Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 401: Absorb gems! The sword points to Odin!

The battle on the planet Vormir ends with the death of Thanos, and the melee between the two fleets in space is about to come to an end.

Thousands of battleships on both sides fought fiercely in outer space. After all the enemy spaceships were wiped out, Darth Vader, armed with a lightsaber, led his subordinates to board the Temple to slay the Quartet.

The powerful dark force, combined with the invincible scarlet lightsaber, allowed him to cut melons and vegetables all the way, as if he were in a no-man's land.

The group of trash fish on the Temple did not last long, and they all knelt down and surrendered.


As the soldiers cleaned the field, Jason returned to the Commander's lounge alone.

He poured himself a glass of wine and sat on the soft sofa, playing with the Soul Stone and the Reality Stone in his hands.

Now that he has obtained four infinity rough stones, as long as he goes to Asgard to find the space rough stones, he is done, and he can return home.

Thinking of this, Jason felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

It may be due to the influence of Thanos, he also misses his wife and children a little.

Asgard's location is very mysterious, and Jason can't even figure out the general direction, so he must rely on a person for help.

After a while, Valkyrie pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing the two stones in Jason's hands, she smiled and said, "Congratulations! It's just the last step!"

The gray close-fitting combat suit was a little broken, and it was still stained with wet blood.

"Fortunately!" Jason said with a smile.

Valkyrie waved his hand indifferently: "Don't play fake, let's have something real."

"what do you want?"

Valkyrie pointed to the wine cabinet on the wall and said, "Today the ban is lifted, I'm going to wrap them up."

Jason stared at her belly in surprise: "There are more than 100 bottles of wine there, and your stomach can't hold it."

Valkyrie walked to the wine cabinet and wondered which bottle to drink first.

"Don't worry, my highest record at Sakaxing Tavern is 154 bottles of spirits. Your wine is not enough to break the record."

"Okay, as long as you don't get drunk, I still have something to do with you." For the sake of winning today, Jason went with her.

"Why are you looking for me?" Valkyrie sat on a chair beside him with a case of wine.

Jason said seriously: "The next goal is the universe cube, that is, the space stone. As far as I know, it was brought back to Asgard by Odin's eldest son Thor, so I want to ask you about the situation. "

Valkyrie took out the cork and drank it, then wiped his mouth and asked, "What do you want to know?"

Jason said: "All! All about Asgard, especially the part that will cause me trouble, must be very detailed."

Valkyrie frowned for a while, then shook his head.

"You are holding four Infinity Stones in your hand, so be confident. Asgard is completely rotten, and no one or anything can cause you trouble, even if it's just a little bit."

Hearing this, Jason asked suspiciously, "Can't Odin and Hela?"

Valkyrie immediately sneered: "Odin is old, and his divine power is no longer what he used to be. Otherwise, why would Thanos make waves everywhere, and Hela would have the courage to rebel against him."

"As for Hela, her strength is indeed very powerful. If I fight head-on, I'm not a one-in-one enemy at all. But no matter how powerful she is, she will be one level stronger than Thanos who didn't get the original stone. For you now Say, it's not worth mentioning at all."

Hearing this, Jason relaxed a little bit and took a shallow sip from the wine glass.

"According to what you said, half of Asgard's space gem has been obtained. You have been in Saka for a thousand years, and the information will not be out of date. Odin and Hela must be gods, no So unbearable!"

Valkyrie drank another bottle of spirits, threw the bottle directly to the ground, and said with disdain:

"You are just a mortal and don't know much about the Protoss. Odin and Hela are not immortal, nor are they invincible."

"The so-called gods are just a group of human beings who were born early, took advantage of the opportunity, and were born powerful."

"If the earth reproduces smoothly for 10,000 years, the future earth people will also be strong, and Asgard, which has existed for tens of thousands of years, has begun to be destroyed."

