Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 183: New York bank $00,000 robbery!

Chapter 184 The New York Bank Million Dollar Robbery! (Please subscribe!)

New York, Queens, Citibank branch.

As one of the top ten largest banks in the United States, Citibank is very strong. Even an ordinary branch is built in the core financial circle of Queens.

The road at the main entrance of the branch is spacious and clean, vehicles and pedestrians pass by in a hurry, and all kinds of shops are dazzling.

As the CBD of Queens, everything here is so busy and orderly.

Across the street, there is an upscale cafe.

On the second floor of the cafe, a black guy in his twenties was sitting by the window drinking coffee, but his eyes drifted past the bank door from time to time.

Refreshing inch head, hip-hop dress, eye-catching complexion...

Every detail of his body is out of tune with the nobility and elegance of the cafe.

The blond whites at the adjacent tables occasionally swept over, all of them showing expressions of contempt and disgust.

Some people even called the waiter to apply for a seat change, as if they didn't want to breathe the same air as the dirty black people.

The guy pretended not to notice the abnormality of the other guests, and just stared at the door of the bank intently.

He held a donut in his left hand and a coffee cup in his right. After he was full, he licked the grease on his fingers and asked the waiter to pay.

He didn't give a tip, left $20 and left contentedly, leaving the waiter's eyes with disgust and disgust.

The guy's name on his driver's license is Jesse Usher, but the bottom gangsters who know him call him the locomotive.

Because he is strong and runs fast, like a locomotive.

Like most blacks at the bottom, the locomotive was engaged in low-paying and heavy-duty hard work, without a house or a car, and the daily salary could only barely make ends meet.

If there were no accidents, he would have been living in such obscurity, sick and dead, no one would notice him.

But the locomotive was not reconciled. He hated this boring life, and he envied those dazzling politicians and stars on TV.

I hope that one day I can become the center of attention like them.

He tried basketball, baseball, rap, hip-hop...but all failed.

Just when he was getting depressed and felt that his life was dark and gloomy, a miracle suddenly came to him.

Waking up one night, the locomotive suddenly had a super power.

His running speed became very, very fast. He could run 1,000 meters in ten seconds, throwing the champions of the 100-meter race out of ten blocks.

After having super powers, the life of the locomotive has been greatly changed.

He could have chosen to join the government and become the dashing super-agent in the movie.

However, the long-standing social oppression made him not only yearn to become famous and to be the focus of the spotlight, but also breed his violent character.

He hates the government, hates the banks, hates the white people, hates the police, hates the capitalists, hates everyone who ever bullied him.

So, he came to Citibank today, ready to make a big news to announce his arrival to the world.


The locomotive left the café and walked towards the bank gate.

When the two bank security guards saw him, they subconsciously frowned and looked up and down with scrutiny.

Clown believers have been having a lot of fun in New York recently, and many small banks have been robbed.

Those who do bank security work must always be alert and beware of any suspicious persons.

The locomotive noticed their gazes, and felt a little angry in his heart.

Over the years, whenever he showed up in places like banks or fancy stores, security guards looked at him like that.

In the past, he had no ability to resist and could only choose to leave silently, but now...

The corners of the locomotive's mouth were upturned, showing a 'kind' smile, and took the initiative to move forward.

Looking at the **** in front of him, the security guard looked a little unhappy and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just want to borrow something from you."

The security guard shook his head repeatedly: "No."

"I haven't said what to borrow?"

The security guard frowned and said in disgust, "No matter what it is, I won't lend it to you. Get out of here, this is not the place you should come."

The locomotive snorted coldly, pointed to the gun on the security guard's waist and said, "Don't be in a hurry to refuse, I just want to borrow a gun from you."

Hearing this, the security guard's face changed greatly.


Another brainwashed clown believer.

The security guard immediately put his hand on his waist, ready to pull out a pistol to subdue him.

But the palm of his hand was probed, but it was empty.

The security guard turned his head in surprise and found that the holster had been opened and the pistol inside was gone.

"Are you looking for this?"

The security guard turned around and saw that the locomotive was holding his own gun and pointed the black muzzle at him.

"Shit! Put down the gun!" Another security guard hurriedly took out his gun.

But before he could shoot, the locomotive disappeared in an instant.

The two security guards blinked, and they were all dumbfounded.

What about people?

The next second, a hard metal object pressed against the back of the head of the security guard with a gun.

In an instant, the security guard's body froze, and then he slowly raised his hands.

"Dude, relax, I won't resist..."


Before he could finish speaking, the locomotive pulled the trigger decisively.

A 5.56mm brass bullet was shot from the back of the head, rolled freely inside the skull to form a cavity, and then shot out of the face with a snap, and a large scar appeared on the face of the security guard.

