Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 227 Acromantula Spider Silk, Any Vengeance Will Be Revented on Lockhart


Peter, who was savoring the deliciousness of the food, suddenly heard Mr. Lockhart's words and screamed, feeling a little surprised and confused.

After Lockhart heard this, he smiled and explained: "Peter, I have a lot of things to do, and I can't usually take care of Gugu."

"And as you can see, Gugu is a bit delicious. The reason for making such a big fuss this time is inseparable from his delicious habit. Besides, look at how fat he is now."

"It's not good to be too fat. Think about it, what would Mei think of you if you became a fat man?"

Hearing this, Peter suddenly thought of his good friend Ned's fat appearance, and then a picture of a fat version of himself emerged in his mind.

I suddenly felt shuddering and nodded in agreement.

Most of these women have requirements for appearance, so it would be better to be thinner.

Seeing Peter nod, Lockhart continued: "So, I have the most basic requirement for it, which is to keep running every day and lose more weight."

"Of course, there is also strength. He also needs to improve. He must also practice the magic that he should practice."

At this point, Lockhart sounded a bit dumbfounded.

"I taught Gugu how to use magic before. As a result, after learning for a long time, he learned how to use magic to eat. None of the others successfully used it."

"But when I saw you fighting just now, Gugu seemed to have cast a spell on you and teleported with you."

"So, I feel like you are a very suitable candidate."

Hearing this, Peter subconsciously felt something was wrong, and then he suddenly realized and asked, "Mr. Lockhart, you saw us fighting before."

"Then why didn't you take action to stop it?"

Hearing this, the corners of Lockhart's lips curled up, as everything was expected.

He paused slightly, as if he was contemplating the content, and then said: "I didn't take action in time before, mainly to help you deal with the aftermath."

"You may not know the huge impact caused by the plane chasing you and Gu Gu."

"If you're not careful, Gugu, to say the least, you may become the center of public opinion and become the target of cyber violence on the entire Internet."

At this point, Lockhart said seriously: "You haven't experienced this kind of thing yet. If you do, you will know how troublesome it is."

"It doesn't matter if it's you, your family, your friends."


Lockhart said with some meaning: "With your current status, if you are exposed, May will be afraid."

After Peter heard this, he clasped his hands tightly, feeling a little nervous, fearing that what Lockhart said would come true.

Lockhart continued to comfort him: "Don't worry, I have dragged Tony to help suppress the online information. At the same time, I have cast magic on the people I saw before and experienced their relevant memories."

"So, you don't have to worry about this. You can be your Spider-Man without any problems."


Hearing what Mr. Lockhart said, Peter breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Lockhart."

"Peter, since you saved Gugu, these are the things I should do." Lockhart said gently.

Then, Lockhart waved his hand, and under Peter's gaze, the plates, cutlery, and other utensils on the dining table were all moved aside.

In the middle, a large number of white silk threads appeared, neatly placed on the table, like a white cloth.

For some reason, Peter felt that the white silk thread was very friendly. He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and he felt inexplicably familiar and friendly.

Gu! Gu!

Gugu, who had been listening silently next to him, saw the white silk thread the keeper took out, his eyes lit up, he flapped his wings, and a blue light flashed.

He teleported to the white silk thread, touched it, and found that it was unrecognizable and not delicious. He screamed, flapped his wings, and with a flash of blue light, he returned to his original position.

After hearing the conversation between the breeder and Peter just now, he felt very confused.

It doesn't dislike Peter, it even likes it, or is grateful. After all, it feeds him a lot of delicious food and saves his life.

But letting him exercise, run, and practice magic all made him feel repulsed, and he even wanted to express his unwillingness directly to the breeder just now.

However, when I thought about what happened before, as well as Peter's face covered in blood and dust, and the breeder scolding me, I suddenly couldn't open my mouth.

I could only listen silently, feeling constantly troubled in my heart.

Lockhart, on the other hand, took a look at Gugu, and through the contract, he roughly estimated what Gugu was thinking, and smiled inwardly.

Sure enough, children like Gugu will grow up very slowly if they don't experience some things and setbacks.

Then, watching Peter reach out to touch the spider silk in front of him, Lockhart introduced: "Peter, I see that your ability seems to be related to spiders."

"This is the thread produced by the Acromantula. It is a magical creature, so these threads are also magical materials and the quality is very good."

"In addition to thanking you for saving Gugu, I hope it will be of some help to you."

After hearing this, Peter suddenly felt a flash of surprise and said in surprise: "Really? Mr. Lockhart."

He just felt that these threads were very unusual. If it was true what Mr. Lockhart said, it would be really helpful to him.

If he could develop new spider silk from these threads, his strength would probably be further improved.

If Spider Silk has other special abilities, it would be a huge surprise for him.

Gu! Gu!

After Gugu heard it, he flapped his wings, landed in front of Peter, and screamed a few times.

It seems to say that the breeders have a lot of these, so you're welcome, just take them as you like.

Lockhart heard this and nodded with a smile.

As the saying goes, the one who takes advantage of others is short-handed and the one who eats is soft-handed.

Just now she mentioned her help to him as a reminder, and now she sent out the thread, all in the form of gratitude.

Most people would be too embarrassed to refuse, not to mention that this thing should be of great help to Spider-Man Peter.

You knew it when you saw the expression just now.

After accepting the gift, it will be difficult to refuse some of his requests.

After seeing Peter put away the Acromantula's webbing, Lockhart asked again: "Peter, do you still have any doubts about my proposal just now?"

Peter, who had just put away the cobwebs, said hesitantly: "Mr. Lockhart, I have no objection to supervising Gugu for you, but I may be in class and cannot supervise Auntie all the time."

Hearing this, Lockhart smiled slightly, waved his hand gently and said, "Don't worry, Peter, I'm not asking you to supervise Gugu all the time."

"Usually you can just do your own thing."

"You just need to let him run, exercise, and practice magic at a fixed time every day. It won't take too long, but you must let him continue for a long time."

Hearing this, Peter nodded. In this case, he felt there was no problem.

And he really likes Gugu.

Then he heard it.

"Since you agreed, Peter, in return for helping Gugu exercise, I thought about it."

"In a few days, I will give you a set of magic equipment refined from the silk of the Acromantula. At the same time, I see that you like to eat food made with gold coins. Then I will come directly to my house and eat with Gugu."

"By the way, help me control its food intake."


Lockhart sat on his desk, thinking about Peter's performance just now, and nodded with satisfaction.

Now he has established a stable relationship with Spider-Man Peter.

Later, it depends on how to let the other party reasonably establish a blood supply relationship.

After thinking for a moment, Lockhart's eyes narrowed.

Now, it's time to consider how to deal with Hydra.

He is a person who always takes revenge, and the other party's previous actions made him angry.

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