Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 268 Grindelwald’s Prophecy

Lockhart's request made Dumbledore feel a little confused.

Just like many years ago, Getler wanted to join forces with him, also for the wizard.

And now hearing the same request again still brought Dumbledore back to his past memories.

Thoughts were swirling in his brain, and Dumbledore fell silent, while Lockhart waited patiently for Dumbledore's reply.

Whether Dumbledore agreed or refused, he could accept it.

He was even prepared for Dumbledore to refuse.

However, after a moment.

"Lockhart, since it is beneficial to the development of wizards, I think I have no reason to refuse." Dumbledore showed a gentle smile to Lockhart and nodded slowly to express his agreement.

"Really? Headmaster." After Lockhart heard this, a trace of astonishment flashed across his face, and he asked subconsciously. He was already prepared for Dumbledore to refuse.

"Of course, Lockhart." Dumbledore stroked his beard and said kindly: "As the Daily Prophet said, meditation is an epoch-making miracle."

"I have no reason to let a miracle like this disappear."

Lockhart's words reminded him of his good friend, Gertler Grindelwald.

They all have talents that are superior to ordinary people, they also have similar ideals, and they even make the same requests to themselves.

The only difference is that he is old now, but at the same time, this time, he is not bound by a blood oath and has no emotional grudges.

Because of the blood oath, he could not take action against Getler. Because of his sister's accidental death, the relationship between the two became extremely complicated.

Then, we can only watch him become the enemy of the whole world step by step, and finally...

But this time, he didn't have so many constraints.

Lockhart is his favorite student, and meditation is the most promising research result he has seen in recent years that can change the world.

Although it is still immature, as the Daily Prophet said, it is an epoch-making miracle.

There was no way he could see such a miracle die.

But equally, it was impossible for him to watch his student's conflict with the pure-blood family become more and more intensified step by step, and finally embark on a path that he did not want to see.

Since you can't stop the promotion of meditation, then join it.

It's just that I wish it could be done in a more peaceful way.

Dumbledore thought silently in his heart.

At this moment, Lockhart felt like a pie in the sky, and his heart fell into ecstasy. With Dumbledore joining, he didn't know how many problems would be solved at once.

For example, Dumbledore could directly resist the pressure from the school board.

Also, given Dumbledore's status, as long as he is willing to speak, I believe that the top magic journals in Europe will treat it objectively.

While he was thinking about how to solve a series of difficult problems through Dumbledore.


"Lockhart, I will discuss your status as an honorary school board member when I get back here."

"However, you said before that you had experienced a Nagua war. Can you tell me about your experience in the Muggle world?"

Dumbledore's answer surprised Lockhart.

The surprise is that the honorary school board membership should not be lost.

However, what is surprising is why Dumbledore is so curious about the Muggle world?

At this moment, Lockhart's brain was thinking wildly.

Could it be that Dumbledore agreed to join because of the threat from the Muggle world.

It is also possible that, according to the development of the Muggle world, in a few years the wizarding world will no longer be able to hide it.

As the White Devil King of the Wizarding World, it was normal for him to be wary of danger in times of peace.

In this case, it's time to put more pressure on you.

Stand in line, and the more firmly you stand, the better.

Looking at Dumbledore's gaze, Lockhart organized the language in his brain and said in a deceitful (threatening) manner: "Headmaster, when I was on an expedition, I stayed at a Muggle's house for a while."

"It just so happens that the other party is a technology expert in the Muggle world, just like the master of potions and alchemy in our wizarding world."

"When I was chatting with him, he talked freely about his research and the research in his circle."

"After listening to it, I was actually shocked inside, as if a new world had opened up."

"I have to say that the Muggles we have ignored have mastered a power that is no less than magic, and this power is called technology."

"For example, the other party has developed a thing called the Internet. Thousands of miles away, information can be spread by just typing on the keyboard. It is said that in the future, pictures and videos can be transmitted, and even face-to-face real-time communication can be achieved, such as Our two-way mirror is average.”

"I was thinking at that time, if this technology is really implemented in the future, will the confidentiality law really have any effect?"

"Also, it is said that those large Muggle countries have launched satellites in outer space. They are in the distant stars. This is an area that we have never touched, and Muggles have already reached out to touch it."

"Furthermore, according to my friend's chat, they are researching some space-based weapons that can be launched directly from the starry sky. With just one blow, an island can be destroyed in a very short period of time."



Dumbledore's face turned serious when he heard what Lockhart said.

Originally he just wanted to know if Lockhart had changed because of Muggles.

But I didn't expect that after so many years of not paying attention to the Muggle world, there would be so many changes.

It seems that we should pay more attention to the Muggle world in the future.

Afterwards, Dumbledore silently memorized what Lockhart said, preparing to verify them one by one later.

He prefers to believe what he has witnessed with his own eyes.

Nurmengard, Austria.

Nurmengard is located on a high mountain in Austria. It is a huge castle, or a small city is more appropriate.

When it was founded, Nurmengard was famous throughout the wizarding world.

He is the stronghold of the saints.

As for the Saints, this is an organization of followers of Gertler Grindelwald, the first generation of the Dark Lord in the wizarding world.

At its peak, thousands of wizards lived here and it was extremely prosperous.

But as Grindelwald admitted defeat and imprisoned himself, Nurmengard seemed like dominoes, becoming depressed and lonely in a short period of time, with its streets and alleys deserted.

In the entire Nurmengard, it seems that only the self-imprisoned Gertler Grindelwald and some squibs with guardianship duties are staying there.

There is no wizard either, and he seems to be wary of Grindelwald's influence.

Despite this, these squibs with the duty of care were reduced to servants delivering food in Nurmengard.

At this time, Grindelwald was in his study, sitting at his desk, motionless, as if thinking about something.

He had white hair and a somewhat old face, but what was strange was that his left eye pupil was platinum-gold, and paired with his serious face, it revealed a hint of majesty.

In front of his desk, an open newspaper was placed on the table.

The above is the Daily Prophet from the British wizarding world.

On the front of the newspaper, there is a picture of Lockhart giving a public lecture. At the same time, the headline reads:

Meditation, an epoch-making miracle - make wizards great again!

After a moment, Grindelwald's platinum-gold right eye pupil returned to its normal black color.

At the same time, I saw him muttering to himself.

"It's interesting that he won't be around in the future."

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