Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 169: I am Iron Man!

Chapter 170 I am Iron Man! (Add an update for the hall master 'unknown person'!)

Half an hour later, Jason flew back to the stronghold.

He saw wounds all over his body and a big hole in his chest.

The top management of the branch was suddenly frightened, and shouted to find all the doctors in the branch.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Thinking of not being able to kill Tony, Jason looked slightly frustrated, nodded and said, "I can't die for the time being."

The high-level expression froze, not knowing how to answer.

Soon, a group of well-mannered nurses ran over with a stretcher and lifted Jason onto the stretcher. The nurses rushed to push him into the operating room for treatment.

Jason slowly closed his eyes, taking advantage of the surgery time to resume the fight with Stark tonight.

Recall over and over again, look for your own and Tony's mistakes over and over again, and keep these key points in mind.

Two hours later, Jason was pushed out covered in gauze.

The top of the branch quickly gathered around to greet him. Jason yawned and said, "I'm tired. Bring some food to my room. Don't disturb me for the time being."

"Okay, boss!"

Pushed back to the room by a few gentle nurses, Jason declined their request for a meal, and sat alone at the dining table to eat haise.

After supper, Jason lay in bed ready to sleep.

But when he closed his eyes, the battle scene just now jumped out uncontrollably.

The body is obviously very tired and weak, but the brain is abnormally excited.

After several attempts, this was the case, and Jason became irritable and gradually lost his patience.

He sat up a little and raised his right hand, and then slashed a knife to his neck.


Jason rolled his eyes and fell on the bed.


With the power of the hand knife, Jason slept soundly, and didn't wake up until two o'clock in the afternoon.

He pressed the call button in the bedroom, then got up and walked to the living room sofa to lie down, picked up a piece of fruit, and finally turned on the villain system.

【Ding! System Mission 1 [Someone Outside the Window] is completed, get 800 villain points, current progress: 5174/27000! 】


【Ding! System task 13 [Playground Horror] failed, got 0 villain points, current progress: 7974/27000! 】


【Ding! Complete system task 37 [Congratulations], get 20000 villain points, current progress: 39470/27000! 】


A lot of information appeared in the system, and Jason looked at them one by one.

Most of the tasks released yesterday were completed, some tasks were complete success, some tasks failed completely, and many members of the organization were killed. Jason has become accustomed to this.

Unforeseen surprises, human errors, can lead to mission failure.

Take [Playground Horror] as an example.

According to Chloe's report, the members of the organization with explosives hidden in their bodies just entered the playground, but they happened to encounter the upgrade of the security inspection equipment in the playground, and they were controlled by the security personnel on the spot.

Who can be blamed for this?

It can only be said that they were unlucky.

Jason looked all the way and found that the success rate of the task was about 60%, which was a normal value.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 28, gaining 10 attribute points, current progress: 12470/28000]

Jason's stern face finally showed a smile, and he used up the attribute points at will.

Twenty-eighth level, as long as you go up one level, you can buy super power level two.

[Level: 28 (12470/28000)]

【Strength 103→103】

【Agility 100→100】

【Endurance 100→100】

【Intelligence 80→90】

[Remaining attribute points: 0]

【Reputation: 834545→916441】

[Party: T-X, David... (reputation required for next recruitment: 1,000,000)]

【Points: 534740】

【Rechargeable points: 0】

[Ability: Fighting Proficiency (Level 10), Driving Proficiency (Level 10), Firearm Proficiency (Level 10), Cold Weapon Proficiency (Level 10), Super Ability ‘Energy Absorption’ (Level 1)]

【Shopping mall: click here】


Stark Industries headquarters.

After a busy morning, the corpses and debris scattered all over the factory area were cleaned up.

Emergency repairs are underway, and it is expected to resume work and production tomorrow and the day after.

To ensure safety, thousands of soldiers and police surrounded Stark Industries.

Security procedures and weapons and equipment have been upgraded again, and all idle personnel and vehicles within a radius of one kilometer are not allowed to pass.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a gunship landed at the factory, and Tony Stark stepped off the plane in a cast and bandages.

In front of the tarmac, a group of senior government officials and military bosses were waiting for him.

"General, governor, congressman..."

Tony, wearing sunglasses, stepped forward and shook hands with them one by one.

Behind the crowd, Colonel Roddy stood there and asked, "Tony, how does it feel to play against him."

"Roddy!" Tony walked over with a smile and said, "Well...not as strong as I thought, I will definitely kill him next time I meet him."

Roddy smiled and said, "Then I look forward to the early arrival of this day."

After a group of people greeted each other, they got into a jeep and came to an inconspicuous factory building of Stark Industries.

After everyone passed the test one by one, they took a special elevator to the basement floor.

In the underground factory covering an area of ​​10,000 square meters, hundreds of fully automatic industrial robots are working.

On each workbench, there is a blue and white steel battle armor.

Hundreds of steel armors are put together, and the visual shock is amazing.

Tony said as he walked: "Although the factory was bombed and the data was destroyed, the data and power supply of this workshop are independent and have not been affected at all."

The head of the military asked: "When will our Air Force's steel armor be delivered?"

