrily cursed: "The pure-blood family is so evil that they are jealous of the meditation method that Professor Lockhart has researched for us Squibs."

Hearing this, all the Squibs were filled with indignation.

At this moment, Ian saw the dissatisfaction and anger on everyone's faces and said nothing.

After waiting quietly for a while, I saw that everyone's emotions were almost vented.

Then he said: "Don't worry, everyone, we will never let the pure-blood family's conspiracy succeed. Let's calm down first."

"Not long ago, Professor Lockhart mentioned in a letter that he was invited by Durmstrang, so he is not in the British wizarding world now."

"I will write to Professor Lockhart right now and tell him about the pure-blood family's slander."

"Don't be impulsive. Let's see how Professor Lockhart responds."

Ian said to everyone in a comforting tone.

After hearing what Ian said, everyone slowly calmed down.

"I think everyone can't calm down and meditate right now, so I'll stop here today and everyone can go back and have a good rest."

"I also wrote to Professor Lockhart to explain the situation. We cannot let the pure-blood family's conspiracy succeed."

Ian said again, many Squibs hesitated to speak, but in the end they all turned around and left obediently.

Watching everyone leave, Ian returned to the study room and started writing a letter.

When acting, you must do enough and pay attention to details.

This is what Teacher Carter taught them.

Watching the owl slowly leave with the envelope in its mouth, Ian breathed a sigh of relief.

Plan step 1, achieved.

Morning, Hogwarts, cafeteria.

A large number of young wizards were sitting at the tables in the cafeteria, whispering quietly and looking forward to it.

At this time every day, owls will arrive and deliver various newspapers, gifts, letters, etc.

And after everything was over, it was time for them to have breakfast.

After a night, many little wizards were already hungry and couldn't wait to wave their knives and forks to enjoy the food.

At this moment, Dumbledore and the professors were sitting at their dining tables, talking to each other and talking about some interesting things.

At this moment, a large number of owls flew in. They landed in front of some young wizards and professors, and handed envelopes, newspapers or gift boxes in their mouths to the targets.

Then they waved their wings and left collectively.


"How can it be?"

"Who is Rango Marcos?"

"Professor Lockhart cannot be a dark wizard, he is so gentle."

“It turns out the real founder of meditation is Rango Marcos.”


In the cafeteria, we saw a lot of shouts, surprises, retorts and other sounds from the little wizards.

At this moment, all the Hogwarts professors looked at the Daily Prophet in front of them, and their expressions were generally bad.

But he did not express his views directly, but looked at Dumbledore in a tacit understanding.

It seems that he wants to hear Principal Dumbledore's decision.

At this moment, Dumbledore looked at the newspaper in front of him and the envelope from the Ministry of Magic next to him, with a distressed look on his face.

He said that Lockhart should not be allowed to leave, and sure enough, the pure-blood family was easy to take action again.

There was even a letter from the Ministry of Magic asking him, the chief of Wizengamot, to attend the judgment on Rango Marcos.

There is no doubt that this is holding him back.

As my thoughts turned, I watched the noisy discussion coming from the young wizards.

Dumbledore stretched out his wand and pointed at his throat, his voice filling the entire cafeteria.

"Quiet, all students, quiet,"

Hearing the principal's gentle voice, the little wizards fell silent and looked at Dumbledore.

Seeing this, Dumbledore said again: "We all know everyone's doubts. Hogwarts will figure out the cause of the matter. Before that, everyone should not make blind judgments."

"Now, let's start dinner."

As soon as the words fell, sumptuous food appeared on the plates in front of all the little wizards.

Seeing this, many hungry little wizards waved their knives and forks to fill their stomachs.

But at the same time, the little wizard was discussing while eating.

"Hermione, Ron, do you know this Rango Marcos?" Harry Potter cut out a small piece of sausage and asked doubtfully.

"I haven't heard of it, but it is definitely a slander against Professor Lockhart." Hermione said firmly.

"Yes, just like Rita Skeeter last time." Ron next to him took a bite of bread and raised the bread in his hand to express his indignation.

"It's a pity that Professor Lockhart is in Durmstrang now. Otherwise, we could have faced each other directly." Harry said with some pity. If his tone quickly changed, he said confidently: "I am writing to Professor Lockhart now. When Professor Lockhart comes back, their conspiracy will eventually be exposed."