"A thousand years ago, Odin's divine power was weakened enough to kill Hela, so he could only choose to trap her in the kingdom of death. After a thousand years, Odin's divine power will only be weaker and not stronger."

"And Hela's source of power comes from Asgard. After a thousand years of excessive death, her divine power has dropped sharply. Only by returning to Asgard can she slowly recover."

"So, if you want to get the space gem without any effort, my opinion is to go to Asgard now. Otherwise, when Odin dies of illness in a few years and Hela returns, things will add resistance."

"Now?" Jason waved his hand quickly after hearing this: "No, no, now I have to digest these two infinite rough stones."

Valkyrie did not give up and continued to ask: "How long will it take you to digest these two rough stones?"

Jason thought for a while and said, "The first rough stone took nearly three years, and the second rough stone took one and a half years. The third and fourth stones are added together, and it is conservatively estimated that it will take more than a year."

Hearing this, Valkyrie smiled and said, "It just takes 18 months to get to Asgard from here."

"It's quite a coincidence." Jason looked at her and said, "It seems that you can't wait."

"Yeah!" Valkyrie flashed anger in his eyes.

"As long as you kill Odin, Hela will come back again. At that time, I will use the dragon tooth sword to cut off the head of this old witch."

"It's been a thousand years, yet you still hold grudges." Jason sighed.

Valkyrie said bitterly: "Hela killed my best friend and ruined the first half of my life, and I will not forget it even after a thousand years."

"Okay, I promise you." Jason nodded and said, "I will definitely leave you the last chance to kill."

"Thanks then!" Valkyrie smiled and toasted him.


After all the remnants of Thanos were under control, the fleet rested for a while on a nearby planet, and then hurried to Asgard.

Jason repaired Darth Vader's body with the Reality Gem, let him take off his ugly black robe, and reappeared in front of everyone as Anakin Skywalker.

No one could have imagined that the eccentric who wore a mask every day and spoke in a low and hoarse voice actually had a handsome face.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Jason retreated again and began to absorb the two Infinity Stones.


Time flies by!

Jason led the fleet through thousands of jumping points, and it took a year and a half to finally reach the airspace within Asgard.

He had already digested the two gems more than three months ago, and all the soldiers were ready for battle, just waiting for the spaceship to reach the legendary God's Domain.

Asgard, Rainbow Bridge.

Heimdall, who was in charge of guarding the Rainbow Bridge, discovered that an unknown fleet had intruded into his airspace.

He immediately used those eyes that could monitor the Nine Realms to check the identity of the intruder.

"It's actually him!"

Heimdall recognized Jason at a glance.

Thor once described in detail to him that the man who had killed him on Earth had asked Heimdall to carefully monitor him.

However, the scope of the Nine Realms is too vast, and it is not easy to find a mortal without knowing the specific location.

Heimdall was busy with his own job, so after several searches to no avail, he dropped the personal request.

"To be able to beat Thor, is he really a mortal?"

Heimdall remembered that at the reception, Sol complained to him with a frustrated face, and suddenly became curious about the man in front of him.

But when he took a serious look at Jason, a horrified expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"God, inhaling all four Infinity Stones into the body, what the **** is this madman trying to do!"

One Infinity Stone is enough to start a massacre in the universe, so even Odin, the Lord of the Gods, would not dare to put both gems in Asgard.

But the mortal in front of him not only possessed four Infinity Gems, but he actually inhaled them all into his body.

This is incredible!

For thousands of years, countless careerists have tried to take the Infinity Stones as their own in this way, but they have all failed without exception.

What is so special about this Jason, he is just a mortal with super powers.

Feeling that something was wrong, Heimdall quickly pulled out the sword that controlled the Rainbow Bridge, and then ran towards the palace.


At this moment, Odin is in the palace, discussing the matter of Ragnarok with his eldest son Thor and second son Loki.

"Ragnarok" is a myth that has been passed down from generation to generation in Asgard since ancient times.