Tony pointed to the preliminarily formed battle armor and said, "According to the air force's deployment requirements, a robot can work 24 hours a day and can assemble a steel battle armor in about seven days. This batch of the military, including the factory and testing The time...three days, delivery on time in three days."

The military leader showed a satisfied smile: "I'm relieved with your words."

"Mr. Stark, after the air force's steel armor is delivered, it's our navy's turn."

"Don't be kidding, it's obviously our army's first order, and the next batch of goods must be our army's."

"You placed the order first, but we paid the full amount, you know the full amount."

Seeing the blushing of the big bosses, Tony's face suddenly showed a smile.

Since the steel armor was exposed in Afghanistan, Tony has become a favorite in the eyes of the U.S. government and military executives.

After returning to the United States, Mr. President met him for the first time, followed by the Secretary of Defense, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, the FBI and the CIA, and a department with a particularly long name.

In front of these bosses, Tony showed them the advantages of steel armor in all directions, and won unanimous praise from the bosses.

Soon, this underground factory was established, and orders for steel armor floated like snowflakes.

Air Force special edition steel armor, cost: 120 million US dollars, price: 150 million US dollars, order quantity: 150!

Army special edition steel armor, cost: 100 million US dollars, price: 125 million US dollars, order quantity: 100!

Navy special steel armor, cost: 150 million US dollars, price: 200 million US dollars, order quantity: 300!

At present, the steel armor is classified, and the public has no knowledge of it.

Once the secrecy is lifted, Stark Industries' stock price is bound to skyrocket.

Tony, as the largest shareholder, can also become the richest man in the world from the richest man in the military industry, and Stark Industries can also become the world's most valuable company in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, the haze in Tony's heart was swept away, and he walked forward with a smile and became a peacemaker.

After taking the boss to visit the factory, everyone returned to the temporary conference room to discuss the details of cooperation.

After a while, Pepper came over and said, "Tony, the press conference is about to begin."

Stark Industries had such a serious accident yesterday, and it is necessary to give an explanation to the media.

As for the authenticity of this account, it is unknown.

Tony apologized to the bigwigs, then left the conference room to head to the makeshift press conference.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Pepper came over with a box of makeup and put powder on Tony's face to hide the scars.

Smelling the perfume on Pepper's body, Tony was a little distracted, and quickly picked up a newspaper to cover up his embarrassment.

The front page of the newspaper told the story of last night's battle.

The title of the article reads: [The hero who defeated Jason! Who is Iron Man? 】

There are also two photos printed below, one is Tony wearing steel armor, majestic and domineering.

The other picture shows Jason lying on the ground, covered in blood, with a big, hideous hole in his chest.

In this comparison, the visual effect of Iron Man defeating Jason came out.

"Haha, the name Iron Man is quite easy." Tony looked at himself in the photo and couldn't help but sneer: "It's a pity that this statement is not very strict, the armor shell is made of titanium alloy."

At this time, Roddy opened the door and walked in, handing him a few pieces of paper.

"Things have been arranged. The explosion of Stark Industries was caused by employee errors."

"As for the battle in the city center, it has nothing to do with you. You were partying on the yacht last night, and you had a conflict with people."

"Your injuries were caused by being beaten by the crowd. We found twenty witnesses at the scene."

Tony took the piece of paper, glanced at it briefly, and asked, "Group fight? I'm so annoying."

Roddy rolled his eyes, "Yes."


"Don't pay attention to these details, as long as you read it, the storm will soon subside."

After speaking, Roddy pushed open the door and left: "I'll go up and deal with it first, you'll come over in five minutes."

"Wait a minute, what about Iron Man?"

Roddy said: "Iron Man, he is an unsung hero."

Hearing this, Tony didn't know how to answer.

Do heroes deserve to be anonymous?

How can there be such a reason.


Five minutes later, to the sparse applause, Tony stepped onto the podium.

"Cough... um... I just read it... About what happened at Stark Industries last night..."

Offstage, a blond and blue-eyed **** female reporter interrupted:

"Mr. Stark, do you really think we're going to buy your account? One of your admirers made a steel armor and then beat Jason. Hollywood screenwriters can't think of such a plot..."

Tony frowned and said: "I know this sounds mysterious, you can also question the official statement, but please don't insinuate that I'm a superhero."

"No! I didn't say you were a superhero."

"Uh, no?"


Tony was stunned for a while, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Indeed, I'm not a superhero. I have so many personality flaws and cause so much trouble for everyone..."

Roddy couldn't listen to it anymore, so he leaned into Tony's ear and said, "Read it according to the manuscript."

"Oh, okay." Tony raised the manuscript in his hand, "The truth is..."

Do heroes deserve to be anonymous?

The question suddenly appeared in his mind.

Tony calmed down, thought silently for a few seconds, and then put down the manuscript in his hand.

"I am Iron Man!"

Add more!

Add more rules to say it again.

For every 100 monthly passes, if there are no 1000 recommended tickets, a single reward of 10,000 points will be added, and a new chapter will be added!

If you have an idea about the plot, or if you are unhappy, come to this chapter to comment.

From my perspective as an author, I cannot see the quality of the book, and I need readers to give me feedback.

Thank you readers!

(End of this chapter)

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