Ron and Hermione on the side agreed, they had exactly the same idea.

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he said to the professor on the side: "Flitwick, McGonagall, after you guys have finished eating, write a letter to Lockhart and ask him to come back from Durmstrang as soon as possible."

"I'm going to the Ministry of Magic now to see if I can meet Rango Marcos."

However, hello, you seem to know that writing letters may not work.

Dumbledore said to Snape again: "Snape, you have a good relationship with Lockhart. If you can't get in touch, go to Durmstrang."

As he spoke, Dumbledore waved his wand, and a white piece of paper appeared out of thin air and fell into Snape's hand. He said: "Snape, when you get to Norway, you contact him. He can take you into Durmstrang." ."

For the slight increase in risks that may occur after Lockhart leaves, some backup plans have been prepared.

Now, just use these backhands.

After Snape heard it, he nodded slightly and held the piece of paper to express his understanding.

Seeing this, Dumbledore nodded and waved his wand. What does it seem to be calling for?

The next moment, a red flame was on Dumbledore's shoulder.

The flames disappeared and the phoenix appeared, clutching Dumbledore's shoulders with its claws.

Immediately afterwards


The red flames appeared again, covering Dumbledore.

At the same time, it went out in an instant, and Dumbledore disappeared quietly.

When the professors saw this, Flitwick looked gloomy and said, "I'm going to write a letter to Lockhart and also contact a few of my friends."

As the headmaster of Ravenclaw, he has always been optimistic about Lockhart, who was born in Ravenclaw, and the relationship between the two is also good.

Now that he encountered such a thing, he was very angry.

He was completely unconvinced by the newspaper's claims that Lockhart had plagiarized.

It's not like he hasn't communicated with Lockhart about magic knowledge and runes.

Regarding Lockhart's academic skills and magical knowledge, he felt a little ashamed of himself. How could he plagiarize?

As for Lango Marcos, he was not familiar with this person, but he had heard of it before.

In the past few years, he had done some research on ancient runes, but his level seemed to be limited.

In the past year or two, he had not heard of any of his deeds at all. If it weren't for the Daily Prophet, he would have forgotten about this person.

While thinking, he nodded to several professors, then turned and left, preparing to write a letter, calling out some of his friends to speak out for Lockhart.

There were several other professors, such as McGonagall, Sprout, etc. who briefly exchanged a few words and then turned and left.

Prepare a letter to inform Lockhart.

They also expressed their distrust of Lockhart's plagiarism.

Ministry of Magic.

A green flame appeared in front of the magic fireplace on the first basement floor.

After disappearing in an instant, Dumbledore walked out.

"Good morning, principal."

"Good morning, principal."

Dumbledore had just walked out and walked to the Wizengamot trial room on the third underground floor.

On the way, a large number of wizards saw him and greeted him respectfully.

Dumbledore looked at the students who were all walking out of Hogwarts, smiled kindly, and nodded lightly.

Soon, Dumbledore walked into the third underground floor.

At the same time, the gray wizard robe gradually turned into a purple robe, which was the uniform of the Wizengamot members.


Dumbledore opened the door to the Wizengamot courtroom.

At a glance, in a relatively closed space, a large number of Wizengamot members wearing purple robes were sitting on both sides.

In the middle sat a middle-aged wizard wearing a black wizard robe and a somewhat haggard face.

After a quick glance, Dumbledore sat towards his seat.

His position is relatively forward, which is his position as Chief of the Wizengamot.

"Dumbledore, something is not going well with Professor Lockhart this time." Griselda said softly: "This time Lange is going to drink veritaserum, including ingesting spiritual thoughts, testing memory, etc. Prove your innocence.”

"It seems that Lango is very confident in proving his identity as the founder of meditation."

After hearing this, Dumbledore's expression did not change. He nodded slightly, replied with a few polite words to express his understanding, and said nothing more.

Immediately, he set his sights on the judge sitting at the front, wearing a black wizard robe.

Not long after, as several Wizengamot members arrived, the judge standing at the front spoke loudly.

“Now, Notary Lango Marcos Founder of the Meditation Method begins now!”

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