Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 192: The action begins! Rob the fire truck!

Chapter 193 The action begins! Rob the fire truck! (Please subscribe!)

After leaving the Louvre, the three found a restaurant nearby for lunch.

After a short rest, we drove to Notre Dame Cathedral.

Notre Dame Cathedral is the cathedral of the Catholic Archdiocese of Paris. It was built in 1163 and has a history of more than 800 years.

The three of them took a group photo in front of the main building of the main church, and then entered the church to visit, starting from the basement and ending the visit to the bell tower.

"Okay, the visit to Notre Dame Cathedral is over." The three left the church and walked to the parking lot. Helen said as they walked, "Next stop, the Eiffel Tower!"

The two behind them looked at each other, and Franklin frowned and said, "Miss Helen, I suddenly feel a little unwell. Let's cancel the trip at night. I want to go back to the hotel to rest."

Helen stopped and asked with concern, "Mr. Clinton, do you need to go to the hospital?"

Franklin smiled and said, "Of course not. We just flew overnight and the jet lag hasn't reversed yet. It's normal to feel a little sick. Just take a night's rest."

Helen nodded and said, "Okay, then, you two have a good rest. There is still plenty of time, so you don't have to worry about travel, just rest first and then talk about it."

After the three discussed, they drove back to the Four Seasons Hotel Paris.

After parting with Helen in the lobby, the two returned to the luxury suite.

The moment the door closed, the tiredness on their faces disappeared.

The two sat in front of the sofa, and Franklin took out a copy of "Paris Travel Guide" and placed it on the coffee table, and then marked it with a water-based pen.

"There are two goals tonight, one is to set fire to Notre Dame Cathedral, and the other is to steal the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre. My plan is this." Franklin said.

"First, we're going to steal a fire truck and empty the tank, then find a gas station and fill the tank with gasoline, then take the fire truck to the square in front of Notre Dame and give it a gas bath with a water cannon. , and finally set it on fire again."

The locomotive was interested, nodded and praised: "Well done, then what?"

Franklin continued: "The fire of Notre Dame de Paris must alert the Paris government, and most of the city's police force will be transferred. We just need to leave before the police arrive and drive to the Louvre."

"With your 'speed force' and my 'electrical control', you can easily kill the guards at the Louvre and steal the Mona Lisa. By the time the Paris police reacted and hurriedly arrived, we would have already escaped. already."

"Well, is there anything missing from my plan?"

The locomotive closed his eyes slightly, went through the planning process in his mind, nodded and said, "The plan is good, what do you need to prepare in advance?"

Franklin said: "There is no need to prepare anything, just adapt to the situation on the spot."

"Okay! Then let's inform the boss of this plan!"

Jason received Franklin's plan, and he glanced at it and found no obvious loopholes. He turned around and sent the plan to Chloe and asked her to look at it for help.

Chloe's algorithm is simple and crude. She directly converts the superpowers of Franklin and the locomotive into data, and then converts the strength of the French military and police into data.

Finally, the two sets of data are substituted into the formula, and the supercomputer is used for calculation.

After a few minutes, the results came out.

On the premise that Franklin and the locomotive do not voluntarily die, and the French government does not use nuclear weapons to tie Paris.

Franklin's side wins!


At six o'clock in the evening, Franklin called room service to order two steak sets.

At 6:15, the waiter pushed the dining cart into the room and put the meal on the table.

Franklin ignored his previous suspicions and gave him a very generous tip of 50 euros. The waiter thanked him excitedly.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the two had dinner and were ready to go into action.

"Brother Fu, there are cameras outside the corridor!"

"I know, it's okay."

Franklin went into the bathroom and found the red alarm button on the bathtub wall.

He stretched out the fingers of his right hand to his temple and activated his superpowers.

In an instant, the bathtub alarm was under his control.

Franklin followed the line of the siren and quickly had the hotel's entire surveillance system under control.

"Okay, now they're all blind."

"Great!" The locomotive praised with a thumbs up.

Pushing open the door, the two of them took the elevator downstairs without any cover.

On the monitor in the hotel security room, the elevator car was empty and not even a ghost was seen, and the security guards did not notice any abnormality.

Leaving the Four Seasons Hotel through the back door, the two wandered the streets of Paris.

After walking along the street for half an hour, I came to another district.

At night, the street lights are feasting and bustling.

Cars parked on the street, like a long dragon with no end in sight.

Franklin walked over to activate his superpowers, and an imported Audi car instantly unlocked the door.

The two got into the car and drove towards the suburbs of Paris.

