Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 368: Captain America: Long live the 9 snakes!

"Hydra secretly controls S.H.I.E.L.D., and wants to use the 'Insight Plan' to launch three sky aircraft carriers into the air and wipe out all the enemies who hinder them. This plan is simply maddening."

"But God Bless America, their actions were discovered by former Commissioner Nick Fury, but on that night, Hydra brutally killed this brave warrior."

"Fortunately, before Director Nick died, he handed over the important secrets he knew to Captain America Steve Rogers in advance."

"The legendary hero of World War II, who was not afraid of hardships, joined forces with Iron Man Tony Stark to defeat the pursuers, found the secret of Hydra, and then explained this amazing fact to me."

"The next thing is as you can see. The Hydra wanted to jump over the wall when things were revealed. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers cooperated with the military's actions to destroy the nine heads hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. Snake member."

"Finally, the three sky carriers were successfully destroyed, saving the lives of tens of millions of people."


If you want to be president in a beautiful country, speech and eloquence are required courses.

In a passionate tone, Mr. President explained what happened to more than 300 reporters at the venue.

His speeches were full of climaxes and suspense, even more exciting than the storytelling of ancient teahouses.

Everyone was attracted by this story. The huge venue was silent at first, then there were whispers, and finally the whole venue became a sensation.

Those sharp-toothed reporters and hosts were all speechless after hearing the shocking news, and could only show the expression pack of 'Oh Mai Kar'.

No way, this news is really amazing, and I didn't expect it to involve the *** from decades ago.

The press conference scene was uploaded to the Internet by several bloggers.

At the beginning, only a few million people watched it, but as Mr. President gradually released the best news, the number of viewers increased exponentially, and now the number of online viewers has exceeded 100 million.

Seeing the reporters in the audience in an uproar, he completely lost his composure as a media person.

Mr. President smiled and was satisfied with the effect of his speech.

"Everyone, please be quiet. The second part of the press conference will follow. I will personally award two heroes, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, with the Medal of Courage."

As soon as the words fell, Steve and Tony came out of the backstage.

For today's award ceremony, the two went to the best tailor shop in New York to rush to order an expensive suit.

In the face of hundreds of shots, Steve's steps were a little restrained, and the expression on his face was stiff.

But these small scenes are commonplace for Tony.

I saw him smiling and reaching out to say hello to the cameras everywhere.

This natural camera sense is enough to make countless Hollywood actors feel ashamed.

"Captain, don't be nervous, just follow me!"

"I'm not nervous, it's just that I ate too much for breakfast and my stomach is a little bloated."

Tony laughed, too lazy to expose his lies.

The two walked slowly to the podium, and a White House official came over with a box.

The President personally opened the box, and inside were two Medals of Courage, the nation's highest honor.

Mr. President took off a medal and walked up to Tony to shake his hand.

"Mr. Stark, thank you for all you have done for this country."

"Mr. President, it is my pleasure."

The two exchanged a few words of courtesy, and Mr. President put the medal on Tony's suit chest.

After wearing it, Stark stepped aside and Steve stepped forward.

Mr. President picked up another medal and said, "Captain, it's my honor to award you a medal."

Steve didn't know how to answer, so he stood on his feet and solemnly gave a military salute to the president and the audience.

Satisfied with his witty response, Mr. President also wore the medal on his chest.

The president then stood in the middle and put his arms around the backs of the two.

The three face the camera with professional smiles.

Ka Ka Ka!

The media frantically pressed the shutter of the camera to record this precious moment.

There was thunderous applause, and more than 300 reporters stood up to applaud the two heroes on stage.

Steinfeld put down his notebook and also stood up.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a scheming smile.

Steve Rogers!

Today is another highlight of your life.

But at the same time, it will also be the beginning of the lowest point in your life.

Steinfeld frowned slightly, and a powerful telepathy drilled into Steve's brain at a speed close to light.

Compared with the mental power of those trash fish agents, which are like paper, Steve's mental power is several times stronger.

But converted into time, that is, the difference between 1 millisecond and 10 milliseconds.

Steinfeld's telepathy defeated Steve's mental power with devastating power, and successfully entered his brain and controlled him.


The applause was still warm, but the reporters standing in the front row found out.

The smile on 'Steve''s face was no longer as stiff as before, it became a bit... treacherous.

'Steve' suddenly clenched his fists, his thick arm muscles tensed.

He slammed his arm into Tony Stark's chest.


Tony was smashed and flew more than ten meters away, and fainted on the spot.

"Sir! Sir!"

Jarvis' voice came from the invisible earphones.

Seeing that Tony was seriously injured and fainted, Jarvis immediately activated the armor.

From the Stark base in the distance, a set of nano-war armor was launched, and then flew towards Washington at a speed of Mach four.


At the press conference, the warm applause stopped instantly, and everyone opened their mouths in astonishment.

"Captain! You are..."

Before Mr. President finished speaking, 'Steve' stepped forward, put his hand around his neck, and slowly lifted him up.

Wow! ! !

The brains of all the reporters in the audience went blank.

What's wrong with Steve?

Is he crazy!

But what made them even crazier, 'Steve' slowly turned around and said loudly to the microphone on the podium:

"Long live the Hydra!"


Another heavy blow.

More than 300 reporters at the scene and hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the computer were all in a state of sluggishness.

What an international joke!

Steve Rogers is a Hydra!

But if that's the case, why did Nick Fury give him the secret?

After Steve got the secret, why didn't he destroy it immediately?

Instead, team up with Tony to dig out the secret and tell Mr. President?

Is there any secret involved in this?

This question may never be answered.

The stout arm of 'Steve' suddenly exerted force, and Mr. President's neck snapped and snapped.

