Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 179: Joker Organization VS Iron Army!

Chapter 180 Clown Organization VS Steel Army! (Please subscribe!)

Over the top of the Hollywood Hills, a hundred steel armors were chasing and blocking Jason, and a dense firepower network gradually surrounded him.

The electromagnetic pulse attack of a single Warframe has no effect on Jason, but quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes.

The energy generated by a hundred battle armors attacking at the same time far exceeds Tony's full power state, and Jason may be half-dead if he is hit once.

Jason was cornered, and his rich fighting potential was stimulated.

He maximized the characteristics of energy absorption and transformation, using the monkey-like agility to jump up and down, dodge left and right, and dodge fatal blows dangerously and dangerously.

However, being chased as a pheasant, Jason was also angry in his heart.

He pressed the headset communicator and yelled, "Don't hide anything you can! Fuck them!"

Jason gave an order, and all the comrades ambushing around the top of the mountain jumped out of the bunker to attack.

Franklin stood up, raised the sky with one hand, and immediately controlled the two steel armors flying at high speed.

The airmen who controlled the armor found a warning on the screen that the armor was no longer under their control.

The two soldiers were taken aback and immediately notified the other comrades.

"Oops! There's something wrong with my armor!"

"Hey? My armor can't be controlled anymore!"

"My armor is fine, is there a bug in your armor?"

All the soldiers thought that there was a problem with the armor itself.

After all, the armor is currently in the original state, and it has not been adjusted by military technicians before being transferred to the battlefield. It is reasonable to have bugs.

"shit! The armor has acted on its own!"

The two soldiers were surprised to find that the arm of the armor raised uncontrollably, aiming at the adjacent steel armor.


The palm cannon condensed to the maximum energy shot out, hitting the Ark reactor of the friendly armor with precision.


The Ark reactor that was hit was severely damaged, sparks flew everywhere, the energy supply system of the steel armor immediately froze, and the two soldiers landed on the ground in an emergency.

"Shit! You are blind! The wrong person!"

The two soldiers who were scolded felt very aggrieved, and immediately defended: "I said it just now, the armor is out of control... No, the armor is locked again."

"Lock who?"

"Lock you up!"


There was another loud noise, and the two battle armors worth more than 100 million US dollars were seriously damaged and had to withdraw from the battlefield.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the information from the headquarters came over.

After the team captain learned about it, he immediately shouted: "The latest information, someone in the clown organization can control the armor, and the two of you are controlled by them."

"Controlled! Captain, what should we do now?"

"There's no other way but to send you off the battlefield. The surrounding soldiers listened to the order and immediately destroyed their Ark reactors, and then sent them away."


After receiving the order, several steel soldiers shot at the same time, spraying several electromagnetic pulses, destroying the Ark reactors of the two steel armors.

Without power supply, the armor began to fall rapidly, and two steel soldiers immediately appeared, escorting them to escape to a distance.

The 'inner ghost' was removed, and the captain ordered again: "Leave Jason alone, kill all the clowns in ambush elsewhere, especially the one who can control the armor."

"As long as there is no helper, Jason is the bare commander, let us slaughter."


With an order, the battle armor formation stopped attacking Jason, leaving only 20 battle armors to keep track and suppress fire.

The rest of the steel soldiers were suspended in mid-air, turned on the thermal imaging to lock the whereabouts of their comrades, and flew towards them.

The main force left, and Jason's pressure was instantly reduced.

While dodging the attack, he issued a warning: "Everyone, be careful, they are ready to destroy each one!"

"Haha, good time, I'm waiting for them." Franklin smiled indifferently.

His second-level 'electrical control' super ability forms an innate restraint on the steel armor, and it can even be said to be a dimensionality-reducing blow, punching a child.


The first to be attacked was Chloe, who was standing alone on the top of the mountain.

It's not that the steel soldiers pick up soft persimmons, but Chloe is the closest to them.

More than a dozen steel soldiers surrounded Chloe, looking at her terrifying appearance and her body temperature, which was obviously lower than that of a living person.

The thought of curiosity was fleeting, and a dozen steel soldiers raised their arms to fire electromagnetic pulses.

Chloe just stood there, her beautiful face as indifferent as ice.

Just when the soldiers thought she was going to die on the spot, Chloe's figure suddenly began to move quickly.

With agility and neural reflexes far beyond human limits, she easily avoided a dozen electromagnetic pulses.

The most terrifying thing is that Chloe's dodge didn't even leave the ground within two meters.

"I buy it!"

This cool dodging action that has no friends makes all the soldiers amazed.

There was a delay in raising his hands when firing EMPs, and Chloe's evasion, although surprising to the soldiers, was not so intractable that it was impossible to do anything about it.

