Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 38: Jason is seriously injured, and the rain is about to come!

At the last second when his consciousness subsided, Jason sighed from the bottom of his heart: Jin Bing, how strong!

Then he tilted his head and completely fainted.

【Ding! [Hi Grass Warrior] Mission failed! 】

【Ding! 【Fighting Maniac】Mission failed! 】


After venting, the resentment in Jin Bing's heart dissipated, and he felt relieved for a while.

He waved at the car in the distance, and one of his men immediately got out of the car.


"Contact a rescue helicopter and send Jason to the hospital for rescue. He can't die until he tells the secret."

"Okay, boss."

After the phone call, his subordinate asked again, "Boss, what about the reporters? Do you want to send them back?"

Jin Bian looked back at the mess at the scene, thought for a moment and said, "Let them take some pictures, keep them for now, maybe they will need them later."

The subordinate nodded and ran back to the car to let these black-hearted reporters who received the money come down to take pictures.

Here are a few corpses of the 'charity organization' personnel, some living materials in the container, and a few cars that are still burning in front of them.

After the reporters took the photos, there was a sudden roar of propellers in the distance.

Jin Bian raised his head and looked over, wondering in his heart: Did the rescue helicopter come so quickly?

When he got closer, he could see clearly that this was not a hospital rescue helicopter, but a police armed helicopter.

There are also three English letters sprayed on the side of the fuselage.

DEA (U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration)

From the onboard loudspeaker, Steinfeld's voice came out: "This is the New York Drug Enforcement Agency, everyone below, immediately lie on the ground with their heads up!"

When the reporter saw the situation, he was so frightened that he quickly fell on the ground with his head in his hands.

Jin Bing straightened his back with his hands behind his back, dissatisfaction on his face.

Who is he?

He is Jin Bing, the king of the New York Underworld.

It was always someone else who knelt down for him, wanting him to kneel for someone else, hum, a dream!

"The fat man below, immediately put his head on the ground! This is the last warning!"


A mechanical sound rang out, and the 23mm multi-barrel cannon on the helicopter began to aim at Jinping, and then turned frantically.

Bulletproof suits can only be bulletproof, if you encounter machine guns...

Forget it, I can't be bothered.

Jin Bian held his head in both hands and lay down on the ground honestly.

After the on-site personnel were all under control, the helicopter slowly landed.

Steinfeld jumped out of the plane with four heavily armed cronies.

Jin Bing, reporter, Jason...

Burning cars, corpses all over the floor, messy living supplies in containers.

Stan glanced around, and he roughly understood what was going on at the scene.

It turned out to be put together by Jin Bing, this bastard.

With a gloomy face, he walked to Jason's side and touched the artery in his neck.

Fortunately, people are still alive.

He quickly made a gesture, and the two cronies immediately put their guns away and carefully lifted Jason to the helicopter.

The other two cronies took out the camera and the memory card in the camera.

Stan walked up to Jin Bing, squatted down, and looked down at him with a bad face.

"Dare to set me up, you think your life is too long. You'd better pray that Jason is okay, or else..."

Jin didn't care about his threat at all, but said in a slightly surprised tone.

"I thought Jason had reached some kind of agreement with your Drug Enforcement Administration. He revealed the location of the Hi Grass factory in New York, and you provided him with a hiding place and concealed his identity."

"But now it seems that the relationship between you is more complicated than I guessed, and even... it feels like a relationship between superiors and subordinates. Hehe, I really don't know what benefits he has given you."

Stan snorted coldly, spit at Jin Bing's face, and then turned to board the helicopter.

The helicopter took off and flew towards the hospital quickly.

Jin Bing slowly got up from the ground, but the phone in his pocket rang. It was an unknown number.

"Jin Bing, something big has happened. The police department is going to clean up the underground forces in New York tonight. Hurry up and hide the illegal materials, or it will be troublesome."

"Humph! Why did you not tell me such important information until now?"

"The superiors are going to play the real thing this time, confiscating all the police officers' mobile phones. I lied that I was in a hurry and ran out of the house. Don't worry about the rest, and have people hide the supplies."

"Don't worry, the supplies have already been hidden by me. By the way, I'll let you know that Jason has appeared."

"What! Jason! Where is he?"

"It was taken away by the DEA."

"FUCK! It's the son of a **** from the Drug Enforcement Administration! Since they've already taken people away, it's not easy for our police department to intervene."

"Idiot! Can the Drug Enforcement Bureau eat such a big piece of cake? Report the news quickly, your boss will have a solution."

"Okay, I'll report it immediately. You specifically told me this news, it shouldn't be a sudden kindness."

"Of course not. Jason hides a big secret, and you have to help me dig it out."


Seeing Jason's tragic condition, Stan shook his head and called Franklin.

"How's the situation? Is the boss okay?"

"People are still alive, the rest is hard to say."


"Don't blame yourself too much, everyone is responsible for what happened tonight. If you hadn't notified me urgently, Jason might have been taken away by Kim and."

"God, I hope the boss can survive this time."

"You hurry back to the safe house, I'll take care of the boss's side."

Hanging up the phone, the helicopter landed on the top floor of the After the helicopter stopped, the medical staff who were already waiting here rushed up with stretchers and instruments.

Bandages to stop bleeding, saline injection, ventilator oxygen supply... All the first aid methods that can be used are used.

The spacious aisles were all cleared, and four doctors rushed toward the operating room with stretchers.

This is a patient sent by the Director of the New York Drug Enforcement Administration in person, and he has emphasized the importance of the patient countless times on the phone, so the hospital should attach great importance to it.

The stretcher was pushed all the way into the operating room.

Seeing the red light coming on outside the operating room, Stan sighed with his waist up to the sky.

He sat lost on the bench outside the corridor, anxious and burnt inside.

Jason's injury this time is entirely his responsibility.

It was because he underestimated the enemy and was too impatient.

If you could be a little more cautious, the ending might be different.

Ten minutes later, a doctor in a white coat came out of the operating room.

Stan hurried up to meet him and asked, "Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor pulled off the mask and shook his head: "The patient has multiple traumas all over his body, excessive blood loss, severe fractures in his arms, chest and abdomen, internal bleeding due to damage to his spleen and kidneys... In short, his injuries are too serious, and the possibility of being rescued is very small. ."

Stan's eyes instantly turned red, and he grabbed the doctor's collar: "Doctor! I don't want to listen to this nonsense! This person inside is very, very important! No matter what medicine you use, no matter what method you think of, you must save him. !"

The doctor was startled by Stan, and said quickly: "Don't worry, we will do our best. I will contact doctors in other hospitals immediately and have a consultation overnight."

Stan let go of his hand and pleaded, "Please!"

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