“Then please die!” The moment Tang You said this, his figure quickly rushed towards Schmidt.

At this moment, Schmidt also showed the physical fitness to reach the peak of mankind, threw down the lockbox in his hand and pounced on Tang You.

Since he wasted so many tongues and couldn’t move Tang You, then he could only let him die.


However, when Schmidt’s fist just made contact with Tang You’s fist, the unparalleled power instantly broke Schmidt’s arm, and Tang You’s other punch hit Schmidt’s face.


With just one face, the Red Skull Schmidt flew out directly upside down and smashed the ground.

“No, it can’t be.”

Lying on the shattered concrete floor, Schmidt’s bright red skull was even more vividly stained with blood.

He raised his head with difficulty, looked up at Tang You, who was walking towards him step by step, and shouted in horror, “Why do you have such strong strength? We are obviously all people who have been injected with super soldier serum, how can you be so strong? ”

Although Dr. Zola said that Tang You may have improved the Super Soldier Serum, making the Super Soldier Serum more effective.

But Schmidt doesn’t think so.

He had injected serum and understood the efficacy of serum. The effect of Super Soldier Serum is only to stimulate human potential and raise physical fitness to human limits. No matter how improved it is, it is unlikely that this limit will be broken.

But now, Tang You’s strength has surpassed him too much, which is completely beyond the realm that humans can reach.

Tang You bent down, grabbed Schmidt’s skull with one hand, and lifted him up from the ground.

Looking at Schmidt flatly, Tang You smiled: “Human beings have limits, this is from the imprisonment of genes, with super soldier serum, it is indeed impossible to break the confinement of genes and surpass the limit.” However, people have limits, and I don’t. ”

Tang You found a pistol from Schmidt’s clothes, which was the gun that Schmidt had just used to sneak up on Tang You.

Pointing the muzzle of the gun at Schmidt’s head, Tang You chuckled, “Just now you used this gun to sneak up on me, then I will fulfill you and let you die under your gun!” Schmidt, do you have any last words? ”

Schmidt’s gaze stared at Tang You, and those eyes were full of hatred: “The hydra will not disappear, even if you cut off one of my heads, two more heads will grow in its place.” In the end, you will die, at the hands of our hydra. In the end, I won’t die. ”

As soon as Schmidt finished shouting this sentence, Tang You once again found that a blue aperture actually appeared behind Schmidt, wanting to transfer him like last time.

“Still want to escape?”

Seeing this blue aperture that can realize spatial transfer, Tang You pulled the trigger mercilessly, and the laser directly blasted Schmidt into powder.

On the other hand, when the aperture senses that Schmidt is dead, it immediately disappears. Even though Tang You stretched out his hand quickly, it was still not as fast as the aperture disappeared, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Tang You narrowed his eyes and looked at Dr. Zola on the side, “Did you make this aperture that allows people to transfer space?” ”

Hearing Tang You’s inquiry, Dr. Zola quickly shook his head: “I really don’t know this, I only know who Schmidt once handed over with the Cosmic Cube.” Then it’s not clear to me. ”

Tang You stared deeply at Dr. Zola, although Dr. Zola was well disguised, he could still see that Dr. Zola had lied, and he must know something inside.

However, Tang You did not delve into it, and now is not the time for interrogation, anyway, when he brings Dr. Zola back, then at that time, Tang You has a way to concoct him well and force him to tell the secret.

Ignoring Dr. Zola, Tang You picked up the lockbox.

Dr. Zola did not dare to hide the password, so Tang You opened the lockbox very easily.

The moment the lockbox was opened, the blue light bloomed in an instant, simply blinding Tang You’s eyes.

Looking at the Cosmic Cube that emitted a deep blue light, Tang You reached out and held it in his hand.

At that moment, Tang You clearly sensed the power contained in the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube. That kind of power surpassed manpower and beyond Tang You’s imagination, and he seemed to see a universe condensed in such a small Rubik’s cube.

Taking a deep breath, Tang You squeezed the Cosmic Cube.

Now he couldn’t think of how to use his energy for the time being, but Tang You had a feeling that if he could absorb the energy in the Cosmic Cube, his infinite evolution body might evolve a very terrifying ability.

Of course, Tang You still did not forget his original purpose, obtaining the Cosmic Cube, exploring the mysteries of the universe, publishing books and papers about the celestial universe, and obtaining new abilities.

Now all the preparations are complete, only the final study remains.

PS (Four more today!) Readers, please collect more, cast flowers, evaluate, and reward! )

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