Then, like throwing garbage, the body was thrown into the crowd.

The press conference site was completely messed up!

These reporters still have many questions, but at this moment they have nothing to worry about.

Run for your life! Run for your life!

This was the only thought in everyone's mind.


At this time, a harsh gunshot sounded.

The White House guards rushed over like a flood, raised their pistols and shot Steve frantically.

'Steve' knocked down the podium to dodge, and then immediately transformed into a 'Hulk'!

Those bullets hit Hulk's skin, and they all bounced off without exception.

After doing all this, Steinfeld smiled faintly, turned around and left the press conference with the surging crowd.


Tony Stark was lying on the lawn, facing the blue sky.

The intense gunfire woke him up, he slowly got up, but there was a sharp pain in his chest, as if his bones were broken.

He struggled to look up and saw that the huge venue was empty.

The corpse of Mr. President just lay on the lawn.

In the distance, 'Steve' turned into a Hulk, roaring and chasing after the White House guards, **** corpses everywhere.

"Shit! What happened!"

"How did the venue become like this!"

"Captain, what happened to him?"


The huge amount of information poured in, and Tony's cpu was directly loaded with heat and lost his ability to think.

He walked quickly to the president's body, first felt his pulse, and then opened his eyelids.

"It's over! There's no help!"

Tony's head throbbed, and things were completely out of control.

Even as a genius, he doesn't know what to do.

But... at least the irrational beast in front of him must be subdued.

The Nano Battle Armor flew over at a speed of Mach 4, and started to slow down when it was less than a kilometer away from Tony.


The armor hit his back, and nanoparticles quickly covered his body.

The White House was already bleeding into a river. After 'Steve' brutally killed hundreds of guards, he was going to kill people on the street.

Just then, a missile flew towards him.

'Steve' was quick-witted and reached out to hold the missile.


The next second, 'Steve' was blown away dozens of meters away.

Although this missile is small, it is not the junk commonly used by the military, but the flagship product of the Stark Group.

Tony suspended in mid-air wearing a battle armor, and roared, "Captain! Wake up! What's wrong with you?"


Steve stood up and yelled at him angrily.

Just as he was about to launch an attack, his brain suddenly became clear.

Steve regained his senses and slowly lowered his arms.

Looking at the blood and corpses on the ground, he was completely stunned.

"This... what happened?"

Seeing this, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, put away the armor arsenal, and asked, "Captain! Don't you remember anything?"

Steve shook his head and said, "I just remember we were on the podium, and then it seemed like someone slapped my head in, and I don't remember what happened after that."

"What the **** happened here? Why did I become like this? Why did I become the Hulk?"

Steve throws three questions in a row.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Tony finally decided to tell him the truth.

"You suddenly fell ill on the podium, and you punched me flying! My chest still hurts, and every time I breathe, I get a throbbing pain."

Steve frowned. "Sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm not a big deal, but then you killed Mr. President!"


"It's not over, and then you transform into the Hulk and smash the hundreds of guards in the White House into patties."


After hearing these words, Steve couldn't believe it.

He shook his head frantically and said, "No, this is definitely not what I did! Tony, you have to believe me!"

Tony sighed and said, "What's the use of believing in you, the key is for others to believe in you!"

"This press conference was broadcast live around the world, with more than 100 million people watching online. In other words, you killed the President of the United States in front of hundreds of millions of people around the world!"

"I don't need to say more, you should also know the consequences of this!"

Of course Steve knew what that meant.

He covered his aching brain, frowned, and said in pain, "How can this happen! How can this happen!"

Tony looked at him like this, and his heart was as heavy as a mountain.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he said in surprise, "I see! Captain, do you remember the agent in the suburban apartment? You looked just like him when you were sick just now."

Steve stared at it and immediately remembered.

He said with a shocked expression: "You mean, the real murderer is Stan Fel, who controlled me with his superpowers."

Tony nodded and said, "At the moment, there is only one possibility! It's just that I don't understand how Steinfeld is wanted by the whole country. How did he deceive the security guard and enter the press conference scene through the security check."

Steve thought for a while and said, "Maybe, he didn't enter the venue at all! Didn't we infer before that his super powers can be used from a long distance."

Hearing this, Tony suddenly realized.

Steve's matter has seriously interfered with his judgment, and he can't understand such a simple question.

"Sir! Fifty kilometers away, a large number of military aircraft and steel armor appeared!"

At this time, Jarvis' voice came.

Tony said quickly: "Forget about Stanfield, think about yourself. The military's fighter jets and steel armor have already been dispatched."

Hearing this, Steve was indifferent, sighed, and said, "No matter what the reason, I killed Mr. President and these guards. I'll turn myself in first, and then you can investigate outside and try to find out the truth!"

The corpses all over the floor tortured Steve's conscience, and after doing these things, he really had no face to escape.

At this moment, Tony swooped down and punched Steve in the face, knocking him out.


"Don't Our opponent is the top cadre of the Joker Organization! I can't beat him alone! What you should do now is to escape first, and then find a way to catch it. Steinfeld, prove your innocence."

That's right, I'm going to catch it now, and I don't want to throw myself into a snare.

Once Stanfield uses his superpowers to frame himself again, he will really be powerless!

Steve took a punch, and his head gradually sobered up.

"Are you ready?" Tony asked.

Steve nodded, squatted down, and jumped out of the White House.

Tony mobilized the armor, followed him closely, and kept attacking with palm cannons.

In order not to reveal the location of the base, the two escaped in the exact opposite direction of the Stark base.

By the time the fighter jets and the steel armor arrived at the White House, Steve and Tony, who had fled for their lives, had already left the range of Washington.

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