According to legend, one day in the future, a powerful figure will come to Asgard and bring devastating disaster to the place.

Thor believes that this person is likely to be Asgard's sworn enemy, Surtur, the giant of fire.

So it took him years to kill Surtur and bring back its skull and put it in Odin's treasure trove.

However, today Odin called him and even released Loki from the prison.

"My children, I want to tell you one thing... Ragnarok has come!"

Hearing this, Salton felt very incomprehensible.

Surtur is dead, and no one but him has the ability and will to destroy Asgard.

Odin leaned on his divine scepter, looked at the empty hall, and said helplessly:

"I spent my whole life trying to stop her, but unfortunately my life is coming to an end. There is nothing I can do about her."

"Father, who are you talking about?" Thor asked in confusion.

"Goddess of death - Hela! My first child, your sister."

"What's yours..." Thor and Loki looked at each other with surprised expressions.

I have lived in this family for more than 1,500 years, but I didn't expect that I still have a sister.

Odin tried to use his scepter to support his body, but he tried several times and failed.

This is really cruel for a god.

"Father!" Loki stepped forward, trying to help Odin up.

"No, no..." Odin sat back on the throne, waved his hand and said, "Sol, smash the frescoes on the dome of the main hall."

Thor looked up at the frescoes in the dome.

The picture above records the achievements of Odin's life.

His favorite family, the towering Asgard, the happy and healthy people, and the peace agreement signed with the frost giant.

Thor didn't understand why his father did this, but he lifted Thor's hammer and shattered the frescoes in the dome.


The mural shattered into a dozen pieces and fell to the ground.

When the two brothers raised their heads again, their eyes widened in astonishment.

Behind the peaceful mural, there is actually an evil mural.

Wearing armor and holding a scepter, the young Odin looked majestic and mighty.

And beside him, stood a woman in a green robe.

She rode a giant wolf under her crotch, carried Thor's Hammer in her hand, and fought side by side with Odin to kill countless enemies.

Throughout the entire mural, it tells the story of the two men fighting the world, and the artistic conception is full of violence and killing.

Thor and Loki looked shocked.

They never dreamed that their father, who had always been tolerant and friendly, would be like this when he was young.

In contrast, Loki indirectly killed tens of thousands of earthlings in New York, which is not enough for a fraction of Odin's.

Odin said in a sad tone: "Like you, I also made many mistakes when I was young."

"Asgard at that time was not as beautiful and spectacular as it is now. I urgently want to change all this, so I am ready to conquer the Nine Realms and plunder the resources of other countries."

"Hella is the vanguard of my Our army is invincible and invincible. It has created the glory of Asgard with her own hands, and has made the entire Nine Realms submit to her feet."

"But one day, I suddenly woke up and realized my mistake, and I spent the rest of my life trying to make up for it."

"But Hela didn't wake up. She still wanted to conquer places beyond the Nine Realms. That inflated ambition made me sleepless, so I exiled her."

"Hela's power comes from Asgard. After she is exiled, she will gradually weaken. My original intention is to let her go to the human world for more experience, to be able to recognize mistakes and recognize the value of life."

"Just like me!" Sol recalled his past.

"Yeah! But you are a kind child, but Hela's viciousness has been difficult to eradicate. After being exiled, she worried that her power would disappear completely one day, so she actually invaded Asgard and planned to usurp the throne."

"I didn't want to fight her, so I sent the Valkyrie to fight her. As a result, there were thousands of warriors, and in the end there was only one left."

"There is no way, I have no choice but to imprison her in the kingdom of death, forever with the undead."

"But now I don't have much time. After I die, Hela will definitely return to Asgard. By then, her power will gradually recover, and Asgard will turn into a sea of ​​fire."

After listening to the story told by his father, Sol said solemnly.

"Father, I am also your child. As long as the three of us join forces, we will definitely defeat her."

"Impossible..." Odin sighed. "I can feel that I have embarked on another path, and everything can only be faced by you alone."

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