It's very simple, since long-range attacks can't work, then melee combat.

More than a dozen strong men beat a weak woman, and I asked you if you were afraid.

Soon, these soldiers reached a consensus through communication and immediately dived down to attack.

Chloe was also not afraid, and took the initiative to fight with the soldiers.


During the battle, a steel soldier hit Chloe in the head, and the huge force directly smashed her head.

However, the **** scene of blood splashing did not appear. Chloe's head turned into a mass of silver-white liquid metal, and then quickly recovered intact.

"Monkey Reichette! What is this?"

The steel soldiers were dumbfounded and surprised.

Although they knew that Chloe was not human, they never thought that she was actually made of a mass of liquid metal.

This kind of black technology is obviously beyond the current level of technology.

Taking advantage of the moment when the soldiers were stunned, Chloe's right hand turned into an electromagnetic gun.


The electromagnetic gun hit the steel soldier, and the powerful current raged inside and outside the armor, causing the internal circuit boards and electrical components to be broken down, completely losing combat effectiveness.


On the other side, more than a dozen steel soldiers found David, who was lying on the commanding heights and shot a cold shot.

David's sniper rifle is specially made, the caliber is large, and the bullet uses the most cutting-edge armor-piercing bullet.

With top-level firearms and his level 10 firearms proficiency, David turned into a mobile fort.

Every shot can accurately hit the connection part at the neck of the armor. Although it cannot be killed with one shot, an armor-piercing bullet at the base of the neck will not be very comfortable for anyone.

Seeing a group of steel armors attack, David quickly put down his sniper rifle and stood up.

When the steel armor was close enough to him, David suddenly opened his mouth and roared an ultrasonic wave.


A shrill voice sounded.

The more than a dozen steel soldiers suddenly felt their blood surging, their brains stopped thinking, and the bones all over their bodies were creaking, and their hearts still felt like they were swelled to the point of bursting.

The second-level ultrasound is extremely harmful to the human body, and the armor cannot provide them with any protection.

The ultrasonic wave lasted for three seconds, and all the steel soldiers rolled their eyes and fell to the bottom of the valley.

David closed his mouth and said disdainfully, "Steel armor, vulnerable to a single blow."

After finishing speaking, he pressed the communicator and provocatively said: "Franklin, I have already killed 17 armors, you have to work hard."

Relying on his ability to restrain himself, Franklin, who only destroyed 10 battle armors, has 10,000 mmp to say.


At the foot of the Hollywood Hills, John Wick, who was originally responsible for resisting the ground troops, was also besieged by steel armor.

Compared with Chloe, Franklin and David's stubbornness, John's approach is full of elegance.

As a top killer, John made full use of the complex terrain in the mountains, dodging left and right to avoid the attack of the steel armor.

When the steel armor was singled out, John finally showed his hideous fangs.

He found the right time to switch from defense to attack, quickly approached the steel armor, then jumped to avoid the attack, stretched out his **** and lightly placed it on the armor's arm.

In an instant, a thick layer of ice formed on the part he touched and spread around at an astonishing speed.

In less than a second, the arm of the armor was covered with hard ice, which also included the circuit boards and electrical components inside the armor.

Electrical components are very fragile and only work at the right temperature.

High temperature will cause overheating and damage to electrical components, and low temperature will affect the operation of electrical components.

No matter which one it is, it is deadly to the steel armor.

If the electrical components of the armor arm are damaged, this arm is equivalent to waste.

But before the Iron Soldier launched a counterattack, a pair of hands pressed tightly against his back.

In an instant, a biting coldness came from the back.

In just a few seconds, the steel armor and the soldiers controlling the armor were all frozen into popsicles, and the Ark reactor went out.

The second-level 'freezing' superpower is so terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the rest of the steel soldiers arrived, and electromagnetic pulses hit John.

John managed to dodge and ran deep into the jungle.

An electromagnetic pulse accidentally hit the frozen steel armor.

With a crisp sound, the steel armor shattered into a pile of ice slag.


In the dense forest a few kilometers away from the top of the mountain, Harry leaned against the tree to rest in boredom.

Looking at the steel armor flying in the distance, Harry yawned, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

"Found Harley Quinn!"

"Don't underestimate Attack with full force!"

In midair, a dozen full-power electromagnetic pulses hit her.

These soldiers calculated all possible positions for Harry to avoid in advance, and the attack range can be said to be all-round without dead ends.

I saw Harley stretch out her small hand, make a goodbye gesture, and then disappear in place in an instant.


The mountains shook and the earth splashed.

The electromagnetic pulse wave blew up loneliness.

Harry teleported to the dense forest in the distance, and continued to rest on the big tree.

What a bunch of idiots, my super power is teleportation.

As long as I have enough energy, walking you is like walking a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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