The sound of gunfire broke the liveliness and prosperity of the neighborhood.

A piercing scream sounded, and the pedestrians ran into the distance like crazy. Several drivers were too frightened and slammed the accelerator into the car in front.

The originally bustling and orderly streets soon became a mess.

Another security guard saw the tragic situation after his colleague fell to the ground, and immediately ran into the crowd.

The locomotive immediately aimed its gun at him and fired several shots.

Unfortunately, his marksmanship is really bad.

The distance of less than ten meters was stunned that a shot was missed, but instead several innocent people were accidentally injured.

The security looked happy, just when he thought he had saved his life.

Suddenly his eyes flashed, and the locomotive appeared in front of him.

Bang bang bang!

There was no accident this time. After a few shots, the security guard immediately fell to the ground, and his expression before his death was terrified.

The locomotive had a morbid revenge smile on his face, then swaggered into the bank with a gun in one hand.


Because of the gunshots just now, the bank has entered a state of defense.

A dozen security guards in body armor and shotguns hid in bunkers, aiming their guns at the entrance.


The security guards saw a blurry figure flash past.

He blinked, but there was no one outside the door.

At this moment, there was a small sound of footsteps behind a security guard.

When he looked back, he saw only a black muzzle.


The locomotive pulled the trigger, and the security shot fell to the ground.


Shouting screams rang out from inside the bank.

The security guards turned around in a hurry, all taken aback when they saw the locomotive with a gun in one hand.

How did this man get in?

Before they had time to think, they subconsciously aimed their guns at the locomotive.

Bang bang bang!

Large-caliber shotguns shot out one by one, shattering the vase, shattering the glass, and leaving dense craters on the white walls.

But the locomotive, the target of the attack, has long since disappeared.


Before long, gunshots rang out in the bank again.

But when the security guards turned their heads, they could barely see a vague figure.

Apart from cursing, they couldn't find a way.

Taking advantage of his speed, the locomotive moved quickly to a security guard, blasted their heads with a pistol at a distance, and then chose a new target.

To him who was moving at high speed, the passage of time seemed to slow down, and everything in front of him entered bullet time.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

There were continuous gunshots in the bank, and the bank tellers and managers were all shivering under the table.

The bank manager has called the police, but it is not known if they will survive until the police arrive.

A minute later, the gunfire was over.

The locomotive moved quickly to the manager's office and blasted the closed door with the shotgun it had picked up.

"Please! Don't kill me!"

The bank manager was a middle-aged white man with a fat brain. He immediately knelt on the ground and raised his hand, begging for mercy.

The locomotive laughed self-deprecatingly. It was the first time he saw a white man kneel to a black man.

"Don't talk nonsense, take me to the bank vault."

With that, he raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger.


The jade crafts on the manager's desk were smashed into pieces by bullets.

The manager trembled with fright, and nodded quickly: "Okay...Okay! As long as you don't hurt me, I'm willing to cooperate."

After speaking, the manager stood up and prepared to go to the vault.

The locomotive suddenly grinned and said, "Don't stand up, you just kneel and climb to the vault."

Hearing this, the expression on the manager's face was a little dazed.

"If you crawl, the speed will be very slow."

The locomotive frowned and slammed the gun on the desk, "Then you can crawl for me faster!"

Looking at the shotgun in his hand, the manager finally lowered his head and chose to climb out of the office.

The manager is a little fat, and the way he gets up is ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, the locomotive was greatly satisfied.

Just kneeling alone lacked visual shock, he immediately moved to the bank counter and dragged out all the staff who were hiding inside.

Just like that, a strange scene appeared in the bank hall.

More than a dozen white people knelt in a row, one followed the other's butt, and quickly crawled on the ground.

Seeing such a scene, the locomotive laughed uncontrollably.

Yes, that's right, that's it.

You descendants of butchers should walk on your knees forever.

As the locomotive shot and urged, he took out his mobile phone to take a video, and then posted the video on social networks.

Such an explosive and predictable video should have at least one million followers.


After the group climbed to the vault the manager took out the key and opened the iron door of the vault.

The locomotive threw a backpack and said, "Don't linger, put the money in the bag quickly."

The manager took the bag and frantically stuffed money into it.

He also watched the crime-themed movie Locomotive, and all he wanted were small old banknotes without consecutive numbers.

After the backpack was full, the manager put the backpack on the ground and asked in surprise, "Sir, is there only one bag?"

In order to survive, he could only rely on selling out the owner's interests in exchange for the locomotive's trust.

The locomotive picked up the backpack and sneered: "I want to pack it all, but I can't carry it alone. However, although I can't take it, I won't leave it to you."

After he finished speaking, he took out an imitation ZIPPO lighter from his pocket!

(End of this chapter)

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