"Look, little rich brother, there are a lot of good things in this car." The locomotive rummaged through the co-pilot's armrest and found a men's handbag.

When I opened it, I found the owner's ID, cash, and an iphone3G mobile phone.

"Good luck, let's find another mobile phone." Franklin smiled: "You can call the police, just say..."

Franklin looked out the window and reported an address.

The locomotive immediately downloaded a voice-changing software on its mobile phone, and then called the police, saying that a fire had broken out in a nearby factory in the suburbs.

After making the call, they pulled over to the side of the road and waited quietly.

Franklin lit a cigarette, opened the car window, and said casually, "I want to ask you something, locomotive?"

"Brother Fu, please ask."

"I said this afternoon that I wasn't feeling well, and Helen's expression became very worried. You said... Does she like me?"

The locomotive twitched, not knowing how to answer.

Her concern is real, but she is worried that you will cancel the trip for physical reasons, so she will have no money.

"Why don't you speak?"

The locomotive laughed and said: "Xiao Fu, don't worry about Helen. Let's go to the club to play when the task is completed, it is more suitable for you."

Hearing the words, Franklin's face was worried, "What do you mean?"

The locomotive sighed: "I'll tell the truth, Xiao Fu, your level of picking girls is too bad. If you don't make up for this shortcoming, no girl will like you. Even if you like you, it's just your money."

Franklin's expression stiffened.

This is a bit familiar, his ex-girlfriend seems to have told him the same.

Being poked at the pain point, Franklin's face flushed with anger.

He threw away the cigarette and said angrily: "Humph! They are all single dogs, and you are not much better than me."

The locomotive smiled awkwardly, but did not refute it.


After waiting for about ten minutes, a siren sounded in the distance, and a fire truck entered the field of vision of the two.


The two pushed the door out of the car and ran to the fire truck, waving their arms desperately, like ordinary people in trouble.

The fire truck slowly pulled to a stop, and a fireman jumped out of the car and ran over and asked, "Hey, what's the trouble with you?"

"Bala blah blah blah..."

"It turns out that foreign tourists." The firefighter felt a heavy head, he turned his head and called his partner: "There are two foreign tourists here, which of you has better English?"

Soon, all three firefighters except the driver got out of the car and walked over.

Franklin and the locomotive looked at each other and suddenly attacked the four firefighters in front of them.

Jason has upgraded their fighting and firearms skills to level ten, and with the speed and strength of the superhuman beings far beyond ordinary people, the two took only five seconds to kill all four firefighters.

These people didn't know what happened until the last moment of their lives.

The driver was completely shocked when he saw this scene, but he quickly reacted and locked the door.

As long as the door is locked, these bad guys can't get in. The next thing he has to do is to call the police and drive away.


At this moment, a voice sounded in my ear.

The driver turned his head suddenly and saw a black face looking at him with a smile.


After a scream, the locomotive addressed the driver and pushed him out of the car.

Franklin sat in the cab, felt the huge steering wheel, and said excitedly: "I have driven a car for so many years, but this is the first time a fire truck has been driven."

The locomotive asked, "We have to drain the water first. Brother Xiao Fu, do you know how fire trucks spray water?"

Franklin started the car and said, "I don't know either, just Google it yourself."

The locomotive quickly turned on the phone and entered the model of the fire truck.

Although it was the first time to drive a fire truck, with the blessing of driving proficient at level 10, Franklin drove the car away steadily.

"How is it, have you found it?"

The locomotive smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Fu, we are lucky. This fire truck is a fully automatic fire truck imported from Germany, and all operations are integrated into the center control panel."

"Then hurry up, spray all the water tanks, and wash the passing vehicles!"

The locomotive looked at the operating instructions and pressed the central control button.


The water-pumping and pressurizing pump in the carriage started to work, and a sturdy nozzle was quickly erected.

After adjusting the direction, the locomotive presses the water spray button.


The nozzle immediately spewed a long water column, more than 100 meters Wow! Fire trucks are so cool! "

The two of them clapped and twisted their bodies excitedly, following the beat of the water pump.

The fire truck sprayed water very fast, and after five minutes, the three and a half tons of water stored in the water tank were all sprayed.

Franklin raised his hand and pointed, "Look, there's a gas station ahead!"

The locomotive was excitedly gearing up, "Very good, let's go in and 'come on'!"

The fire truck drove into the gas station and slowly stopped, and the two jumped out of the car one by one.

A gas station worker came over, picked up the oil gun and asked, "Sir, do you need to top up?"

"Well, fill it all up!"

Franklin replied in English with a smile on his face, and then rushed over with the staff's doubtful eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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